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Deadlock Build

Vegas Ball Viscous Build

Updated on Nov 20, 2024
Nov 20, 2024


This build was created by Vegas. To find it in game, search for "Vegas Ball Viscous Mobalytics" (BuildID: 159960)

Recently Viscous’ ball size was updated to scale with reach, bringing back the ball build, its surprisingly viable and this is how I build it.

Early Game

  • The same rules apply here as the other Viscous builds. Spirit Strike, Hollow Point Ward and Melee Lifesteal are going to be essential lane items.

  • Extra Charge and Mystic Reach can be really helpful for poking in lane.

  • As far as green items go I always pick up Enduring Spirit and Healing Rite. Healing Rite will eventually upgrade to Healing Nova, which is very valuable for this build.

  • Personal preference but I find buying Melee Charge and Close Quarters to be insanely high value and I try to melee as much as possible with this build, especially immediately after stunning someone with the ball you can cancel it and melee quickly for a big burst of damage.

  • This also boosts your nade damage via Spirit Strike, combining this with a right click with Mystic Reach, you have yourself a ridiculously high DPS combo!

Spirit Strike500 souls
Hollow Point Ward500 souls
Melee Lifesteal500 souls
Extra Charge500 souls
Mystic Reach500 souls
Enduring Spirit500 souls
Healing Rite500 souls
Close Quarters500 souls

Mid Game

  • This is where I like to upgrade Healing Rite into Healing Nova and buy Duration Extender. Tthis gives us more time in the ball as well as a longer stun from the ball itself.

  • Return Fire is going to be our most valuable defensive item for the price, the spirit it grants as well as the active itself is a must buy and deflects crazy amounts of damage while inside of ult.

  • If you have flex slots, Improved Cooldown and Mystic Burst/ Improved Burst are really high value items.

  • I like to buy Warp Stone at the same time I get my ball max level, this allows us to quickly redirect  when rolling in ball and pull of some strong combos.

Melee Charge1,250 souls
Mystic Shot1,250 souls
Duration Extender1,250 souls
Healing Nova1,750 souls
Return Fire1,250 souls
Improved Cooldown1,250 souls
Warp Stone3,000 souls
Improved Burst3,500 souls

Late Game

  • Hopefully this core is strong enough for us to save up for Magic Carpet. Magic Carpet makes our ball bigger, last longer, an additional tool to redirect and chain stun combos, and the ability to fly during ball to stun aerial targets, needless to say this item has crazy value and taking the time to save for it is absolutely worth it.

  • If you don't have the tempo to save for a 6k, you can look to upgrade to Superior Cooldown, Superior Duration or Improved Reach. These all will eventually need to be upgraded its just a matter of time and money.

  • Our best big ticket items for this build are Diviner's Kevlar and Colossus, depending on your needs to balance survivability/damage pick one of these up.

Magic Carpet6,200 souls
Improved Reach3,500 souls
Superior Duration4,250 souls
Superior Cooldown4,250 souls
Diviner's Kevlar6,200 souls
Colossus6,200 souls
Mystic Reverb6,200 souls

Situational Items

  • If the enemy team has characters such as Shiv or Abrams who are vulnerable to anti heal, purchasing Healbane can be very impactful.

  • If you are  playing against high CC comps Reactive Barrier gives us a big boost in ammo and some survivability 

  • If you find yourself doing lots of damage and not surviving pick up Spirit Lifesteal.

  • If you are solely dying to bullet carries like Haze or Wraith pick up Metal Skin.

  • Lastly, don't be afraid to pick up Bullet Armor or Spirit Armor when needed.

  • If the game is very late and the enemy carry is a flier, take the time to buy Phantom Strike.

Decay1,250 souls
Phantom Strike6,200 souls
Metal Skin3,000 souls
Debuff Remover4,250 souls
Healbane1,250 souls
Spirit Lifesteal1,250 souls

See Vegas Live on Twitch

Ability Point Order

splatterthe cubepuddle punchgoo ball
00 skill

00 skill

00 skill

00 skill
01 skill

02 skill

01 skill

02 skill

01 skill

05 skill

01 skill

02 skill

05 skill

05 skill

02 skill

05 skill

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