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Magic N’ Mayhem: TFT Set 12 New Augments

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TFT Set 12 New Augments

TFT Set 12 is just around the corner, and with it comes over 140 new Augments.

Ever since Set 6 introduced Augments, TFT has introduced Augments into every set update. Some sets change things up a bit, like Set 8 with Hero Augments, and others refresh the pool of Augments.

While Set 12 isn’t focused on Augments, they are adding a new type of Augment this time: High Stakes Augments.

As expected, many of these values and Augments will be based on the PBE. Frequent changes will come to the Augments, and you can find an updated list of Augments on our website.

TFT Set 12 High Stakes Augments Explained

High Stakes Augments are a new category of Augments being introduced in TFT Set 12.

These Augments provide powerful rewards, but with a high cost. This introduces the high risk, high reward playstyle that many TFT players love.

The original Fortune trait debutted back in TFT Set 4: Fates

This design change moves the “Fortune” playstyle away from traits, and toward Augments instead. This adds more flexibility in what champions you can play with this strategy, rather than being limited to a specific trait.

There are other High Stakes Augments as well, challenging players to fulfill tough conditions to receive powerful rewards.

TFT Set 12 Hero Augments Return

“Hero Augments” are also returning to Set 12. These are Gold Augments that turn regular units into potential carrys. While it’s not a full return of the Hero Augment system, these Augments make way for more reroll comps than what is normally viable.

TFT Set 12 All Augments List

Here’s a rundown of all the Augments in Set 12. For easier reference, we’ll be splitting the Augments up into different sections. Instead of the usual, Silver, Gold, and Prismatic, we’ll break it down by the different Augment types.

High Stakes Augments

Augment Description
A-Golden-Quest-IIIA Golden Quest Prismatic: When you start the turn with at least 161.8 gold, gain a 2-star 5-cost equipped with items.
An-Upgraded-Adventure-IIIAn Upgraded Adventure Prismatic: After upgrading 4 units to 3-star, gain a magnificent reward. Gain 4 1-cost units.
Fortune-Favors-The-Bold-IIFortune Favors
the Bold
Gold: Whenever you win player combat, get a loot orb. Contents improve for each consecutive loss before the win.
Trait-Tracker-IITrait Tracker Gold: The first time you end player combat with 7 different traits, gain 5 random emblems.

Hero Augments

Title Description
Dejavu_II.TFT_Set12Deja Vu Gold: Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio gains 3 range and gains 15 Mana and 8 Ability Power per attack. His spell deals 150% damage but no longer Stuns or reduces damage.
Dejavu_II.TFT_Set12Deja Vu+ Gold: Gain a 2-star Galio. Your strongest Galio gains 3 range and gains 15 Mana and 8 Ability Power per attack. His spell deals 150% damage but no longer Stuns or reduces damage.
HighHorsepower_II.TFT_Set12High Horsepower Gold: Gain a 2-star Lillia. Your strongest Lillia gain 100% Attack Speed and 75% Move Speed. Her Ability deals 235% bonus damage, but only hits 1 target.
MoltenCaramel_II.TFT_Set12Molten Caramel Gold: Gain a Rumble. Your strongest Rumble’s Ability does 166% damage and costs 30 less Mana but no longer reduces damage.
MoltenCaramel_II.TFT_Set12Molten Caramel+ Gold: Gain a 2-star Rumble. Your strongest Rumble’s Ability does 166% damage and costs 30 less Mana but no longer reduces damage.
SpiderQueen_II.TFT_Set12Spider Queen Gold: Gain a 2-star Elise. Your strongest Elise’s Ability no longer Stuns but poisons the target and the 2 closest enemies to take 110% of the Ability damage. Her spell costs 20 less Mana.
SpinToWin_II.TFT_Set12Spin To Win Gold: Gain 2 Wukongs. Your strongest Wukong’s Ability scales with Attack Damage instead of resistances. He gains 30% Attack Damage and 30% Attack Speed after each cast.
SweetTooth_II.TFT_Set12Sweet Tooth Gold: Gain a Nunu. Your strongest Nunu gains 200 health and deals 3.5% bonus damage for every 100 max health. When Nunu kills an enemy with his spell, he gains 45 permanent Health and grows slightly larger.
SweetTooth_II.TFT_Set12Sweet Tooth+ Gold: Gain a 2-star Nunu. Your strongest Nunu gains 200 health and deals 3.5% bonus damage for every 100 max health. When Nunu kills an enemy with his spell, he gains 45 permanent Health and grows slightly larger.
WitchyWallops_II.TFT_Set12Witchy Wallops Gold: Gain a 2-star Poppy. Your strongest Poppy’s Ability no longer shields but strikes 3 times, dealing 80% of the original damage.
ZapAttack_II.TFT_Set12Zap Attack Gold: Gain a 2-star Blitzcrank. Your strongest Blitzcrank becomes supercharged, dealing magic damage to 2 nearby enemies every 4 seconds and on every Ability cast.

Trait Augments

Title Description

AggressivePreservation_II.TFT_Set12Aggressive Preservation

Gold: Your Preservers always gain both health and Mana. Preservers deal 15% increased damage. Gain a Bard and a Zilean.
ArcaneConduit_II.TFT_Set12Arcane Conduit Gold: The Chosen Arcana gains 6% Health and 15% Attack Speed for each unique Arcana champion fielded.
BeestFriends_II.TFT_Set12Bee-st Friends Gold: Honeymancers gain +1 starting Bee. When they jump to a new Honeymancer, the Honeymancer gains a 20% max health Shield. Gain a Blitzcrank and a Kog’Maw.
CaramelizedComforts_II.TFT_Set12Caramelized Comforts Gold: For each component equipped, Sugarcrafters gain 50 Health and 8% chance to drop 1 gold on each kill. Gain a Soraka and a Rumble.
Cauterize_II.TFT_Set12Cauterize Gold: Pyromancer auto attacks deal +3 magic damage for every 2 cinders collected.
DefensiveArts_II.TFT_Set12Defensive Arts Gold: Incantor spell damage reduces enemy damage by 10% for 2 seconds. At max Incantor stacks, Incantors gain 10 Mana every 2 seconds. Gain a Ziggs and a Syndra.
DraconicMastery_II.TFT_Set12Draconic Mastery Gold: Dragons deal 15% increased damage to burning enemies. Burning enemies deal 12% less damage to Dragons. Gain a Shyvana and a Nomsy.
EndlessHunt_II.TFT_Set12Endless Hunt Gold: Hunters gain 8% Attack Damage for every takedown. Gain a Twitch and a Kog’maw.
EternalGrowth_II.TFT_Set12Eternal Growth Gold: Shapeshifters that start combat next to another Shapeshifter gain 30 permanent health. Gain an Elise and a Jayce.
FastForward_II.TFT_Set12Fast Forward Gold: After casting an ability, Chronomancers gain 30% Attack Speed and 15% Omnivamp for 3 seconds. Gain a Jax and a Zilean.
FrostyFrontline_II.TFT_Set12Frosty Frontline Gold: The Frost trait additionally grants 1 placeable Frost Statue equipped with Eternal Winter that gains health for each Frost trait tier. The first time it would die, it instead regenerates over 6 seconds if an ally is alive. Gain a Warwick and a Zilean.
HigherEducation_II.TFT_Set12Higher Education Gold: Every time your Scholars spend 100 mana, all Scholars gain 10% stacking Attack Speed.
PortalDeliveryService_II.TFT_Set12Portal Delivery Service Gold: Gain a Galio and a Zoe. At the start of each round, gain a random 1-3 cost Portal champion.
Potions201_II.TFT_Set12Potions 201 Gold: Witchcraft curses last forever. Witchcraft Abilities also curse the nearest uncursed champion. If all units are cursed, Witches gain 20% Attack Damage and Ability Power. Gain a Poppy and a Cassiopeia.
PracticePartners_II.TFT_Set12Practice Partners Gold: Whenever a Mage casts a spell, they grant 4 mana to the nearest ally. Gain a Soraka and a Galio.
PresstheAttack_II.TFT_Set12Press the Attack Gold: Your Multistriker’s attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every third stack deals true damage equal to 5.5% of the target’s maximum Health. Gain a Kassadin and an Ashe.
RaidBoss_II.TFT_Set12Raid Boss Gold: Your strongest Bastion gains 20% Health. When other Bastions die, they transfer 20% of their Armor and Magic Resist to it. Gain a Nunu and a Poppy.
RoyalGuard_II.TFT_Set12Royal Guard Gold: Every 3 seconds, all Faeries restore 6% max health and the Faerie queen gains 1.5% AD/AP per other surviving Faerie. Gain a Lillia and a Tristana.
SchoolMascot_II.TFT_Set12School Mascot Gold: The Eldritch summon is equipped with beneficial items. The summon gains an additional 10% Health and 25 Ability Power. Gain an Elise and a Syndra.
ShieldsUp_II.TFT_Set12Shields Up Gold: Shields on Vanguards are 20% stronger. When shielded, Vanguards are immune to crowd control for 6 seconds. Gain a Rumble and a Blitzcrank.

Flexible Augments

Title Description
All-That-Shimmers-IIAll That Shimmers Gold: Open an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain a Magnetic Remover. Your max interest is increased to 7.
All-That-Shimmers-IIAll That Shimmers+ Gold: Open an armory of gold generating Artifact items. Gain 4 gold and a Magnetic Remover. Your max interest is increased to 7.
OopsAllRageblades_III.TFT_Set12Anger Issues Prismatic: All your current and future Completed items transform into Guinsoo’s Rageblades that grant 35 Armor and Magic Resist. Each stack also grants 1% Attack Damage and Ability Power.
AssassinsToolbox_III.TFT_Set12Assassin’s Toolbox Prismatic: Gain a Collector. In 3 rounds, gain a Prowler’s Claw.
Avenge-The-Fallen-IIAvenge the Fallen Gold: After 3 allies die, your team gains 15 Attack Damage, Ability Power, and Armor and Magic Resist.
Beggars-Can-Be-Choosers-IBeggars can be Choosers Silver: You have 2 extra augment rerolls for all other augment choices. Gain X gold.
Blossoming-Lotus-IBlossoming Lotus I Gold: Your team’s Abilities can critically strike. Every 3s, your team gains 4% Critical Strike chance.
Blossoming-Lotus-IIBlossoming Lotus II Prismatic: Your team’s Abilities can critically strike. Every 3s, your team gains 8% Critical Strike chance.
Called-Shot-ICalled Shot Silver: Set your win streak to +5. Gain a random component (2-1 only).
Category-5-IICategory 5 Gold: Gain a Runaan’s Hurricane. Your Runaan’s Hurricanes fire 1 additional bolt; each bolt dealing 95% of the original damage.
Clockwork-Accelerator-IIClockwork Accelerator Gold: Your team gains 6% Attack Speed every 4 seconds.
Combat Bandages I Silver: The first time each ally unit falls below 50% health, restore 300-600 health over 2 seconds.
combat bandages augment

Combat Bandages II

Gold: The first time each ally unit falls below 50% health, restore 175-400 health over 2 seconds.
DarkAlleyDealings_III.TFT_Set12Dark Alley Dealings Prismatic: Gain a Suspicious Trenchcoat. In 3 rounds, gain an Unstable Treasure Chest.
DualPurpose_III.TFT_Set12Dual Purpose Prismatic: “The first time you buy experience each round, gain 2 gold. Whenever you buy experience, refresh your shop.”
Duo-Queue-IIDuo Queue Gold: Gain 2 random 5-cost champions and 2 copies of a random component.
Explosive-Growth-IIExplosive Growth Gold: Gain 8 experience a round for the next 4 rounds.
Explosive-Growth-IIExplosive Growth+ Gold: Gain 10 experience a round for the next 4 rounds.
Final-Resistance-IFinal Resistance Silver: Whenever an ally dies, 30% Shred and Sunder the nearest 4 enemies for 6 seconds.
Flexible-IIIFlexible Prismatic: Gain 1 random emblem. At the start of every Stage, gain a random emblem. For each emblem equipped, your team gains 40 health.
Giant-And-Mighty-IIIGiant and Mighty Prismatic: Your team gets larger, gaining 350 Health and +5% max Health.
HardCommit_III.TFT_Set12Hard Commit Prismatic: Gain a random Emblem. Now and after each carousel round, gain a 1-star unit of that trait with a cost equal to the Stage + 1 (max 5).
Head-Start-IHead Start Silver: Gain 3 2* 1-cost units. Disable your shop for the next 3 rounds.
High-Voltage-IIHigh Voltage Gold: Gain an Ionic Spark. Your Spark’s range is increased by 1 hex, and they deal 50% more damage.
ImtheCarrynow_III.TFT_Set12I’m the Carry now Prismatic: Get a sentinel with tailored offensive items that upgrade as the game progresses.
Immovable Object Prismatic: Gain a Randuin’s Omen. Its range is increased by 1 hex and its effect is increased by 50%.
Invested-IIIInvested Prismatic: Gain 16 gold. At the start of every round, gain 1 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 100 gold).
Invested+ Prismatic: Gain 26 gold. At the start of every round, gain 1 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 100 gold).
Invested++ Prismatic: Gain 36 gold. At the start of every round, gain 1 reroll for every 10 gold above 50 gold (max 100 gold).
Item-Collector-IItem Collector I Silver: Your units gain 20 Health. Your team gains 10 Health and 1 AD/AP for each craftable, non-duplicate item equipped (up to 10).
Item-Collector-IIItem Collector II Gold: Your units gain 40 Health. Your team gains 15 Health and 2 AD/AP for each craftable, non-duplicate item equipped (up to 10).
ItemLadder_I.TFT_Set12Item Ladder Silver: Planning phase start: gain a random item that lasts for 1 round. Item quality increases based on stage level.
Mentorship-IMentorship I Silver: If an ally starts combat next to a higher-cost ally, they gain 12% Attack Speed and 150 Health.
Mentorship-IIMentorship II Gold: If an ally starts combat next to a higher-cost ally, they gain 18% Attack Speed and 220 Health.
On-The-House-IOn The House Silver: Whenever you star up a unit gain 1 gold.
Patience-Is-A-Virtue-IPatience Is a Virtue Silver: If you didn’t purchase a champion last turn, gain 1 free reroll. Repeats each round.
Pilfer_II.TFT_Set12Pilfer Gold: Gain 5 gold. At the start of each round, gain a 1* copy of the first unit you killed last round.
Placebo_I.TFT_Set12Placebo Silver: Your team gains 1% attack speed. Gain 10 gold.
Placebo+ Silver: Your team gains 1% attack speed. Gain 15 gold.
Precise Planning Silver: If you win or lose combat by 3 or less units, gain 2 gold at the start of the next round.
Replication-IIReplication Gold: Choose 1 of 3 components. For the next 2 rounds, gain another copy of that component.
RestartMission_I.TFT_Set12Restart Mission Silver: Delete all champions on your board and bench. Gain 2 random 2-star 3-costs, two 2-star 2-costs, and a 2-star 1-cost champion.
Reinforced-Rejuvenation-IRow Rejuvenation I Silver: Gain 8% Omnivamp, increased by 1% for each champion that starts combat in the same row.
Reinforced-Rejuvenation-IIRow Rejuvenation II Gold: Gain 12% Omnivamp, increased by 1.5% for each champion that starts combat in the same row.
Shimmerscale-Essence-IIIShimmerscale Essence Prismatic: Gain a Diamond hands. In 5 rounds, gain a Gamblers Blade.
Spellblades-IISpellblades Gold: Whenever one of your units casts, their next auto attack deals bonus damage equal to 100% of their total AP.
SpellcastersToolbox_III.TFT_Set12Spellcasters Toolbox Prismatic: Gain a Lich Bane. In 3 rounds, gain a Manazane.
Subscription-Service-IIISubscription Service Prismatic: Now and at the start of every stage, open a shop of four 4-costs and gain 2 gold.
Support-Sentinel-ISupport Golem I Gold: Gain a Golem equipped with a random Support Item.
Support-Sentinel-IISupport Golem II Gold: Gain a Golem equipped with 2 random Support Items.
Thorn-Plated-Armor-IIThorn-Plated Armor Gold: Gain a Bramble Vest. Champions holding a Bramble Vest gain 100% of their bonus armor as AD.
Transfiguration-IITransfiguration Gold: Gain a random component. For every 3 Charms purchased this game, gain another component (max 4).
Two-Tanky-IITwo Tanky Gold: When you field exactly two copies of a champion, they both gain 550 health. When one of the units dies, the other unit gains a 40% max health Shield for 6 seconds. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
UnleashtheBeast_II.TFT_Set12Unleash the Beast Gold: Gain a Sterak’s Gage. When its effect triggers, the unit gains 30% attack speed and immunity to crowd control for 10 seconds.
Upward-Mobility-IIIUpward Mobility Prismatic: Buying experience costs 1 less. When you level, gain 1 health and 1 free reroll.
Vertically-Inclined-IIVertically Inclined Gold: Your team deals 10% more damage. Deal 16% more damage if you have less active traits than your enemy.
Worth-The-Wait-IIWorth the Wait Gold: Gain a random 1-cost unit. After 4 rounds, gain a copy of that unit at the beginning of each round for the rest of the game.
Worth-The-Wait-IIIWorth the Wait II Prismatic: Gain a random 2-cost. After 2 turns, gain a copy of that 2-cost at the beginning of the round for the next 8 rounds.

Crest & Crown Augments

Title Description
Crest_Arcana_II.TFT_Set12Arcana Crest Gold: Gain an Arcana Emblem and an Ahri.
Crown_Arcana_III.TFT_Set12Arcana Crown Prismatic: Gain an Arcana Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Ahri.
Crest_Bastion_II.TFT_Set12Bastion Crest Gold: Gain a Bastion Emblem and a Nunu.
Crown_Bastion_III.TFT_Set12Bastion Crown Prismatic: Gain a Bastion Emblem, a Steadfast Heart, and a Nunu.
Crest_Artillerist_II.TFT_Set12Blaster Crest Gold: Gain a Blaster Emblem and a Tristana.
Crown_Artillerist_III.TFT_Set12Blaster Crown Prismatic: Gain a Blaster Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Tristana.
Crest_Time_II.TFT_Set12Chrono Crest Gold: Gain a Chrono Emblem and a Zilean.
Crown_Time_III.TFT_Set12Chrono Crown Prismatic: Gain a Chrono Emblem, an Archangel’s Staff, and a Zilean.
Crest_Eldritch_II.TFT_Set12Eldritch Crest Gold: Gain an Eldrich Emblem and a Nilah.
Crown_Eldritch_III.TFT_Set12Eldritch Crown Prismatic: Gain an Eldrich Emblem, a Bloodthirster, and a Nilah.
Crest_Faerie_II.TFT_Set12Faerie Crest Gold: Gain a Faerie Emblem and a Tristana.
Crown_Faerie_III.TFT_Set12Faerie Crown Prismatic: Gain a Faerie Emblem, a Giant Slayer, and a Tristana.
Crest_Winter_II.TFT_Set12Frost Crest Gold: Gain a Frost Emblem and a Zilean.
Crown_Winter_III.TFT_Set12Frost Crown Prismatic: Gain a Frost Emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Swain.
Crest_Bee_II.TFT_Set12Honeymancy Crest Gold: Gain a Honeymancy Emblem and a Nunu.
Crown_Bee_III.TFT_Set12Honeymancy Crown Prismatic: Gain a Honeymancy Emblem, a Gargoyle Stoneplate, and a Nunu.
Crest_Hunter_II.TFT_Set12Hunter Crest Gold: Gain a Hunter Emblem and a Kog’Maw.
Crown_Hunter_III.TFT_Set12Hunter Crown Prismatic: Gain a Hunter Emblem, a Runaan’s Hurricane, and a Kog’Maw.
Crest_Incantor_II.TFT_Set12Incantor Crest Gold: Gain an Incantor Emblem and a Syndra.
Crown_Incantor_III.TFT_Set12Incantor Crown Prismatic: Gain an Incantor Emblem, a Jeweled Gauntlet, and a Syndra.
Crest_Mage_II.TFT_Set12Mage Crest Gold: Gain a Mage Emblem and a Galio.
Crown_Mage_III.TFT_Set12Mage Crown Prismatic: Gain a Mage Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Galio.
Crest_Weaponmaster_II.TFT_Set12Multistriker Crest Gold: Gain a Multistriker Emblem and a Kassadin.
Crown_Weaponmaster_III.TFT_Set12Multistriker Crown Prismatic: Gain a Multistriker Emblem, a Quicksilver, and a Kassadin.
Crest_Portal_II.TFT_Set12Portal Crest Gold: Gain a Portal Emblem and a Kassadin.
Crown_Portal_III.TFT_Set12Portal Crown Prismatic: Gain a Portal Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Kassadin.
Crest_Preserver_II.TFT_Set12Preserver Crest Gold: Gain a Preserver Emblem and a Zilean.
Crown_Preserver_III.TFT_Set12Preserver Crown Prismatic: Gain a Preserver Emblem, a Nashor’s Tooth, and a Bard.
Crest_Pyrokinesis_II.TFT_Set12Pyro Crest Gold: Gain a Pyro Emblem and an Akali.
Crown_Pyrokinesis_III.TFT_Set12Pyro Crown Prismatic: Gain a Pyro Emblem, an Infinity Edge, and an Akali.
Crest_Scholar_II.TFT_Set12Scholar Crest Gold: Gain a Scholar Emblem and an Ahri.
Crown_Scholar_III.TFT_Set12Scholar Crown Prismatic: Gain a Scholar Emblem, a Guardbreaker, and an Ahri.
Crest_Shapeshifter_II.TFT_Set12Shapeshifter Crest Gold: Gain a Shapeshifter Emblem and a Shyvana.
Crown_Shapeshifter_III.TFT_Set12Shapeshifter Crown Prismatic: Gain a Shapeshifter Emblem, a Redemption, and a Shyvana.
Crest_Sugarcraft_II.TFT_Set12Sugarcraft Crest Gold: Gain a Sugarcraft Emblem and a Rumble.
Crown_Sugarcraft_III.TFT_Set12Sugarcraft Crown Prismatic: Gain a Sugarcraft Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rumble.
Crest_Vanguard_II.TFT_Set12Vanguard Crest Gold: Gain a Vanguard Emblem and a Rumble.
Crown_Vanguard_III.TFT_Set12Vanguard Crown Prismatic: Gain a Vanguard Emblem, a Protector’s Vow, and a Rumble.
Crest_Warrior_II.TFT_Set12Warrior Crest Gold: Gain a Warrior Emblem and an Akali.
Crown_Warrior_III.TFT_Set12Warrior Crown Prismatic: Gain a Warrior Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and an Akali.
Crest_Witch_II.TFT_Set12Witchcraft Crest Gold: Gain a Witchcraft Emblem and a Cassiopeia.
Crown_Witch_III.TFT_Set12Witchcraft Crown Prismatic: Gain a Witchcraft Emblem, a Hextech Gunblade, and a Cassiopeia.

Returning Augments

Title Description
AFK Silver: You cannot perform actions for the next 3 rounds. Afterwards, gain 18 Gold.
Spoils of War I Silver: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a 25% chance to drop loot.
Spoils of War II Gold: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a 50% chance to drop more loot.
Spoils of War III Prismatic: When you kill an enemy unit, there’s a 25% chance to drop amazing loot.
What the Forge Prismatic: Completed items you own (except Tactician’s Crown and Emblems) are transformed into random Artifacts. Champions gain 100 Health per equipped Artifact.

Thanks for Reading! For a complete overview on the new set, check out our all-in-one TFT Set 12 Reveal.