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Deadlock Build

Deadlock Dynamo Build

Updated on Nov 27, 2024
Nov 27, 2024


This build was created by Hydration. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Dynamo by Hydration" (BuildID: 17512)

Dynamo can be played in a variety of ways, this build focuses on hybrid itemization to keep up strength throughout the game. Dynamo's strength is in his laning phase and his ability to outduel anyone early to mid game.

Early Game

  • Buy High-Velocity Mag as your first item to help you secure and deny souls.

  • Then buy Headshot Booster, Close Quarters, Hollow Point Ward, Restorative Shot, Extra Health, Extra Charge, and Mystic Burst so that you are able to efficiently trade with your opponent.

  • Restorative Shot's healing combined with Sprint Boots regen and Rejuvenating Aurora should be enough to get you through the lane.

High-Velocity Mag500 souls
Headshot Booster500 souls
Hollow Point Ward500 souls
Restorative Shot500 souls
Extra Health500 souls
Extra Charge500 souls
Mystic Burst500 souls
Mystic Reach500 souls
Sprint Boots500 souls

Mid Game

  • Kinetic Dash is your first flex slot purchase, this will be turned into Arcane Surge later on.

  • Veil Walker is your first T3 item, this item allows you to roam and get better value out of Singularity.

  • Arcane Surge will be your next purchase, this item is insane when used correctly. Make sure to always activate it before using Singularityor Rejuvenating Aurora.

  • Warp Stone is a great pickup to help set up massive Singularitywhile also providing you extra mobility to get in or out.

  • Headhunter should be the first 3000 soul item that you buy in this build if you are ahead, this item is the definition of tempo, it falls off hard but the earlier you get it the better. Make sure to fill as many slots as possible before buying it.

  • After Headhunter, begin filling out flex slots with green items while upgrading your other T1 items into T3 items.

  • If behind in the mid game, consider investing into Singularity. Buy Improved Cooldown and Duration Extender. Can also think about upgrading Mystic Reach and the previous two items to their T3 version, making sure to imbue Singularity.

Kinetic Dash1,250 souls
Veil Walker 3,000 souls
Arcane Surge4,250 souls
Warp Stone3,000 souls
Healing Booster1,250 souls
Enduring Speed1,750 souls
Combat Barrier1,250 souls
Enchanter's Barrier1,250 souls
Duration Extender1,250 souls
Headhunter3,500 souls
Pristine Emblem3,500 souls
Improved Burst3,500 souls
Fortitude3,500 souls
Rapid Recharge3,500 souls
Improved Cooldown1,250 souls
Superior Duration4,250 souls
Superior Cooldown4,250 souls
Improved Reach3,500 souls

Late Game and Situational Items

  • Magic Carpet is your best engage item, while also having great stats for Dynamo.

  • After buying Magic Carpet, consider buying situational options or finish off the rest of the items in the other categories.

  • If you are somewhat behind and you feel like there is no chance for you to win, buy Unstoppable and Refresher. The true power of Dynamo lies in the fact that even when behind, one good Singularity is all you need to turn a game around.

Magic Carpet6,200 souls
Refresher6,200 souls
Unstoppable6,200 souls

See Hydration Live on Twitch

Ability Point Order

kinetic pulsequantum entanglementrejuvenating aurorasingularity
first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point
plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points
plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

Dynamo Guide

Check out our Dynamo Guide and Overview