Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 14 Guide: How to Play Golden Ox

 hHow to Play Golden Ox — TFT Set 14: Cyber City

Golden Ox not to be mixed up with the infamous Ox Force is a new trait in Set 14. This is a new economy trait in this set where it benefits from kills which give Damage Amp and gold.

This means it isn’t a lose to giant cash out trait but instead wants to be a strong, high tempo comp. It will be a snowbally trait where if someone gets going it will be hard to stop them.

Explore all of the new Set 14 traits here!

How TFT Golden Ox Works

golden ox trait

Golden Ox Trait Bonus

Golden Ox gain Damage Amp and have a chance to drop gold on kill. If you spend gold on reroll or XP in a single turn, permanently increase their Damage Amp and the gold required for the next bonus. Reroll count double towards gold spent.

  • (2) 18% DA, 20% gold
  • (4) 20% DA, 30% gold
  • (6) 22% DA, 50% gold

Golden Ox Synergy

Here are the additional traits of the Golden Ox champions that give the opportunity to create trait webs:

  • Allistar (1G) – Bruiser
  • Graves (2G) – Executioner
  • Jarvan IV (3G) – Vanguard + Slayer
  • Annie (4G) – A.M.P.
  • Aphelios (4G) – Marksman
  • Viego (5G) – Soul Killer + Techie

The Golden Ox Trait

As mentioned above Golden Ox is a tempo related trait. If you played Set 13, it has a lot of similarities to Warwick’s hunger or Spoils of War where it can easily put you behind if you have a weak board, but if your board is strong it can easily snowball you throughout the game.

This trait also ha mas multiple 4 costs and 5 cost units which means it likely has a higher cap and can be played for a while into the game.

TFT Golden Ox Champions

Alistar (1G) – Bruiser

TFT Set 14 Alistar

[Link to Champion Page]

Alistar is a low cost bruiser who has a passive where he reduces all incoming damage by (AP). In the past, reducing flat damage this way through AP has been strong. Previous versions of Tahm Kench come to mind.

His active is to deal (AP) magic damage to the current target and stuns them for 2 seconds. Alistar has strong utility through this stun while only being a bruiser and will find his way onto a lot of boards.

Graves (2G) – Executioner

TFT Set 14 Graves

[Link to Champion Page]

Graves has his buckshot where his passive he fires 5 projectiles in a cone that deals (AD) physical damge each – he casts every 2 attacks. His active dashes next to the target and quickly fires 2 empowered shells that deal additional (AD & AP) physical damage per projectile. This makes Graves a potential early game carry for the Golden Ox trait.

Jarvan IV (3G) – Vanguard + Slayer

TFT Set 14 Jarvan IV

[Link to Champion Page]

Jarvan has great tags through Vanguard and Slayer where he offers utility through his ability where he strikes the most enemies in a semi-circle, gains an (AP) shield for 4 seconds plus (AP) per enemy hit.

He deals (AD) physical damage to enemies hit and reduces their armor for the rest of combat. This armor reduction makes the early game easier for Golden Ox and Slayer comps as this ability can sweep whole teams.

Annie (4G) – A.M.P.

TFT Set 14 Annie[Link to Champion Page]

Annie’s ability is Goldilocks. She throws a fireball at the current target that deals (AP) magic damage and splits between the target and two nearby enemies that deal additional (AP) magic damage.

Every four casts she summons Tibbers next to the current target dealing (AP) magic damage to enemies within one hex. This makes any one of the main carries in the golden ox comp. She’ll be a unit that when you find her you want to play around in order to farm as much gold as possible.

Aphelios (4G) – Marksman

TFT Set 14 Aphelios[Link to Champion Page]

Aphelios’ ability, Moonlight Vigil fires, a moon blast at the largest group of enemies that deals (AD & AP) physical damage to enemies within two hexes.

He equips a Chakram, plus one more for each enemy hit by the blast the lasts for 6 attacks and has (AD) bonus physical damage. This makes him one of the primary carries of this comp as well as for Marksman too.

Viego (5G) – Soul Killer + Techie

TFT Set 14 Viego[Link to Champion Page]

Viego’s ability, Holoblade has a passive that when he dies, he absorbs their soul and heals for a certain certain amount of health. His active he jumps to the largest clump of enemies within two hexes dealing (AP) magic damage to plus (AP) magic damage to other enemies within two hexes.

He also shreds for 20% to all enemies for four seconds. Viego will be the crown jeweled in this comp as well as Techie. Techie offers a lot of utility for Viego as he reduces the damage output of everyone he does damage to which will be very powerful especially in the late game.

Thanks for reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 14, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 14 Reveal Page.