Teamfight TacticsReveals

TFT Set 9 – Runeterra Reforged: Legends Guide

TFT Set 9 Mechanic: Legends Guide

Set 9 is looking to refresh the game in a big way, and the new Legend mechanic is a big part of that.

The new Legend system builds upon the Augment system to give players more agency in their games. This way, players can feel a bit more in control about how their games go and lower the feeling of variance a bit.

In this short guide, I’ll cover how Legends work, and all of the Region Portal effects we know so far.

How Legends Work

TFT Set 9 Legends

Legends are a new system consisting of 15 different “Legends” that you can pick from before the game starts, similar to picking a Little Legend.

This Legend will guarantee that one of the Augments you are given in game is predetermined. You won’t know what tier of augment you get, but you have control over what “type” of Augment you get.

An example will best illustrate this. Let’s take a look at the Legend, Aurelion Sol:


  • Silver – Cutting Corners: Leveling up costs 2 XP less
  • Gold – Patient Study II: After player combat, gain 2 XP if you won or 4 XP if you lost. You can now reach Level 10.
  • Prismatic – Level Up!: When you buy experience points, gain an additional 11. You can reach level 10.

If you select Aurelion Sol as your Legend, on the 2-1 Augment selection, one of your Augments will be from this list. If the game gives out Silver Augments, you will have “Cutting Corners” as one of your Augments guaranteed. If it’s a Gold Augment, you’ll get Patient Study II, and so on.

With this system you are able to pick a Legend that suits how you want to play the game, and you won’t be forced to play a game that you won’t enjoy. You will still get other Augments to choose from, so you don’t have to pick your Legend Augment every game, but having it as a safety net can help you enjoy playing TFT more.

Every Legend in TFT

Here is a list of all the Legend effects we know about for 2-1. There may be effects for Augments in other stages, like 3-2, or 4-2, but for now, here’s a list of the 2-1 Augments and Legends.

Ornn 2-1

  • Silver – Latent Forge: After 7 Player Combats gain an Ornn Item Anvil
  • Gold – Portable Forge: Gain an Ornn Item Anvil
  • Prismatic – Living Forge: Gain a random Ornn item now and after every 10 player combats

Tahm Kench 2-1

  • Silver – AFK: You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 18 Gold
  • Gold – Rich Get Richer: Gain 12 gold, Your maximum interest is increased to 7
  • Prismatic – Hedge Fund: Gain 20 gold, you have no interest cap

Veigar 2-1

  • Silver – Jeweled Lotus I: Combat Start: Your strongest unit gains 15% critical strike chance and their spells can critically strike.
  • Gold – Jeweled Lotus II: Your Spells can critically strike. Gain 15% critical strike chance
  • Prismatic – Jeweled Lotus III: Your Spells can critically strike. Gain 40% critical strike chance

Draven 2-1

  • Silver – Spoils of War I: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a 25% chance to drop booty.
  • Gold – Spoils of War II: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a 50% chance to drop more booty
  • Prismatic – Spoils of War III: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a chance to 45% drop amazing booty

Pengu 2-1

  • Silver – Tiny Titans: Your tactician gains 30 health, grows larger, and has 130 maximum health
  • Gold – Metabolic Accelorator: Your tactician moves faster and heals 2 health after a pvp round
  • Prismatic – Tiniest Titan: Your tactician is small and fast, heals 2 health after a pvp round, and grants 2 gold per round

Urf 2-1

  • Silver – Branching Out: Gain a random emblem and a reforger
  • Gold – Ancient Archives I: Gain 1 tome of traits
  • Prismatic – Ancient Archives II: Gain 2 tome of traits and 8 gold

Aurelion Sol 2-1

  • Silver – Cutting Corners: Leveling up costs 2 XP less
  • Gold – Patient Study II: After player combat, gain 2 XP if you won or 4 XP if you lost. You can now reach Level 10.
  • Prismatic – Level Up!: When you buy experience points, gain an additional 11. You can reach level 10.

Master Yi 2-1

  • Silver – Pumping Up I: Your team gains 5% AS. Each round, increase this by 0.5%.
  • Gold – Pumping Up II: Your team gains 5% AS. Each round , increase this by 1%.
  • Prismatic – Pumping Up III: Your team gains 10% AS. Each round, increase this by 2%.

Ezreal 2-1

  • Silver – Buried Treasures I: At the start of the next 2 rounds, gain a random component
  • Gold – Buried Treasures II: At the start of the next 3 rounds, gain a random component
  • Prismatic – Buried Treasures III: At the start of the next 5 rounds, gain a component anvil

Lee Sin 2-1

  • Silver – On a Roll: Free reroll after 2*
  • Gold – Trade Sector: Gain a free refresh each turn
  • Prismatic – High End Sector: Gain 1 additonal gold each round. When you level up, gain free shop refreshes equal to your level.

Vladimir 2-1

  • Silver – Transfusion I: Your team gains 60 HP plus 2 more for each missing little legend HP
  • Gold – Transfusion II: Your team gains 70 HP plus 4 more for each missing little legend HP
  • Prismatic –  Transfusion III: Your team gains 120 HP plus 6 more for each missing little legend HP

Twisted Fate 2-1

  • Silver – Pandora’s Items: Gain a random component. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician’s Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
  • Gold – Pandora’s Items II: Gain 2 random components. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician’s Crown, Spatula, and consumables).
  • Prismatic – Pandora’s Radiant Box: Gain 1 random Radiant Item. At the start of each round, items on your bench are randomized (excluding Tactician’s Crown, Spatula, and consumables).

Bard 2-1

  • Silver – Caretaker’s Ally: Random 2* 3 cost on level 6
  • Gold – Caretaker’s Favor: At 6 gain 2 components, at 8 gain 3 more.
  • Prismatic – Caretaker’s Chosen: At level 5 and level 9, gain a Radiant armory

Poro 2-1

  • Silver – N/A
  • Gold – N/A
  • Prismatic – N/A

Caitlyn 2-1

  • Silver – Ones Two Three: Gain a random 2-star one cost, and a random 1-star two and three cost
  • Gold – Stars are Born: The first tier 1 unit and tier 2 unit you buy are upgraded to 2*.
  • Prismatic – Starter Kit: Gain a random 4 cost, an item they can use, and a 2* 1 cost that shares a trait with them. Gain the 4 cost again at the start of the next 2 stages.


That wraps up our quick guide on the new Legend mechanic in TFT. This new mechanic is definitely a positive for everyone as getting an Augment you enjoy is important for the game.

You can argue that the variance leads to more skill expression, but having less games where you feel absolutely shafted by RNG is a positive for me.

The Legend system will also be nice for exploring certain Augments that you want to try and improve at. You can play a more greedy or aggressive style based on your Legend and improve your game accordingly.

Hope this guide was helpful, and if you want some more insight on Set 9, you can check out our other links as well:

To learn about the new TFT Set, head to our all-in-one Teamfight Tactics Set 9 reveal page that covers all champions, traits, and more!