Deadlock Shiv Build
Deadlock Build

Deadlock Shiv Build

By MobalyticsUpdated on Sep 14, 2024


This build was created by RinaVX. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Bleed Shiv by RinaVX"

Shiv is a strong bruiser and a bully. Since his passive gives us built in tankiness we can take favorable trades and whittle down our opponents setting up easy kills with our ult. This build maximizes that play style by focusing on bleed damage.

Early Game

  • First we buy Extra Charge, our main way of damage is to keep throwing daggers.

  • Then we buy Extra Regen and  Extra Health to sustain in the lane

  • And lastly we round out our damage with both Close Quarters and Restorative Shot.

We are looking to poke our opponents out and trying to survive lane until we get 2 points in Slice and Dice.

Extra Charge500
Extra Regen500
Spirit Strike500
Extra Health500
Restorative Shot500
Enduring Spirit500

Mid Game

  • Decay is our primary way to charge our Rage Meter and the strongest DoT we can afford in the early/mid game.

  • We can then improve our Daggers with both Mystic Vulnerability and Duration Extender.

  • Slowing Bullets and Mystic Shot both give us some extra spirit and the damage we need to get through the midgame.

  • Spirit Lifesteal and Spirit Armor help our tankiness.

Once the jungle spawns, we want to farm our core items and look to fight with Decay and our Daggers.

Duration Extender1250
Mystic Shot1250
Slowing Bullets1250
Mystic Vulnerability1250
Spirit Lifesteal1250
Spirit Armor1250

Late Game

  • Toxic Bullets has really good synergy with our playstyle.

  • Superior Duration, Rapid Recharge and Mystic Slow improve our Daggers even more.

  • Soul-Shredder Bullets both help us sustain and amplify our damage from the daggers, Decay and our Slice and Dice.

Rapid Recharge3000
Soul Shredder Bullets1250
Mystic Slow4250
Superior Duration3000
Toxic Bullets3000

Luxury Items + Situational Items

  • Warp Stone, Superior Stamina and Enduring Speed are good optional movement tools to help maneuver through fights.

  • Leech, Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor are the best ways to improve our tankiness.

  • Magic Carpet gives a new solid way to kite and keeps us in the fight.

  • Escalating Exposure is now our best offensive Tier 4 item, as it gives us the most damage. Start the exposure with Decay and Serrated Knives and then Slice and Dice will do enormous damage!

Improved Bullet Armor4250
Improved Spirit Armor3000
Warp Stone3000
Superior Stamina3500
Enduring Speed1750
Debuff Reducer1250
Escalating Exposure6200
Magic Carpet6200