Zenless Zone ZeroGuides

Zenless Zone Zero Ellen Guide – Skills, Builds, Teams, & More

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Zenless Zone Zero Ellen Joe Overview

Welcome to our Zenless Zone Zero character guide, where we cover everything you need to know about Ellen Joe.

Ellen Joe is an S-Rank Agent from the Victoria Housekeeping Company Faction, with the Ice Attribute and Attack Fighting Style. She is a Limited agent, meaning you can only get her from her specific character banner, which will be usable from July 4th to July 24th, 2024.

Ellen is an extremely strong DPS character and, as the first limited character to be available on release of the game, she is a perfect addition to your roster. Her single-target output is excellent and, with a heavy emphasis on her dodge mechanics, she has a solid learning curve to maximising her potential.

Ellen Portrait S.png


Zenless Zone Zero Victoria Housekeeping Logo.png

Victoria Housekeeping Company

Zenless Zone Zero sRank

S Rank

zzz ice.png




Ellen Skills/Abilities in Zenless Zone Zero

Basic Attack Zenless Zone Zero Basic Attack Button

Basic Attack – Saw Teeth Trimming

Press Basic Attack to activate.

Unleashes up to 3 attacks, dealing Physical DMG. Hold or repeatedly press Basic Attack during the 3rd attack to extend the attack duration.

Basic Attack – Flash Freeze Trimming

While Flash Freeze is in effect, press Basic Attack to activate.

Launch up to 3 attacks at enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Each attack consumes 1 point of Flash Freeze Charge. Hold or repeatedly press Basic Attack during the 3rd attack to extend the attack duration.

Dodge Zenless Zone Zero Dodge Button

Dodge – Vortex

Press Dodge to activate.

A rapid dash dodge.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

When Perfect Dodge is triggered, Ellen gains the Quick Charge effect, reducing the charge time of Dash Attack: Arctic Ambus, lasting up to 5 seconds or until it triggers.

Dash – Roaming Hunt

Hold or double-press Dodge to activate.

Enter the Roaming state, allowing dash movement.

In the Roaming state, use the joystick to control Ellen’s direction, and release to stop.

Ellen is invulnerable for a brief time after activation.

Dash Attack – Arctic Ambush

While in the Roaming state, press Basic Attack to activate.

Delivers a spinning slash to enemies before opening her scissors for a swift scissor attack, dealing Ice DMG.

Gain 1 point of Flash Freeze Charge when the swift scissor attack hits.

While in the Roaming state, hold Basic Attack to activate.

Perform a spinning slash against the enemy, then pull apart the scissors to unleash a charged scissor strike, dealing massive Ice DMG.

Gain 3 points of Flash Freeze Charge when the charged scissor attack hits. If the enemy is Frozen, it always triggers Shatter.

Anti-Interrupt level is increased while charging the skill, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.

Ellen becomes briefly invulnerable during the skill.

Flash Freeze

When Ellen has Flash Freeze Charges, the Flash Freeze effect is activated. Once Flash Freeze activates, Basic Attacks and Dash Attacks expend Flash Freeze Charges dealing massive Ice DMG. Ellen can have up to a maximum of 6 Flash Freeze Charges.

Dash Attack – Monstrous Wave

Press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate.

Launches a dashing slash attack at enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Dash Attack – Cold Snap

While Flash Freeze is in effect, press Basic Attack during a dodge to activate.

Launches a dashing slash attack at enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG.

Consumes 1 point of Flash Freeze Charge.

Dodge Counter – Reef Rock

Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate.

Rapidly move through enemies with open scissors for a cutting strike, dealing Ice DMG.

Character is invulnerable during the attack.

Special Attack Zenless Zone Zero Special Attack Button

Special Attack – Drift

Press Special Attack to activate.

Use a quick tail sweep attack in front, dealing Ice DMG.

Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack – Tail Swipe

When Ellen has enough Energy, press Special Attack to activate.

Perform a forceful tail whip attack that deals massive Ice DMG.

Gain 1 Flash Freeze Charge upon striking an enemy.

After executing the move, you can directly follow up with the 3rd-hit of a Basic Attack.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

EX Special Attack – Sharknami

After activating EX Special Attack: Tail Swipe, press Special Attack when Ellen has enough Energy to activate a series of powerful slashes forward, dealing massive Ice DMG.

Gain 1 Flash Freeze Charge upon hitting an enemy.

After executing the move, you can directly follow up with the 3rd-hit of a Basic Attack.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Chain Attack Zenless Zone Zero Ultimate Button

Chain Attack – Avalanche

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate.

Crash down from above and unleash an ice storm, dealing massive Ice DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate – Endless Winter

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press Chain Attack to activate.

Crash down from above and unleash an ice storm before a powerful scissor strike, dealing massive Ice DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Core Skill Zenless Zone Zero Core Passive

Core Passive – Sharp-Toothed

When Ellen launches a charged scissor strike during Dash Attack: Arctic Ambush, or consumes a Flash Freeze Charge to activate Basic Attack: Flash Freeze Trimming, the skill’s CRIT DMG is increased by 50%.

Additional Ability – Rising Storm

When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:

When Ellen deals Ice DMG, subsequent Ice DMG increases by 3% for 10s. This effect can stack up to 10 times, and repeated triggers reset the duration.

Reactive Assist – Shark Sentinel

When the character on the field is knocked back, press Perfect Assist to activate.

Speedily move through the enemy with open scissors for a cutting strike, dealing Ice DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

When the character on the field is launched, move the joystick and press Perfect Assist to activate.

Enter the Roaming state, enabling dashing movement.

While roaming, use the joystick to change directions and release to stop.

Character is invulnerable briefly when triggering the skill.

Upon triggering a Reactive Assist, Ellen gains the Quick Charge effect, shortening the charging time of Dash Attack: Arctic Ambush, lasting up to 5s or until it triggers once.

Defensive Assist – Wavefront Impact

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Perfect Assist to activate.

Carries the enemy’s attack, dealing massive Daze.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up – Shark Cruiser

Press Special Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate.

Charge and slash enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Repeatedly press or hold Basic Attack during the attack to extend the duration of the skill.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ellen Talents

A Glacial Omen: Upon hitting an enemy with a quick scissor strike during Dash Attack: Arctic Ambush, the obtained Flash Freeze Charges is increased to 3. When hitting an enemy with a charged scissor strike, the obtained Flash Freeze Charges is increased to 6. For each point of Flash Freeze Charge spent, Ellen’s CRIT Rate is increased by 2% for 15s, stacking up to 6 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
B Arctic Ocean Predator: The 3rd hit of Basic Attack: Flash Freeze Trimming can be directly followed up with EX Special Attack: Sharknami. For each point of Flash Freeze Charge when using an EX Special Attack, the current attack’s CRIT DMG is increased by 20%, up to a max of 60%.
C Overtime-Intolerant: Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
D Endless Hoarfrost: Whenever a squad member Freezes or Stuns an enemy, Ellen gains 6 Flash Freeze Charges and the Quick Charge effect, and recovers 4 Energy. The Energy recovery effect can trigger once per 10s.
E Adequate Sleep: Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
F The Feast Begins: When an EX Special Attack or Dash Attack: Arctic Ambush hits an enemy, Ellen’s PEN Ratio increases by 30% for 6s.

Zenless Zone Zero Ellen Build Guide Overview

Ellen Joe Build
W-Engine Drive Disc
  • Deep Sea Visitor
  • The Restrained
  • Woodpecker Electro (4)
    Polar Metal (2)
  • Polar Metal (4)
    Puffer Electro (2)
Main Stat Substats
  • (4) Crit Rate%/Crit DMG%
  • (5) PEN%
  • (6) Anomaly Rate
  • Crit Rate % or Crit DMG
  • PEN
  • ATK %
  • Attribute Mastery

Ellen has two possible builds and, while the stats stay the same between them, they both focus on ensuring she can output as much damage as possible in her burst windows.

Ellen Best W-Engines


Deep Sea Visitor

ATK: 46/713 | Crit Rate: 9.6%/24%

Increases Ice DMG by 25%. Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, the equipper’s CRIT Rate increases by 10% for 8s. When dealing Ice DMG with a Dash Attack, the equipper’s CRIT Rate increases by an additional 10% for 15s. The duration of each effect is calculated separately.


The Restrained

ATK: 46/684 | Impact: 7.2%/18%

Increases Ice DMG by 20/25/30/35/40%. Basic Attack DMG and Daze increases by 12/15/18/21/24%.

Deep Sea Visitor plays perfectly into Ellen’s Dodge-focused kit, with so many possibilities for dealing Ice DMG and gaining the buff and turns Ellen’s primary build into a pure crit-focused damage output build.

The Restrained works well with both builds and is overall just a flat damage increase to Ellen’s output.

Ellen Best Drive Discs

Disk Drive Woodpecker Electro S.png

Woodpecker Electro

(2): Increases CRIT Rate by 8%.

(4): Triggering a critical hit with a Basic Attack, Dodge Counter or EX Special Attack increases the equippers ATK by 9% for 6s. The buff duration for different skills are calculated separately.

Disk Drive Polar Metal S.png

Polar Metal

(2): Increases Ice damage dealt by 10%.

(4): Upon hitting a Frozen enemy or triggering Shatter, reduce the struck target’s Ice RES by 28% for 8s. This effect does not stack.

In this setup, Woodpecker Electro’s 4-set is permanently active due to Ellen’s kit and, with enough Crit Rate %, will essentially just be a flat ATK% buff. We then take Polar Metal’s 2-set bonus for the increase to Ellen’s Ice DMG.

Disk Drive Polar Metal S.png

Polar Metal

(2): Increases Ice damage dealt by 10%.

(4): Upon hitting a Frozen enemy or triggering Shatter, reduce the struck target’s Ice RES by 28% for 8s. This effect does not stack.

Disk Drive Puffer Electro S.png

Puffer Electro

(2): Increases PEN Ratio by 10%.

(4): Increase DEF by 10% for every 10 Energy owned.

This build is mainly only taken in instances where enemies have high resistance levels and Ellen’s damage would otherwise be dampened massively. We take Polar Metal’s 4-set for the Ice RES reduction, along with Puffer Electro’s 2-set for the same reason, simply to cut down enemy resistances.

Ellen Drive Disc Stats

Ellen’s reason for existing in a team is to output damage and her stats are built as such – we simply want to stack as many damage-increasing stats as we can.

Main Stats

  1. Crit Rate % or Crit DMG %
  2. PEN %
  3. Anomaly Rate %

We take PEN% for both builds rather than ATK% as it will be more useful to Ellen’s output, especially as you start getting to more challenging enemies. You can take ATK% rather than PEN% if you are speed-farming easier enemies and don’t need to get through high resistance levels.


  1. Crit Rate % or Crit DMG %
  2. PEN
  3. ATK %
  4. Attribute Mastery

Regardless of which build you use, the sub-stat priority stays the same, and focuses around damage output.

Ellen Skill Priority

Once the game releases, we’ll update this section. In general, leveling up an Agent’s Core Passive is the most effective, as this levels up their Core Passive, Additional Ability, and Assist Moves.

Ellen Teams for Zenless Zone Zero

The ideal setup for Ellen revolves around a combination of Ice agents, in this case Soukaku and another Housekeeper, Lycaon. Her Core Skill Additional Ability grants her a damage bonus by having Ice agents in the team.

Beyond this Ice synergy, the previous iteration of Ellen saw “Slash” synergies which no longer exist, that allowed her to gain an extra stack of Flash Freeze before entering roaming mode, but this has since been baked into her baseline kit. With that in mind, you should focus on finding a solid 2-agent synergy outside of Ellen’s kit if you don’t have either Soukaku or Lycaon, but still want to use Ellen.

If you only have one of them, look for a support to replace Soukaku or a CC-focused character to replace Lycaon, but it won’t be as powerful as the triple ice team.