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Deadlock Build

Ult Dynamo Build by Sharky

Updated on Nov 26, 2024
Nov 26, 2024

Build Overview

This build was created by Sharky. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Ult Dynamo by Sharky" (BuildID: 164721)

The focus of this Dynamo build is revolving around coordinated teamplay such as ranked or competitive and is mainly building into the Singularity.

Early Game

  • The first 2 purchases of the lane phase Headshot Booster and High-Velocity Mag increase weapon damage and bullet velocity as dynamo has a low base velocity.

  • Next vitality items Extra Health and Sprint Boots for increased sustain and mobility.

  • Extra Charge and Extra Spirit for more damage and an extra Kinetic Pulse.

  • Lastly Mystic Reach for increased ability range and bullet resistance.

High-Velocity Mag500 souls
Headshot Booster500 souls
Extra Health500 souls
Sprint Boots500 souls
Extra Charge500 souls
Mystic Reach500 souls
Extra Spirit500 souls

Mid Game

  • One of the few mid game purchases before saving for tier 4 items would be Swift Striker for increased fire rate and Kinetic Dash for more consistent mobility and added fire rate.

  • Lastly Bullet Resist Shredder to combo with Kinetic Pulse extra damage and Enduring Speed for movement speed resistance.

Swift Striker1,250 souls
Bullet Resist Shredder1,250 souls
Enduring Speed1,750 souls
Kinetic Dash1,250 souls

Late Game

  • After purchasing all the mid game items saving for Refresher is crucial for this build, once it is bought the next options are Improved Reach on the Singularity for range increase and Warp Stone for mobility and damage which is important in closing gaps. 

  • As this build does not require alot of souls and farm the final purchase of this build Unstoppable to secure a longer duration Singularity allowing your team to captialize.

Refresher6,200 souls
Warp Stone3,000 souls
Unstoppable6,200 souls
Improved Reach3,500 souls

Situational Items

  • The best time to add Improved Bullet Armor and Improved Spirit Armor is situational depending how fast on enemy team scales but is usually purchased during the mid to late game.

  • Debuff Reducer or Debuff Remover are great options against teams with large amounts of debuffs and stuns, especially against Knockdown and Slowing Hex.

  • If not opting into armor an alternative would be Combat Barrier or Enchanter's Barrier.

Improved Bullet Armor4,250 souls
Improved Spirit Armor4,250 souls
Combat Barrier1,250 souls
Enchanter's Barrier1,250 souls
Debuff Remover4,250 souls

Ability Point Order

kinetic pulsequantum entanglementrejuvenating aurorasingularity
first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point
plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus 5 skill points

plus 5 skill points