Braum·Support Guide
Win rate | 51.5% |
Pick rate | 6.4% |
Ban rate | 3.9% |
Matches | 106 472- |
Braum is strong whenever his Ultimate is up. It has good pick potential and can help you get kills. Each use of his Ultimate can result in a kill.
Braum is really good against melee champions, assassins and hard engage champions as he can CC them as soon as they engage with his Q and Passive.
He is really good in team fights thanks to his E and R. This makes him a really good Support as he can offer his carries tons of peel and protection.
Braum can get bullied down easily by ranged champions during the laning phase. You need to position appropriately at all times so you are not forced to recall or play safe.
Whenever Braum’s E is down, he and his ADC are vulnerable to attack. He shouldn’t be using his E unless he has too. Whenever it’s down he should play safer.
Braum relies more on his team than a lot of tank Supports. This is because he lacks an engage tool- even though his Ultimate can be used as a pick tool.
0 - 15 min
A very important power spike when he hits level two. This is because he can easily all-in unsuspecting enemies with his Q and W along with some help from his lane partner.
Another power spike is at level three as he gets access to all his abilities and can now both all-in and play defensively as the game requires him to play. His E damage mitigation is very powerful and provides immunity against projectiles that would otherwise go past him.
Major power spike on getting his Ultimate R as he can now disrupt entire team fights and can pick enemies with ease in the enemy Jungle. When combined with his Flash, he can also initiate fights with ease.
15 - 25 min
Roam around the map and look for picks with your R. If you can catch someone, call for a nearby objective and abuse their death timer.
Place vision around the mid lane and where ever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in.
Stick with your ADC throughout the mid-game. If you’re alone, you’ll be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they might try to collapse on them and kill them.
25+ min
As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight.
Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory.
In the late game, make sure you’re with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive. Stay towards the frontline so you can peel and block damage with your E for your carries.
Braum’s first power spike is when he reaches level 3. When he has access to all his basic abilities, he can start being more proactive and have some lane pressure. Up until that time, he can’t exactly do too much.
Braums next significant power spike is once he reaches level 6. Unlocking Braum’s Ultimate R is very important and once he reaches this power spike, he can start to actively look for all-ins with his ADC.
When Braum has upgraded his Boots, he can start to roam around the map. Getting an early pair of Boots and upgrading them will often give him lane priority which can help him roam before the enemy.
At level 11, Braum will put a second point in his Ultimate R. The extra damage and reduced cooldown are very beneficial for him during this stage of the game.
At level 9, Braum will max out his first ability. If he is maxing his Q first, he will be able to look for picks more frequently thanks to the lower cooldown.
Teams will start to group during the mid-game. This is good for Braum as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool that can knockup multiple champions.
Just like the mid-game, teams will be grouped during the late game. Braum is going to be very strong in late game team fights.
At level 13, Braum will max out his E. He will be able to speak up a lot of damage for his carries during the late game.
At level 16, Braum will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. It will be on a rather short cooldown which can allow him to start team fights on enemies who are caught out of position.