Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Multistriker

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How to Play Multistriker — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

Welcome to our trait guide, where we’ll be covering the new Set 12 TFT trait: Multistriker.

In this guide, we’ll explain how Multistriker works, cover the different champions, provide notable Augment choices, and cover some potential team comps.

Explore all of the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Multistriker Works

TFT Set 12 Multistriker

Multistriker Trait Bonus

Multistrikers’ attacks have a chance to trigger 2 additional attacks.

  • (3) 30% chance
  • (5) 50% chance
  • (7) 65% chance; heal 2% max Health on every attack
  • (9) 100% chance; heal 5% max Health on every attack

Multistriker is a trait we’ve seen before, sometimes with a different name like Blademaster. There is generally always a Class that has some form of Attack Speed buff, and Multistriker does it through a percent chance to trigger additional attacks.

With this trait, scaling extra Attack Speed with items like Nashor’s Tooth or Guinsoo’s Rageblade makes them attack extremely quickly, scaling your damage very well.

Multistriker Synergy

Here are all of the Multistriker Champions and their other traits:

  • Ashe (1G) – Eldritch
  • Jax (1G) – Chrono
  • Akali (2G) – Pyro + Warrior
  • Kassadin (2G) – Portal
  • Hecarim (3G) – Bastion + Arcana
  • Kalista (4G) – Faerie
  • Camille (5G) – Chrono

Multistriker is one of the larger traits of the set, having 7 total units. There is one overlap, the Chrono trait, from Camille and Jax. This makes Camille + Jax + 1 a strong trio.

You can play around Kalista as your 4-cost carry, Akali as a reroll carry, Hecarim as a simple frontline, etc. Jax being a 1-cost unit isn’t ideal for the late game, but if you can utilize both the Multistriker trait and Chrono trait, it can be worthwhile.

TFT Multistriker Champions

Ashe (1G) – Multistriker + Eldritch

TFT Set 12 Ashe Ability

[See Ashe’s Champion Page]

Ashe is our first Multistriker, and she’s a simple backline AD damage dealer. Her ability lets her fire additional missiles, which synergizes well with her Multistriker trait.

In general, all the Multistrikers have abilities that scale well with Attack Speed/additional attacks. I don’t expect Ashe reroll to be a meta team comp, but anything is possible depending on the patch/meta.

Jax (1G) – Multistriker + Chrono

TFT Set 12 Jax Ability

[See Jax’s Champion Page]

Jax is our 1-cost Multistriker, and his ability is a mixture of damage and survivability. During his ability, his attacks will deal extra damage, which once again synergizes with Multistriker.

Since he is another 1-cost Multistriker, there is potential for a 1-cost reroll comp with Ashe + Jax. However, the Eldritch and Chrono trait definitely are more late blooming traits that scale better with higher tiers.

As such, I don’t expect this comp to be viable unless their numbers/stats are overtuned.

Akali (2G) – Multistriker + Pyro + Warrior

TFT Set 12 Akali Ability

[See Akali’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have Akali, a 2-cost with three traits. All three of her traits are also offensive, making it very likely that reroll Akali will be a strong team comp.

If you play around Akali, you likely won’t want to go vertical Multistriker. You’ll instead add in all three of her traits to buff her up as much as possible.

Her ability has good movement, making it tough for melee enemies to keep up with her. Proccing a triple hit from Multistriker will also launch all of her Kunai almost instantly, bursting down backline enemies.

Kassadin (2G) – Multistriker + Portal

TFT Set 12 Kassadin Ability

[See Kassadin’s Champion Page]

Kassadin is another 2-cost Multistriker, and his ability provides stacking damage. This makes Kassadin another potential reroll carry, as he gets even stronger the longer the fight goes on.

As a melee unit, his ability also grants some shielding, which can be very strong for keeping him alive in the frontline. Since Kassadin and Akali are both 2-cost units, you can possibly reroll for both in one team comp.

Conversely, you can look to build more around one, using their traits in the other team slots rather than using both.

Hecarim (3G) – Multistriker + Bastion + Arcana

TFT Set 12 Hecarim Ability

[See Hecarim’s Champion Page]

Hecarim is the only Multistriker unit with a true frontline trait: Bastion. However, his ability provides no survivability, only damage. Even still, having access to frontline traits means you can flex into more frontline and play a more “traditional” style comp.

Lastly, his Arcana trait opens up a lot of possibilities as well. The Arcana trait only needs 2 slots and provides a strong teamwide buff. This can be very beneficial depending on your team comp.

Kalista (4G) – Multistriker + Faerie

TFT Set 12 Kalista Ability

[See Kalista’s Champion Page]

Moving on, we have Kalista, a simple 4-cost ranged AD carry. As usual, her ability scales well with more attacks, hitting more enemies with her spears. As a 4-cost unit, you can likely build a strong team comp around Kalista, utilizing both the Multistriker trait and Faerie trait to buff her up.

In this type of team comp, you generally want to use high-cost units when available. As such, I expect Multistriker 3 to be popular with Kalista, adding in Camille/Jax as your other two.

Camille (5G) – Multistriker + Chrono

TFT Set 12 Camille Ability

[See Camille’s Champion Page]

Lastly, we have Camille, the 5-cost Multistriker. Her kit has a little bit of everything. She can deal true damage, stuns enemies, gains AD and damage reduction, and has movement.

She can be a great unit on just about any board, but she’ll excel on teams that utilize one or both of her traits. For the Multistriker trait, splashing in Chrono is quite easy, since you have Jax who is Chrono/Multistriker as well.

Best TFT Multistriker Augments

Multistriker Crest/Crown


Gain a Multistriker Emblem and a Kassadin.

As usual, Emblem specific Augments are quite strong if you make the most of it. The Multistriker trait can turn other units into powerful carrys, attacking even more than they usually can.

Multistriker Emblem is also a good way to reach 5 or 7 Multistriker without investing too many team slots. This can result in a very high damage team comp, but you still will be lacking a bit in terms of frontline/utility.

Hopefully the offense is enough to overwhelm enemy boards before they can take you down.

Lastly, if you want to reach Multistriker (9), you’ll need two Emblems. This will be quite hard to do, but you’ll have an extremely powerful team comp if you do.

Press the Attack


Your Multistriker’s attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every third stack deals true damage equal to 5.5% of the target’s maximum Health. Gain a Kassadin and an Ashe.

Press the Attack is the Multistriker Augment, and it provides a lot of offensive power. This can help scale your main carry with some extra true damage.

This Augment can also empower a full Multistriker (7) team comp. With this Augment, even weaker Multistrikers like Ashe or Jax will contribute solid damage, making the team extremely offense oriented.

Anger Issues


All your current and future Completed items transform into Guinsoo’s Rageblades that grant 25 Armor and Magic Resist. Each stack also grants 1% Attack Damage and Ability Power.

Anger Issues is a new Prismatic Augment that turns all of your items into Guinsoo’s Rageblade. This Augment can be another enabling Augment for a vertical Multistriker team comp.

Every unit will scale well with Attack Speed, so you can simply put Rageblade on everybody. The bonus stats also help quite a bit, since you’ll only be able to build Rageblade.

If you’re lucky enough, getting Anger Issues + Press the Attack sounds like a very powerful combo.

TFT Multistriker Team Comps

As of writing this article, the PBE has yet to even release yet. While I was fortunate enough to participate in the playtest for Set 12, we definitely need more time to test/theorycraft team comps.

Be sure to check back as I’ll be updating this section with potential Multistriker team comps. We also will be updating our TFT Team Comps page as our team plays the PBE.

Multistriker 7 Team Comp

TFT Set 12 Multistriker Team Comp

[Link to Builder]

This team comp is very simple. You get all 7 Multistrikers, and you have one extra slot to flex in another trait. You can flex in Bastion, Faerie, etc.

For this version, I chose Tahm Kench to activate Arcana. This will give some bonus AD and damage reduction to any item holders, which is nice stat bonus.

For this team comp, I expect Press the Attack/Anger Issues to be quite important. If the team is strong without these Augments, imagine how good they’ll be with them.

Akali Team Comp

TFT Set 12 Pyro Akali Team Comp Test

This is a potential team comp using Akali as the main carry and only uses Multistriker (3). You can read more about this team comp and Akali in our TFT Pyro Guide.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 12, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 12 Reveal Page.