Gamer Performance Index Explained

The Gamer Performance Index (GPI) uses in-game data to analyze and improve player performance across several critical areas of competitive gaming.

While you focus on playing, we gather all your data and crunch it through our machine learning algorithms in order to give you a multifaceted assessment of your game.

Gamer Performance Index (GPI)
GPI Level 1 GPI Level 2 GPI Level 3

How does it work?

Our GPI scores eight critical areas of your play on a scale from 0 to 100. Using these scores, we’re able to define your play style and pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, our goal is to go above and beyond the simple statistical numbers that other sites give and provide you with personalized insights to level up your game.

Skill Distribution

If you are curious as to how your scores measure up to everyone else, the closer you are to zero the more like a Bronze player you are at that skill. On the opposite end, a score of 100 puts you at the top of your game, like the best Challenger players.

Remember that Lol is a complicated game – being able to farm like Doublelift doesn’t necessarily translate to playing like him.

Skill Breakdown

To understand more about your overall score and our eight main skills, check out how they are broken down below.


Fighting represents your performance and participation in team fights and skirmishes. It’s calculated based on your kills and assists, the damage you deal and receive, fight frequency, positioning, and decision making during trades and skirmishes.

why we focus on it

GPI skill hover

Measures your ability to perform well in 1v1 fights.

GPI skill hover

Measures your success in situations where you and your teammates attempt to kill a lone enemy.

GPI skill hover

Measures your ability to perform in 2v2, 2v3, 2v4, and 2v5 fights.

GPI skill hover

Measures your ability to perform in fights where each team has at least 3 or more players.

GPI skill hover

Measures your ability to do your job in fights relative to your role and the type of champions you play.

Stat Contribution

When you take resources like items and gold out of the equation, the true essence of the game is Fighting. It's the "meat" of the game - the part that separates the good from the great. It’s hard to be great at a game centered around engaging the enemy if you can’t hold your own!

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