
Rest's Abeyant Wish



Rest's Abeyant Wish
Rest's Abeyant Wish

Strand Titan build for PvE by RestAssured











Class Item


Stats Priority


Wish-KeeperExotic Combat Bow

Getting kills or landing precision hits will grant a stack of snareweaver. At max stacks, you can shoot a suspending arrow that can leave suspending traps. Deal more damage to suspended targets and gain faster draw time when damaging a suspended target.


Abeyant LeapExotic Leg Armor

Spawn two additional suspending projectiles that track more and have a longer range. Grant woven mail when you suspend a target.

How it Works

The goal of this build is to have every enemy suspended at all times.

With Wish-Keeper, you can build up stacks on kills or precision hits to shoot out a suspending shot. Next, Abeyant Leap will transform your aspect drengr’s lash to shoot out three lashes when you place your class ability to suspend enemies. Finally, your shackle grenade will have the ability to suspend enemies. With that, you have two abilities and your weapon able to suspend.

To keep those abilities up and running, the fragment thread of mind will grant you class ability energy upon killing a suspended enemy. This will work from any source of suspend that is listed above. Next is thread of generation, so any time you deal damage from any source, you generate shackle grenade energy. Suspend will even last longer from every source because of the fragment thread of continuity.

For survivability, the aspect into the fray will grant you woven mail whenever you destroy a tangle near you or pop your super. You can also be granted woven mail whenever you suspend a target with your exotic Abeyant Leap. Finally, whenever you pick up an orb, you are also granted woven mail because of the fragment thread of warding. While woven mail is active from any of these you will also generate frenzied blade energy so you can sever targets more often.

Your artifact will also be able to grant you unraveling rounds when picking up an orb. Pairing that with horde shuttle when you deal damage to the unraveled targets, you can spawn threadlings for additional damage. Finally, with dragon’s bite, when you break a shield with Wish-Keeper, you have a chance to suspend them, which will be the fourth and final way of suspending.

Since you can spam your class ability a lot, taking armor mods like dynamo for extra super energy or bomber for extra grenade energy is also extremely nice.

Gameplay Loop
  1. Use your class ability or grenade to suspend enemies
  2. Get precision final blows on suspended targets to grant stacks for Wish-Keeper
  3. Suspend enemies with Wish-Keeper and kill those for class ability energy
  4. Pick up orbs to grant woven mail and unraveling rounds
  5. Use shackle grenade if Wish-Keeper and class ability are on cooldown
  6. Chain suspend over and over to crowd control everything
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