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Deadlock Build

Vegas Viscous Gun Build

Updated on Sep 18, 2024
Sep 18, 2024


This build was created by Vegas. To find it in game, search for "Vegas Gun Build Mobalytics"

Viscous has a powerful gun that can excel when fire rate is stacked, this build looks to stack fire rate items combined with stealth items like veil walker and eventually Shadow Weave to transform into a surprisingly strong late game assassin

Early Game

  • Buy High Velocity Rounds and Ammo Scavenger first to farm efficiently and begin stacking stacks from Ammo Scavenger's passive to give us some strong poke in lane without wasting money on unnecessary items and saving our income for our core build.

  • After, buy Extra Regen this gives us some base HP and lots of sustain, bonus this also gives us some much needed ammo.
    After get Mystic Burst for stronger poke and pressure in lane

  • If the lane is very scrappy feel free to pick up Extra Health as well, this still works towards our main goal of weapon damage and wont set us back too far in the long run.

  • I like to pick up Sprint Boots as well to speed up our roaming and jungle clear and eventually upgrade these to Enduring Speed, but this isn't necessary yet.

High Velocity Mag500
Mystic Burst500
Ammo Scavenger500
Extra Health500
Sprint Boots500

Early to Mid Game

  • Next you pick up Combat Barrier and Kinetic Dash. The newly buffed Combat Barrier provides us with 28% fire rate and kinetic dash’s passive gives us another 25%, this is only 2500 gold and will drastically improve our dps and jungle clear while we save for our core 3k items Veil Walker and Hunter's Aura

  • Veil Walker gives us additional damage and much needed sustain as well as continuous refreshes on our Combat Barrier which is crucial to our kit and allows us to jungle quickly and without taking any real damage

Kinetic Dash1250
Combat Barrier1250
Reactive Barrier1250
Veil Walker3000

Mid Game

  • Hunter's Aura is the one key item for this whole build, our build revolves around fire rate so our base damage is very lacking and enemies with armor would otherwise survive our burst, Hunter's Aura solves this issue by shredding the enemies armor and fire rate allowing us to truly embrace the assassin role. 

  • Next look to pick up things like Swift Striker, Bullet Resist Shredder, and Quick Silver Reload (I bind this to the 1)

  • These three items are inexpensive and give us more fire rate and more armor shred to help us round out our kit while we look to save for our other important mid to late  game items

  • After you can look to upgrade High Velocity Mag to Headhunter and pick up Burst Fire with our first flex slot

Hunter's Aura3000
Burst Fire3000
Bullet Resist Shredder1250
Duration Extender1250
Swift Striker1250
Quicksilver Reload1250

Late Game

  • We can look to upgrade to buy Shadow Weave along with Duration Extender

  • This will essentially activate our kit as a true assassin and give us the opportunity to roam around the map undetected on the enemy backline and explode with an insane burst of fire rate, Duration Extender and eventually Superior Duration just increases the time of the buffs provided

  • Next up we will pick between Crippling Headshot or Lucky Shot, if the enemy is building to counter us and stacking armor crippling headshot will be needed, if not opt for Lucky Shot this item will provide a large DPS upgrade against squishier targets

Shadow Weave6200
Crippling Headshot6200
Lucky Shot6200
Superior Duration3000

Situational Items

  • If the enemy team has characters such as Shiv or Abrams who are vulnerable to anti heal, purchasing Decay can be very impactful.

  • If you are running into ammo problems or playing against high CC comps Reactive Barrier gives us a big boost in ammo and some survivability 

  • If the enemy team has a very strong Vindicta or Yamato and the game is very long I like to buy Curse

Enchanter's Barrier1250
Debuff Reducer1250
Enduring Speed1250