Overwatch 2 Tier List Rankings – The Best Heroes
In this tier list, we’ve got you covered with the best heroes in Overwatch 2.
We’ve updated our tier list for Season 15 and its latest balance changes.
Let’s dive in!
If you play other shooters, be sure to also check out our Apex Legend Tier List or Marvel Rivals Tier List.
Here are our rankings for the best heroes in Overwatch 2:
Tier | Overwatch 2 Tier List |
S |
A |
B |
C |
Note that the heroes are organized by difficulty for new players/beginners who haven’t tried them yet.
Orange represents a high/hard skill floor, Blue represents an average skill floor, and Green represents a low/easy skill floor.
Overwatch 2 Tier List Commentary
As always with our tier lists, we want to highlight that we believe that the player always matters more than the character you play as.
If you have an off-meta main that is working for you, by all means, no need to switch! Keep rocking it.
This list is more to understand if one of your characters is favorable in the current meta, or to help players that have run into a plateau.
Perked Up
Hero Perks have officially been added to Overwatch 2 for Season 15! Some perks further increase the specialized strength of a hero, while other perks are meant to cover a weakness. Throughout a match as you unlock Minor and Major perks, players can now customize a hero to their playstyle preference.
Damage, healing, and eliminations are the primary ways for you to gain Perk progress.
Losing perk progress also has been a nerf to counterswapping. Having to give up powerful perks makes players more hesitant than ever to swap mid-match and counterpick your hero. An important mechanic to remember when swapping is that individual heroes don’t lose perk progress if you swap back to them.
Some perks are so strong that their addition has drastically changed the power level of the heroes with the best perks.
Current Meta
The introduction of Perks has massively shaken up the meta. Zen and Bastion, who were the weakest heroes in their roles, have both shot up to high tier picks! Currently, the meta is revolving around heroes with the best perks, but who are still decently strong in the beginning of the match as well.
Ana stands out as arguably the best hero in the game right now primarily due to her overturned Perks. Heroes who pair well with her and can get a lot of value from Nano Boost are performing extremely well this season.
Overall, Season 15 has seen a huge increase in mobility. Multiple heroes have additional charges of movement abilities and others have brand new verticality which allows them to challenge or escape to high ground. Perks have evened out the power level of most heroes. We consider every hero to be viable this season with the right perk selection and strategy. Those in the bottom tier are notably weaker than the rest of the roster, but even they can find success in the right hands!
Depending on the map, dive and rush comps are the two go-to strategies this season and are by far the superior team comps.
Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1
Since you’re here, there’s a good chance that you already know the core differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2.
If not, know that there are some kit adjustments across the hero cast. Be sure to know what has changed for your hero pool before diving into ranked.
The other major change to know is that now, there are five players instead of six (sorry to all you sixth men and women out there). This means that there is now only one tank instead of two.
Although it depends on the comp and the map, in general, this means that there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of crowd control and shields in the game.
There will be less instances of just defaulting to deathball teamfights and more instances of skirmishes and duels that happen.
How tiers work
In S-tier, you’ll find the best heroes in Overwatch 2, which will be very present in almost all maps and team comp combinations.
A-tier heroes are still great choices but tend to be present on fewer maps than S-tier characters in pro play. However, in some situations, A-tier characters might shine more than S-tier characters.
In B-tier, we’re continuing the trend of heroes that have lower overall presence and are even more specialized. Some heroes here are just worse versions or downgrades of heroes in a similar niche above them (such as Ashe being the better hitscan choice over Soldier: 76).
Lastly, we have the Situational batch of heroes in the C-tier section. These heroes are rarely seen in comparison to their peers and are usually pulled out for specific map areas or by character specialists. If you’re having success with them, by all means, keep playing them.
The Best Damage (DPS) Heroes
Tier | Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Tier List |
S | Sojourn, Torbjörn, Tracer, Pharah |
A | Echo, Bastion, Ashe, Genji, Symmetra, Cassidy, Venture |
B | Widowmaker, Mei, Soldier: 76, Reaper, Sombra, Junkrat |
C | Hanzo |
While not as oppressive as the launch iteration of Sojourn, the Perked Up Railgun user is the DPS defining the Season 15 meta. Overcharged is one of the most overpowered DPS Perks and makes her hands down the best sniper in OW2. Good luck trying to eliminate her once she gains her double slide Perk. Sojourn is the perfect combination of lethality and evasiveness.
If needing to land a headshot with the slow charging Railgun sounds like too much work, you are in luck. Torbjörn is a meta pick for the first time in Overwatch 2’s history! Both Major Perks buff his Turret and are totally busted. Looks like Bliz took some advice from Marvel Rivals because Torb’s Turrets can stick to walls and become empowered just like Namor’s turrets. Also, dumping and entire clip of shotgun ammo into the enemy Tank then popping Overload for the instant reload forces every tank back because the burst damage is ridiculous.
The Best Tank Heroes
Tier | Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List |
S | Winston, Zarya, Sigma |
A | D.Va, Junker Queen, Ramattra, Doomfist |
B | Wrecking Ball, Hazard, Reinhardt, Mauga, Orisa |
C | Roadhog |
Any map with a lot of high ground is seeing tons of Winston mirror matches. He’s the best Tank at both enabling and shutting down the meta DPS and Supports. His Minor Perk, Heavy Landing, makes Monkes who were already good at Primal juggles even more lethal. Depending on your matchups, either of his Major Perks can be really strong. Diving in with a Tracer or Genji, and giving them healing and shielding from his Revitalizing Barrier makes countering dives very difficult.
Zarya is the ranked demon terrorizing every rank. With her new ability to rocket jump almost twice as high as usual, she finally has some counter play against her primary weakness. Where you were previously safe from Zarya on any elevated area, now you need to be on a high ground outside of her boop jump range. Her real power lies in her two major Perks, Energy Lance and Spotter. When you need to solo carry, go for the piercing beam. When you have good allies on dive heroes, Spotter Projected Barrier has unreal impact.
The Best Support Heroes
Tier | Overwatch 2 Support Tier List |
S | Ana, Kiriko |
A | Brigitte, Lucio, Moira, Juno, Zenyatta |
B | Baptiste, Illari, Mercy |
C | Lifeweaver |
The best Minor Perks of any hero. They come online super fast, so you don’t have to wait long to become the carry. Double Nade bounce is better as an instant fight win ability, but landing a Sleep with the slow debuff is the best anti-dive ability around. If you really want to assert your mechanical superiority, go for critical hits and be the DPS Ana you’ve always dreamed of. A Perk that literally doubles the effectiveness of Nano by boosting herself and her ally cannot be overrated. Nano was already one of the best ults in the game and now two people have it instead of one.
No need to stop attacking when using Fortune Teller Perk that shoots out healing every time you land a Kunai. Kiri’s APM is off the charts this season. Min-maxing her damage and healing while never dying will be the key to her success. Eliminating her has always been a challenge, but now with a double TP, diving Kiri is practically hopeless.
Want to dominate the meta for other games? Check out all our other Mobalytics tier lists.