Deadlock Dynamo Build
Deadlock Build

Deadlock Dynamo Build

By MobalyticsUpdated on Sep 16, 2024


This build was created by Hydration. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Dynamo by Hydration"

Dynamo can be played in a variety of ways, this build focuses on hybrid itemization to keep up strength throughout the game. Dynamo’s strength is in his laning phase and his ability to outduel anyone early to mid game.

Early Game

  • Buy High-Velocity Mag as your first item to help you secure and deny souls.

  • Then buy Close Quarters, Mystic Burst, Extra Charge, and Extra Health so that you are able to efficiently trade with your opponent.

  • Get Mystic Reach to make it easier to hit Kinetic Pulse.

  • Finish the Early Game section with Mystic Shot, this item allows you to have better poke and burst damage when going all in.

  • Buy Healing Rite if you or your laning partner are getting harassed a lot. This with Rejuvenating Aurora should be enough to get you through lane.

High-Velocity Mag500
Close Quarters500
Mystic Burst500
Extra Charge500
Extra Health500
Mystic Reach500
Headshot Booster500
Mystic Shot1250
Sprint Boots500
Healing Rite500

Mid Game

  • Health Nova is a great item to increase your roaming strength, keeping you and allies topped off without needing to go back to base.

  • Divine Barrier is another great item for roaming and early-mid game skirmishes.

  • Slowing Bullets and Bullet Resist Shredder makes you an unbeatable duelist that the enemy can’t run from.

  • Headhunter should be the first 3000 soul item that you buy in this build, this item is the definition of tempo, it falls off hard but the earlier you get it the better. Make sure to fill as many slots as possible before buying it.

  • After Headhunter, begin filling out flex slots with green items.

Health Nova1250
Divine Barrier1250
Slowing Bullets1250
Bullet Resist Shredder1250
Enduring Spirit1250
Healing Booster1250
Bullet Armor1250
Spirit Armor1250

Late Game

  • Rapid Recharge is the first priority, this item will let you outduel anyone in the mid game while also making sure you can contribute in longer fights.

  • I would only buy Improved Burst at this point if no one else on your team has it as it has a shared cooldown between allies.

  • Warp Stone is a great pickup to help set up massive Singularities while also providing you extra mobility to get in or out.

  • Upgrade armors if behind, if ahead get Point Blank.

  • Improved Reach isn’t necessary every game, but if you opt to buy it, imbue Singularity.

Rapid Recharge3500
Improved Burst3500
Warp Stone3000
Improved Bullet Armor3000
Improved Spirit Armor3000
Point Blank3000
Improved Reach3000

Situational and Luxury Items

  • Debuff Reducer or Debuff Remover are great options against teams with large amounts of debuffs and stuns.

  • If you are somewhat behind and you feel like there is no chance for you to win, buy Unstoppable and Refresher. The true power of Dynamo lies in the fact that even when behind, one good Singularity is all you need to turn a game around.

Debuff Reducer1250
Debuff Remover3000

See Hydration Live on Twitch

Ability Point Order

kinetic pulsequantum entanglementrejuvenating aurorasingularity
first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point
plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus 5 skill points