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Ahri·Support Guide

Essence TheftP
Orb of DeceptionQ
Spirit RushR
Win rate47.2%
Pick rate0.1%
Ban rate4.0%
Matches1 463-
Ahri Support has a 47.2% win rate and 0.1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Ahri Support, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Ahri Support guide!
Ahri Top
Ahri Jungle
Ahri Mid
Ahri Bot
Ahri Support
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Ahri Strengths & Weaknesses

Ahri’s Passive offers her extra sustain in lane which can help her survive even the toughest of matchups.

Thanks to Ahri’s CharmE, she has great pick potential throughout all stages of the game. Good times to look for aggressive plays are when the enemy ADC uses their dash or the enemy Support walks up to poke you.

In team fights, your mobility is quite formidable. With your Ultimate, you’re able to flank the enemy from the side, get a kill and then escape before anyone is able to catch you.


Ahri is quite vulnerable when her Ultimate is down. Play safer and avoid committing aggressive plays while it is on cooldown.

Ahri has multiple skill shots which makes her somewhat harder than many champions. Additionally, her CharmE hitbox isn’t the biggest, so it can be difficult to land.

Ahri can be difficult to play into team compositions with heavy CC. While she does have tools to help her dodge these abilities, she will be limited on how and when she can use her Ultimate. For example, she may have to wait for the enemy to use their CC tool before using her CharmE aggressively.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Ahri is Average

Once you hit level 6, look for all-in opportunities with your Ultimate. You can also start roaming at this time.

You are vulnerable and immobile pre-level 6. Consistently keep an eye on your position and constantly pivot around the lane to avoid skill shots and incoming damage. Once you’re level 6, you can start to play aggressive.

Focus on surviving the early levels. Avoid going for risky trades, and avoid throwing out your E unless you’re almost guaranteed to land it.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Ahri is Strong

During fights, always try to get to the enemy backline by flanking them from out of vision. A Sweeper may help you with that. If you can't do so, just keep chipping on the enemy frontline, till you can catch someone out with your CharmE.

Stick with your ADC throughout the mid parts of the game. You find it hard to one-shot an enemy unless they’re squishy and you’re ahead.

Set up ambushes with your team around the Dragon or Baron. Ahri can start fights and pick off players with her CharmE. Just make sure the bush isn’t warded.

Late game
25+ min
Ahri is Average

In late game team fights, you can either look to flank and pick someone off with your allies. This is a good way to play in the late game if you’re ahead. Just make sure you save 1 Ultimate stack to escape.

Alternatively, you can peel for your carries and keep them alive: using your CharmE on the closest target to your ADC and peeling for them.

The fog of war is your friend and you should use this to set up death brushes with your team. This works especially well when a major fight is going to take place for a neutral objective like the Baron. Also, try to take fights in closed areas like the Jungle, as it will let you hit multiple people with your Orb of DeceptionQ.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

At level 3, you will have access to all 3 of your basic abilities. This will allow you to go for favourable trades with the enemy.

Once you unlock your Ultimate, you can look for picks on the enemy laners to gain a lead. Do not over commit, and poke them down with your Orb of DeceptionQ before committing your Ultimate.

On your first back, you should have enough gold to buy your first component item. Once you’ve picked up this item, your damage output will increase heavily.

Mid game15 - 25 min

When Ahri hits level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. This offers her extra pick potential during the mid-game.

During the mid-game, Ahri will have lower cooldowns which can help her get picks with her team. Her CharmE will be on a shorter cooldown, which makes her an extra threat during this part of the game.

When Ahri hits level 9, she would’ve maxed her Orb of DeceptionQ out. When combined with your ADC’s damage, the pair of you will be a menacing threat during the mid-game.

Late game25+ min

In the late game, you should be near max build. You should be able to easily take down any champion who you might come into contact with. Set up ambushes and look to blow up an unexpecting enemy.

Once you’re level 16, you will have 3 points in your Ultimate. You can look for more aggressive plays and look for picks on overextended targets. It will be on a low cooldown in the late game, so don’t be afraid to go for risky picks as you can use it to escape if you miss your CharmE.

Ahri falls off in the late game as the enemy will be healthier, and most champions will buy defensive items to protect them. It is unlikely you will be able to burst down any frontline champions, but you can quite easily take down the enemy Support or ADC.

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