This build was created by Seagull. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Ult McGinnis by Seagull". (BuildID: 23862)
Want to use McGinnis’s ultimate every 30 seconds and also drop massive heal stations for your team without relying on your gun for half the game? This build is for you!
It relies on heavy farming for the first 12 minutes prior to showing up in team fights with a massive power spike by rushing Diviner’s Kevlar.
Be sure to also check out our GunGinnis build.
Early Game
Buy all 500s in order to make the laning phase easy! Focus on walling off the enemy and punching to secure CS with the early regen items + heal station.
If you start struggling, don’t be afraid to sit by your tower and wait for health regen to kick in – early game kills don’t have much impact as long as you’re farming effectively.
Once you get your ult, Infuser + Ammo Scavenger gives you a 44 spirit ult early game which deals a ton of damage, so don’t be afraid to look for kills with it before 7 minutes.
Note: You must use Infuser BEFORE casting your ultimate in this build! Infuser cannot be used after casting your ultimate.
Once you make it to 7 minutes, push your lane and start clearing the T3 jungle camps with your ultimate before the wave comes back.
Mid Game (Kevlar Rush)
The goal is to get Diviner’s Kevlar by 12min. After taking a T3 camp, make sure you play EXTREMELY safe – you don’t want to drop 700-1000+ souls to an enemy this early in the game!
If you are missing slots, sell Ammo Scavenger before Infuser, and sell Extra Regen for green.
After getting Diviner’s Kevlar, you can start taking fights with your team. You are extremely powerful in teamfights as long as you’re not CC’d and can easily start stacking up kills. With both Infuser and Diviner’s Kevlar, you also have 40% Spirit Lifesteal if they get through your shields!
Stack CDR after Diviner’s Kevlar to get McGinnis’s ultimate down to 30s and fill out some basic spirit items (such as Mystic Vuln/Healbane) to increase our effective damage.
Since Spirit also scales our heal’s radius, picking up Improved Reach and Healing Booster is a natural fit for this build. You can commonly hit 2-3 players simultaneously in a fight, healing for 6% hp/s each while also giving them a massive fire rate steroid!
Late Game + Luxury Items
Escalating Exposure is key to scaling our damage into the late game, but optimally you want to stack its debuff prior to casting your ultimate for maximum value.
We can do so by getting turret items (Rapid Recharge + Heroic Aura) as our turrets can apply the debuff for us, but I prefer getting Alchemical Fire or Toxic Rounds (your choice) first as it’s cheaper to get online – either can work just fine though (and honestly, turret spam is hilarious)
Toxic Rounds’s dot provides great anti-tank value while also basically removing all healing (it has -65% heal reduction and stacks with Healbane’s -40%), and it’s pretty easy to apply with McGinnis’ gun, but only on one target at a time.
If you end up investing into turret items (Rapid Recharge + Heroic Aura) I’d recommend getting Colossus as it massively increases your turret’s health as well so they can survive the occasional AOE.
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McGinnis Guide
Check out our McGinnis Guide and Overview