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Best Heroes in Overwatch 2: Tier List Rankings (Season 11)

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Overwatch 2 Tier List Rankings – The Best Heroes

In this tier list, we’ve got you covered with the best heroes in Overwatch 2.

We’ve updated our tier list for Season 11 and its latest balance changes.

Let’s dive in!

If you play other shooters be sure to also check out our Apex Legend Tier List or Marvel Rivals tier list.

Here are our rankings for the best heroes in Overwatch 2:

Tier Overwatch 2 Tier List
  • Damage: Tracer, Pharah, Cassidy, Echo
  • Tank: Reinhardt, Mauga, Sigma
  • Support: Lucio, Kiriko, Baptiste
  • Damage: Ashe, Genji, Reaper, Sojourn, Symmetra
  • Tank: Winston, D.Va, Roadhog
  • Support: Illari, Brigitte, Ana
  • Damage: Soldier: 76, Torbjorn, Venture, Sombra, Mei, Hanzo, Junkrat
  • Tank: Ramattra, Junker Queen, Doomfist, Zarya, Wrecking Ball
  • Support: Mercy, Lifeweaver
  • Damage: Widowmaker, Bastion
  • Tank: Orisa
  • Support: Moira, Zenyatta

For a visual reference of our Overwatch 2 tier list, check out our infographic below:

best heroes in overwatch 2 tier list (season 11)

Note that the heroes are organized by difficulty for new players/beginners who haven’t tried them yet.

Orange represents a high/hard skill floor, Blue represents an average skill floor, and Green represents a low/easy skill floor.

Overwatch 2 Tier List Commentary

As always with our tier lists, we want to highlight that we believe that the player always matters more than the character you play as.

If you have an off-meta main that is working for you, by all means, no need to switch! Keep rocking it.

This list is more to understand if one of your characters is favorable in the current meta, or to help players that have run into a plataeu.

Quick Notes

Season 11 Notes

The Season 10 Armor Health rework carries over unchanged into Season 11. The way armor decreases damage has been reverted to how armor worked in OW1.

The Dev notes read:

“Armor health has been reverted to provide a flat damage reduction of 5 per projectile, up to a maximum of 50% damage reduction”.

For the duration of OW2 armor damage reduction was 30% per hit of damage. This makes abilities like shotguns, fast-fire guns, and fast-ticking weapons far worse against armor while simultaneously making abilities with high damage per instance much stronger.

  • Examples of fast-fire low damage: Bastion ;
  • Example of high damage: Rein hammer swing, Cassidy Primary, and Secondary fire.)

In light of this, Reaper and D.Va both received shotgun spread buffs with the S11 update.

The tank passive for knockback reduction was increased from 30% – 50%, and the universal no-damage healing passive has been changed to 10 hp /sec + 5% of maximum health, which means larger health pool heroes like tanks can self-heal way faster now.

Lastly, tanks also have been given a 25% headshot damage reduction further increasing their survivability.

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Since you’re here, there’s a good chance that you already know the core differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

If not, know that there are some kit adjustments across the hero cast. Be sure to know what has changed for your hero pool before diving into ranked.

The other major change to know is that now, there are five players instead of six (sorry to all you sixth men and women out there). This means that there are now one tanks instead of two.

Although it depends on the comp and the map, in general, this means that there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of crowd control and shields in the game.

There will be less instances of just defaulting to deathball teamfights and more instances of skirmishes and duels that happen.

How tiers work

In S-tier, you’ll find the best heroes in Overwatch 2 which will be very present in almost all maps and comp combinations.

A-tier heroes are still great choices but tend to be present for fewer maps than S-tier characters in pro play. However, in some situations, A-tier characters might shine more than S-tier characters.

In B-tier, we’re continuing the trend of heroes that have lower overall presence and are even more specialized. Some heroes here are just worse versions or downgrades of heroes in a similar niche above them (such as Ashe usually being the better choice over Cassidy).

Lastly, we have the Situational batch of heroes in the C-tier section. These heroes are rarely seen in comparison to their peers and are usually pulled out for specific halves or holds on a very small pool of maps. If you’re having success with them, by all means, keeping playing them.

The Best Damage (DPS) Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Tier List
S Tracer, Pharah, Cassidy, Echo
A Ashe, Genji, Reaper, Sojourn, Symmetra
B Soldier: 76, Torbjorn, Venture, Sombra, Mei, Hanzo, Junkrat
C Widowmaker, Bastion

When Pharah’s rework first launched, she was different but not any more effective. After the hitbox reworks and now with the Armor health rework, Pharah is exploding the DPS category with flying colors.

A Mercy pocket is no longer required and is a suboptimal pairing at this point. Staying alive without a pocket is easily doable when utilizing her insane movement abilities. Even in top 500 Pharrah is dominating and has become extremely difficult to elim.

Cassidy Rework

After a few seasons of promised change, Cassidy finally gets his rework! Magnetic Grenade now functions the same as his OW1 Flashbang but keeps the Hindered effect instead of a stun. Overall, Deadeye is a bit weaker, but his ult has never been a strong point for Cassidy so this hasn’t had a significant negative impact on his power level.

Practically uncontested in the mid-range and the most dangerous hero to dive, Cassidy remains decidedly top-tier after the rework.

The Best Tank Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List
S Reinhardt, Mauga, Sigma
A Winston, D.Va, Roadhog
B Ramattra, Junker Queen, Doomfist, Zarya, Wrecking Ball
C Orisa

The Armor Health rework from Season 10 greatly benefitted Reinhardt. His power level has been steadily rising the last few patches and S11 nerfed even more abilities that counter Rein. Roadhog has been further nerfed, shifting the tank battle in Reinhardt’s favor.

A HUGE buff to Earth Shatter is Kiriko’s Protection Suzu nerf that no longer cleanses the stun. We have probably the strongest season for Reinhardt in the entire life of OW2.


Mauga’s damage output is simply unmatched. To dominate games with the Samoan warrior, you only need to have good tracking and know when to use Cardiac OD to enable your team’s aggression.

The long-range damage from using single-chain gun firing is also the strongest tank answer to all the Pharrahs and Echos flying around this season. When facing off against Reinhardts and Sigmas, be sure to save Cardiac for opportunities when they can’t mitigate your damage and completely nullify the life steal.


Reinhardt! Reinhardt! Reinhardt! Finally after season after season of the hammer-swinging rectangle man basically being a throw pick, Rein is back to being a strong tank pick. His 300 armor health, speaks for itself in light of the armor rework.

Similar to Winston, Reinhardt has become instantly more resistant to counterpicks who had been previously melting through his shield and health. Every ability; Rocker Hammer, Fire Strike, and Charge, are all way, way stronger against armored heroes.

Recently, Earth Shatter also got a distance buff which enables more plays against the enemy team backlines and a higher average number of enemies stunned. Crucially, we are seeing more Kiriko’s hit with Shatter preventing them from using cleanse to counter the stun effect.

The Best Support Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Support Tier List
S Lucio, Kiriko, Baptiste
A Illari, Brigitte, Ana
B Mercy, Ana, Illari, Lifeweaver
C Moira, Zenyatta
Lucio and Kiriko

It seems nothing can stop these two from being meta-picks in OW2. Kiriko is definitely weaker this Season, but remains a top 3 support pick. If your team has a Mauga, Kiri is still a must-pick.

With Reinhardt being so strong now, Lucio’s already best-in-class performance is even greater! Team mobility and being able to move his presence around to every engagement gives Lucio the #1 support spot for season 11.


Bap pairs really well with every meta tank in season 11. Better than practically every DPS hero at taking out Pharrah, Support players have no reason to ever complain about their DPS teammates for not taking out the flying menace. AoE healing is really strong in all the rush comps we’ll be seeing until a major patch changes things.

Want to dominate the meta for other games? Check out all our other Mobalytics tier lists.