Teamfight TacticsReveals

TFT Set 10 Reveal – Remix Rumble: New Champions, Traits, and More

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Everything New in TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble

Welcome to our reveal article, where we cover everything new coming to TFT Set 10: Remix Rumble.

Keep in mind that the information for new champions are constantly being updated on the PBE. Our website will continually be updated, so make sure to check out the Champions Page to stay updated on any changes.

To see ALL the new changes, head to our all-in-one TFT page for Set 10.

When Does Set 10: Remix Rumble go live?

Looking at TFT’s patch schedule, we can see that Set 10 will be set to release on November 21st with Patch 13.23.

With this, we can see that Set 10 PBE will be available around November 7th.

TFT Set 10 Mechanics

Before getting into the champions and traits, let’s briefly go over all of the new and returning mechanics coming to Set 10. We will have dedicated articles for most of these mechanics, so if you want more in-depth information, you can look there.

For now, here’s a quick rundown.

Music System

All of the Origin traits in Set 10 are music themed, and the in game music will change depending on what units you field on the board.

While this doesn’t affect the actual gameplay, it’s still a very nice addition to the game. You’ll be able to jam out to your favorite comp, or maybe you’ll get sick of the same music and decide to switch comps.


TFT Set 10 Headliner Shop

[Full Headliner Guide]

The main mechanic coming to Set 10 will be Headliners. If you played during Set 4, this mechanic is very similar to Chosen.

A Headliner is a buffed up unit that appears in shop at 2 stars (will cost the equivalent gold) with a unique buff. Some of these buffs can be simple like bonus Health or AD, while other bonuses can buff up the character’s skill.

TFT Set 10 Headliner Effect

If you don’t currently have a Headliner, one will always appear in your shop. If you do have a Headliner, one will appear every third shop. This allows you to make informed decisions on what you choose to buy or how you may choose to transition between Headliners.

Emerald Rank

Emerald Rank

TFT Set 10 will also be introducing Emerald Rank, following in the footsteps of Wild Rift and League of Legends. Emerald will be after Platinum, and before Diamond. This change looks to better classify the skill groups within this range.

Set 10 Augments

TFT Set 10 Augments

To no surprise, Augments will be returning to Set 10. There will definitely be new Augments, as well as variations of some older ones we’ve seen before.

I won’t go into too much detail as we’ve seen Augments plenty of times before at this point. We have yet to gain access to the information on all of the game Augments, but we’ll be sure to update once the information is public.

Set 10 Portals

TFT Set 10 Portal

[Set 10 Portal Guide]

The Region Portal mechanic from Set 9 is returning as well, but with some slight changes. Now simply called Portals, these will still alter the game in some way, but not to the same degree as Region Portals.

There won’t be things like The Sump (no interest), and instead, there will be more tame effects such as “The first augment this game will be prismatic tier.”

Once again, for a full guide, check out the link above.

System Changes

Lastly, I want to cover the system changes that will happen in Set 10.

  • Set 10 is now permanently available to reach.
  • Leveling up will require less gold.
  • Shop odds have been adjusted to lower the odds of high cost units.
  • Bag Size Reduced: There are now less copies of each unit in the game.

TFT Set 10 New Traits

All of the new Origins in Set 10 correspond to a musical theme. Here’s a rundown of the new Origins.


TFT Set 10 8-Bit

Champions: Corki (1), Garen (2), Riven (3), Caitlyn (4)


Gain 5% Attack Damage and begin keeping score. When your team deals damage, your score goes up. For every high score you’ve beaten, 8-bit champions gain more Attack Damage.

  • (2) 1.8% per high score.
  • (4) 3% per high score.
  • (6) 5% per high score and unlock a grand prize upon reaching the top high score.


TFT Set 10 Country

Champions: Tahm Kench (1), Katarina (2), Samira (3), Urgot (3), Thresh (4)


When your team loses a portion of their Health, a Dreadsteed charges onto the battlefield and empowers your team. Each Country star level increases its Health and Attack Damage.

  • (3) Dreadsteed
  • (5) Midnight Dreadsteed
  • (7) Infernal Invocation Dreadsteed


TFT Set 10 Disco

Champions: Nami (1), Taric (1), Gragas (2), Twisted Fate (4), Blitzcrank (4)


Gain a placeable Disco Ball. On combat start and every few seconds, champions next to it gain stacking Attack Speed and are healed for a percentage of their max Health.

  • (3) 5% , 2%
  • (4) 10% , 3%
  • (5) Gain another Disco Ball; 15% , 5%
  • (6) 25% , 7% “


TFT Set 10 EDM

Champions: Jax (2), Lux (3), Zac (4), Zed (4)


Use the EDM selector to sample a champion.

Periodically, EDM champions transform into the sampled champion, sampling their Attack Damage and Ability Power and casting their Ability.

  • (3) 75% stats
  • (4) Casts 1 second more frequently, 89% stats
  • (5) Casts 2 seconds more frequently, 111% stats


TFT Set 10 Emo

Champions: Annie (1), Vex (3), Amumu (3), Poppy (4)


Emo Champions have reduced maximum mana. Whenever an ally dies, Emo Champions gain Mana.

  • (2) -20% , +10 gained
  • (4) -25% , +30 gained
  • (6) -35% , +40 gained. Emo Champions gain 50


TFT Set 10 Heartsteel

Champions: K’Sante (1), Aphelios (2), Sett (3), Yone (4), Ezreal (4), Kayn (5)


Earn Hearts by killing enemies. Gain even more by losing player combat. Every few player combats, convert Hearts into powerful rewards! The number of Hearts you gain increases for each HEARTSTEEL member in play.

  • (3) 1x Hearts
  • (5) 2.5x Hearts
  • (7) 5.5x Hearts
  • (9) 10x Hearts


TFT Set 10 Hyperpop

Champions: Lulu (3), Ziggs (5)


Grant Mana and seconds of Attack Speed to their closest allies after casting.

  • (1) 3 and 10%
  • (2) 5 and 20%
  • (4) 8 and 40%


TFT Set 10 Illbeats

Champions: Illaoi (5)


(1) Gain 2/2/8 placeable Spirit Tentacles, based on Illaoi’s star level. Tentacles gain Illaoi’s bonus Armor and Magic Resist.


TFT Set 10 Jazz

Champions: Bard (2), Miss Fortune (3), Lucian (5)


Your team gains bonus Health and deals bonus damage for each active non-unique trait.

  • (2) 1% , 0% Damage
  • (3) 2% , 1% Damage
  • (4) 5% , 2% Damage


TFT Set 10 KDA

Champions: Evelynn (1), Lillia (1), Kai’Sa (2), Seraphine (2), Neeko (3), Akali (4), Ahri (4)


All units that start combat in the lighted hexes gain max Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. K/DA champions go All Out, which doubles these bonuses.

  • (3) +10%, 10 AP
  • (5) +15%, 15 AP
  • (7) +23%, 24 AP
  • (10) +50%, 80 AP

Your lighted hex pattern changes each game.


TFT Set 10 Maestro

Champions: Jhin (5)


Jhin has an Attack Speed of 0.9 and converts 1% bonus Attack Speed into 0.5% Attack Damage. While conducting, Jhin’s rifles fire at the same rate and he gains 10 Mana per volley. Every 4th volley deals 200% damage.


TFT Set 10 Mixmaster

Champions: Sona (5)


The Mixmaster chooses a mode to modify their attacks and Ability.


TFT Set 10 Pentakill

Champions: Olaf (1), Kayle (2), Gnar (2), Mordekaiser (3), Viego (4), Karthus (4), Yorick (5)


Pentakill champions deal more damage and reduce damage by 15%. When an enemy champion dies, empower a Pentakill champion, increasing their bonus damage.

The 5th kill empowers all Pentakill champions and your team gains Attack Speed.

  • (3) 11% bonus damage
  • (5) 25% bonus damage
  • (7) 40% bonus damage
  • (10) 100% bonus damage, +35% damage reduction


TFT Set 10 Punk

Champions: Vi (1), Jinx (1), Twitch (2), Pantheon (2)


Gain bonus Health and Attack Damage. This bonus is increased by 1% each time you spend gold on a Shop refresh. After Punks fight in combat, your 1st Shop refresh costs 1 gold and grants a first roll bonus.

  • (2) +180 and +18%
  • (4) +280 and +28%
  • (6) +450 and +44%

True Damage

TFT Set 10 True Damage

Champions: Yasuo (1), Kennen (1), Senna (2), Ekko (3), Akali (4), Qiyana (5)


Deal bonus true damage. True Damage champions holding an item gain a unique Bling Bonus for their Ability.

  • (2) 11% damage
  • (4) 20% damage
  • (6) 30% damage
  • (9) 80% damage


TFT Set 10 Wildcard

Champions: Kayn (5)


If you win combat with Kayn, he becomes the Shadow Assassin. If you don’t, Rhaast takes over instead. Every time he kills 2 enemy champions, you gain a reward based on his form.

  • Shadow Assassin: 3 Gold.
  • Rhaast: 1 Tactician Health.

TFT Set 10 New Classes

Let’s quickly cover the new Classes as well. Some of these are returning classes, while others are “new.” Overall, though, classes do tend to be slight reskins of things we’ve seen already.

Big Shot

TFT Set 10 Big Shot

Champions: Corki (1), Kai’Sa (2), Miss Fortune (3), Ezreal (4), Jhin (5)


Gain Attack Damage. This bonus is increased by 400% for 3 seconds when Big Shot champions use their Ability.

  • (2) 10%
  • (4) 15%
  • (6) 20%


TFT Set 10 Breakout

Champions: Akali (4)


(1) Akali is a member of KDA or True Damage depending on which Trait has more fielded champions. She gains a different Ability depending on which form she takes.


TFT Set 10 Bruiser

Champions: Annie (1), Olaf (1), Gragas (2), Sett (3), Zac (4), Illaoi (5)


Your units gain 100 Health. Bruisers gain additional maximum Health.

  • (2) +20% max
  • (4) +40% max
  • (6) +80% max

Crowd Diver

TFT Set 10 Crowd Diver

Champions: Evelynn (1), Katarina (2), Yone (3), Zed (4), Qiyana (5)


Crowd Divers deal bonus damage, plus more damage each second.

When Crowd Divers die, they jump on the furthest enemy, dealing magic damage to them and Stunning enemies within an area of effect for a few seconds.

  • (2) 5% bonus damage
  • (4) 20% bonus damage
  • (6) 40% bonus damage


TFT Set 10 Dazzler

Champions: Nami (1), Bard (2), Lux (3), Twisted Fate (4), Ziggs (5)


Dazzler abilities dazzle enemies for 2 seconds, reducing their target’s damage by 25% and dealing a percent of the Ability’s damage as bonus magic damage over the duration.

  • (2) 20% magic damage
  • (4) 40% magic damage
  • (6) 64% magic damage


TFT Set 10 Edgelord

Champions: Yasuo (1), Kayle (2), Riven (3), Yone (3), Viego (4), Kayn (5)


Gain Attack Speed. When their target drops target below a maximum Health percentage, double the Attack Speed gained. Melee Edgelords also slash through them on their next attack.

  • (3) 25%
  • (5) 40%
  • (7) 75%


TFT Set 10 Executioner

Champions: Twitch (2), Samira (3), Vex (3), Akali (4), Karthus (4)


Executioner Abilities can critically strike and they gain Critical Strike Damage. As their target loses Health, Critical Strike Chance increases.

  • (2) 15% . Up to 15%
  • (4) 25% . Up to 34%
  • (6) 55% . Up to 75%


TFT Set 10 Guardian

Champions: Kennen (1), Pantheon (2), Amumu (3), Neeko (3), Thresh (4), Yorick (5)


Once per combat at 50% Health, Guardians shield themselves and their closest ally for a percent of their max Health.

  • (2) 30%
  • (4) 50%
  • (6) 70%


TFT Set 10 Mosher

Champions: Vi (1), Jax (2), Gnar (2), Urgot (3), Sett (3), Poppy (4), Yorick (5)


Gain Attack Speed and Omnivamp, increased by up to a maximum based on their missing Health. Omnivamp: Heal for percentage of damage dealt.

  • (2) 20% , 10% Omnivamp
  • (4) 30% , 15% Omnivamp
  • (6) 50% , 20% Omnivamp


TFT Set 10 Rapidfire

Champions: Jinx (1), Aphelios (2), Senna (2), Caitlyn (4), Lucian (5)


Your units gain Attack Speed. Rapidfire units gain more every time they attack, up to 10 stacks.

  • (2) 3%
  • (4) 7%
  • (6) 11%


TFT Set 10 Sentinel

Champions: K’Sante (1), Lillia (1), Garen (2), Mordekaiser (3), Ekko (3), Blitzcrank (4)


Your team gains Armor and Magic Resist. Sentinels gain double.

  • (2) +18 , +18
  • (4) +35 , +35
  • (6) +60 , +60
  • (8) +125 , +125


TFT Set 10 Spellweaver

Champions: Annie (1), Gragas (2), Seraphine (2), Lulu (3), Ekko (3), Ahri (4), Sona (5)


Your team gains Ability Power. Spellweavers gain more. Whenever a Spellweaver casts, all Spellweavers gain Ability Power.

  • (3) 20 , +1 per cast
  • (5) 35 , +1 per cast
  • (7) 50 , +2 per cast
  • (10) 100 , +5 per cast


TFT Set 10 Superfan

Champions: Lillia (1), Kennen (1), Gnar (2), Neeko (3)


Superfans improve your Headliner!

  • (3) Headliner gets a completed item
  • (4) Headliner gets Bonus Health & Omnivamp
  • (5) Item upgrades to Radiant

Set 10 New Champions: Abilities, Headliner Bonus, and Positioning

Positioning Key

We’ll be giving basic positioning suggestions for every champion to get the ball rolling for you, but remember that positioning is incredibly contextual in TFT and to always adapt to the situation at hand.

The terminology we’ll be using in this article will be frontlinemidline, and backline.

TFT Positioning Key

1-Cost Champions

Corki 1g 8-bit, Big Shot


Ability: Phosphorus Bomb

Deal physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of the current target and Wound them for a few seconds. Wound: Reduce healing received by 50%

Headliner Bonus: 20% bonus Attack Damage

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Tahm Kench 1g Country, Bruiser

Tahm Kench

Ability: Rawhide

Passive: Each instance of damage taken is reduced by a %.

Headliner Bonus: 300 bonus Health

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Nami 1g Disco, Dazzler


Ability: Disco Prison

Deal magic damage to the current target and Stun them for 1.5 seconds.

Headliner Bonus: 20% AP

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Taric 1g Disco, Guardian


Ability: Mirrorball’s Blessing

Gain a Shield for 4 seconds. Taric’s next 2 attacks deal bonus magic damage.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health and 20 bonus Armor

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Annie 1g Emo, Spellweaver


Ability: Dark Disintegrate

Passive: After casting 4 times, gain 40% Attack Speed and target 1 additional nearby enemy with casts. Active: Deal magic damage to the current target.

Headliner Bonus: 20% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Backline

K’Sante 1g Heartsteel, Sentinel


Ability: Block the Haters

Enter a defensive stance, reducing damage taken by for 2.5 seconds. Afterwards, deal physical damage to the current target.

Headliner Bonus: 300 bonus Health

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Evelynn 1g K/DA, Crowd Diver


Ability: Whiplash

Deal magic damage to the current target. For 4 seconds, gain 50% Attack Speed and restore 25/30/35 Health on attack.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health and 20% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Lillia 1g K/DA, Superfan, Sentinel


Ability: Confetti Bloom

Deal magic damage to adjacent enemies. Heal Lillia and her nearest ally.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health and heals for 20% more

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Olaf 1g Pentakill, Bruiser


Ability: Berserker Rage

Passive: Heal 20/30/50 Health on attack. For every 1% missing Health, gain Attack Speed.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health, 10 bonus Armor, 10 bonus Magic Resist

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Vi 1g Punk, Mosher


Ability: The Harder They Fall

Deal physical damage to the current target, Stun them for 1.5/1.8/2 seconds, and reduce their Armor by for the rest of combat. If the target has more current Health than Vi, deal damage instead.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health 10% bonus Attack Damage

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Jinx 1g Punk, Rapidfire


Ability: Escalation

Passive Minigun: Attacks grant Attack Speed.
Passive Rocket Launcher: Attacks deal bonus physical damage.
Active: Swap between Minigun and Rocket Launcher.

Headliner Bonus: Minigun attacks grant an extra 1% Attack Speed, Rocket Launcher attacks deals an extra 5% damage.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Yasuo 1g True Damage, Edgelord


Ability: Synthesizer Strike

Deal damage to the current target. If they die, permanently gain 2% Attack Damage (doubled in HyperRoll).
Bling Bonus: Synthesizer Strike executes enemies under 10% Health

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and 10% Omnivamp

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Kennen 1g True Damage, Superfan, Guardian


Ability: Shock and Awe

Discharge 3 Jolts over 3 seconds. Each Jolt deals magic damage to a random enemy within range and Stuns them for 1 second.
Bling Bonus: Discharge at an additional target for 60% damage and Stun duration.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health Zaps heal 2% max Health

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

2-Cost Champions

Garen 2g 8-bit, Sentinel


Ability: Power-Up!

Gain max Health. Garen’s next attack deals physical damage.

Headliner Bonus: 400 bonus Health.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Katarina 2g Country, Crowd Diver


Ability: Bouncing Blade

Throw a blade at the current target that bounces 3 times, dealing magic damage and applying Wound for 6 seconds.
Wound: Reduce healing received by 33%

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and her final blade bounce deals 66% bonus damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Gragas 2g Disco, Spellweaver, Bruiser


Ability: Boogie Hour

Heal 400/500/600 Health over 2 seconds. Then, deal magic damage to adjacent enemies and Chill them for 3 seconds.
Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 30%

Headliner Bonus: Reduce damage dealt to him by 8% and increase damage he deals by 8%.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Jax 2g EDM, Mosher


Ability: Counter Melody

Leap at the highest Health enemy within hexes and deal magic damage to them. Then, deal magic damage to all adjacent enemies. Gain 10% Attack Damage and Ability Power for the rest of combat.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and 20% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Aphelios 2g Heartsteel, Rapidfire


Ability: Moonlight Lullaby

Fire a blast at the current target. It deals physical damage to the first enemy it hits and physical damage to adjacent enemies. Stun the unit hit for 1.5/1.5/2 seconds. If they are dead, Stun the adjacent units for 1 second instead.

Headliner Bonus: 20% bonus Attack Damage

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Bard 2g Jazz, Dazzler


Ability: Improv

Play a tune of 4 random notes from the following:

  • Doot: Deal magic damage to the current target.
  • Chime: Heal the lowest health ally for Health.
  • Tip: Drop 1 gold and play another note. (Gain 3 Gold in Hyper Roll!)

Headliner Bonus: At combat start, for every 10 times Bard has cast, play a Doot.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Kai’Sa 2g K/DA, Big Shot


Ability: Got the Boom

Dash up to 2 hexes and fire a missile at the current target. It deals physical damage to the first enemy hit.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Attack Damage, +1 Range, and dashes farther.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Seraphine 2g K/DA, Spellweaver


Ability: High Note

Send a high note to the largest clump of units. It deals magic damage to nearby enemies and heals nearby allies.

Headliner Bonus: Every 2 casts, sings an extra High Note that deals 70% damage and heals 70%.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Kayle 2g Pentakill, Edgelord


Ability: Fires of Ascension

For 5 seconds, attacks deal bonus magic damage in a wave behind the target and Shred for 4 seconds. Afterwards, deal to enemies around the current target.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist by 30%

Headliner Bonus: 25% bonus Attack Speed

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Gnar 2g Pentakill, Superfan, Mosher


Ability: Rabid Fandom

Leap over the current target and transform for the rest of combat, gaining Health and 75% Attack Damage. Subsequent casts deal physical damage to the current target.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and at combat start, transforms into Mega Gnar.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Twitch 2g Punk, Executioner


Ability: Bottled Anarchy

Deal physical damage to enemies within 1 hex of the current target. Deal to random enemies within 2 hexes of the target 6 times, increased by 1 for each time the physical damage critically struck.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Attack Damage and 15% bonus Critical Strike Chance

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Pantheon 2g Punk, Guardian


Ability: Too Tough To Kill

Reduce damage taken by for 2.5 seconds. Afterwards, deal physical damage to the 3 enemies who dealt the most damage to Pantheon during the duration.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health, 15 bonus Armor and Magic Resist

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Senna 2g True Damage, Rapidfire


Ability: Concussive Noise

Fire a blast of sound at the current target’s location. It pulses 3 times, dealing magic damage to enemies within a 1 hex radius each time.
Bling Bonus: -15 max Mana

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Ability Power and each Subwoofer pulse grows slightly larger.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

3-Cost Champions

Riven 3g 8-bit, Edgelord


Ability: Voxel Defense

For the next 6 seconds, gain Shield and deal bonus physical damage to the target and enemies adjacent to them on attack.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health, 10% Attack Damage, 10 Armor, 10 Magic Resist

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Samira 3g Country, Executioner


Ability: Thrills & Kills

Passive: Attacks that Critically Strike grant a stack of Style, up to 6 stacks. Each stack grants Attack Speed.
Active: Deal physical damage to the current target, then another physical damage per Style stack. Afterwards, reset Style.

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Attack Damage and 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Urgot 3g Country, Mosher


Ability: Fire from his Fingertips

For 8 seconds, convert bonus Attack Speed to Attack Damage. Attacks deal physical damage in a cone and grant Urgot 30% of the damage dealt as a 5 second Shield.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Attack Damage 10% Omnivamp

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Lux 3g EDM, Dazzler


Ability: Laser Light Show

Fire a beam at the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage to all enemies it hits.

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Critical Strike Chance and her ability can critically strike.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Vex 3g Emo, Executioner


Ability: Looming Darkness

Toss a shadow at the current target. It Stuns enemies within 1 hex for 1.5 seconds. Afterwards, it deals magic damage to enemies within 1 hex.

Headliner Bonus: 25% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Amumu 3g Emo, Guardian


Ability: Thrash

Passive: When attacked, gain 2 Armor (stacks up to 25 times).
Active: Deal magic damage to adjacent enemies. Every 3rd cast has double radius and Stuns enemies hit for 1.5 seconds.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and when attacked, also gains Magic Resist.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Sett 3g Heartsteel, Bruiser, Mosher



Deal magic damage to the current target and magic damage to enemies in a cone around them. Gain 375/425/475 Shield for 2 seconds, increased by 1 for every 4 missing Health.

Headliner Bonus: 250 Health After dropping below 15% Health or dying, gains 50 permanent max Health.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Yone 3g Heartsteel, Edgelord, Crowd Diver


Ability: Cleave with Repetition

Gain stacking Omnivamp for the rest of combat. Slash twice, dealing physical damage to enemies in a cone each time.
Omnivamp: Heal for percentage of damage dealt

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and 15% bonus Attack Damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Lulu 3g Hyperpop, Spellweaver


Ability: Saccharine Love

Fire a bolt toward the current target. It deals magic damage to the first unit it passes through and magic damage to the second unit it hits. Every third cast, Stun the 3 nearest enemies for 1.5 seconds and deal magic damage to them instead.

Headliner Bonus: Reduce max mana by 10.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Miss Fortune 3g Jazz, Big Shot

Miss Fortune

Ability: Double Up

Deal physical damage to the current target and physical damage to the closest enemy behind them. If either die, gain Attack Speed for 4 seconds.

Headliner Bonus: 25% bonus Attack Damage

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Neeko 3g K/DA, Superfan, Guardian


Ability: Cosplay

Cosplay the highest Health teammate and gain Shield + 5% of the teammate’s Health for 4 seconds. When it breaks, deal 60/69/80% of its initial value as magic damage to adjacent enemies.

Headliner Bonus: 200 Health and when she cosplays an ally, grant that ally 20 mana.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Mordekaiser 3g Pentakill, Sentinel


Ability: Face-Melter

Gain Shield and deal magic damage to adjacent enemies over 3 seconds. Afterwards, deal magic damage to nearby enemies.
When Face-Melter kills, gain 8% Ability Power and Attack Damage, and 8 Armor and Magic Resist.

Headliner Bonus: 200 Health, 5% bonus Ability Power. When his solo kills, gain 1% permanent Ability Power.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Ekko 3g True Damage, Spellweaver, Sentinel


Ability: Record Scratch

Deal magic damage to enemies within 2 hexes and Stun them for 1.5 seconds. Gain Shield for 4 seconds.
Bling Bonus: While the Shield is up, heal 60 every second.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health and 20% bonus Ability Power.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

4-Cost Champions

Caitlyn 4g 8-bit, Rapidfire


Ability: Champ Hunt

Shoot at the 4 furthest enemies. Shots deal physical damage to the first enemy hit.

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Attack Damage Fires an additional bolt that deals 60% damage.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Thresh 4g Country, Guardian


Ability: Devil’s Round Up

Stun the largest group of nearby enemies for 1.8/2/8 seconds and deal magic damage to each. Thresh heals for 320/450/1200 + 60% of the total damage dealt.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and reduce his max mana by 25.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Twisted Fate 4g Disco, Dazzler

Twisted Fate

Ability: Hustle & Shuffle

Throw cards divided between the current target and 3 nearest enemies. They reduce Magic Resist by 1 and deal magic damage.

Headliner Bonus: Throws 3 additional cards.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Blitzcrank 4g Disco, Sentinel


Ability: Electric Groove

Passive: Deal magic damage to a nearby enemy every 2 seconds.
Active: Gain a Shield. For 5 seconds, deal Passive damage every second instead. Enemies hit take an additional 0% of their max Health as magic damage.

Headliner Bonus: 200 bonus Health Passive zaps also deal additional max health magic damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Zac 4g EDM, Bruiser


Ability: Let’s Bounce!

Bounce 3 times on nearby enemies. Each time, deal magic damage, stun them for 1 second, and heal.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health and 10% Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Zed 4g EDM, Crowd Diver


Ability: Shadow Dance

Mark the current target and spawn an untargetable Shadow with Attack Damage for 4 seconds. After a brief delay or when the marked enemy falls below a specific health threshhold, deal an additional physical damage.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and Shadows gain 10% Attack Damage and 10% Attack Speed.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Poppy 4g Emo, Mosher


Ability: Rhythm Master

Passive: Gain Attack Damage based on bonus Health.
Active: Gain 80 Armor and Magic Resistance for 6 seconds and hammer the nearest enemy 3 times, dealing physical damage and healing on each hit. If this kills an enemy, slam 2 additional times.

Headliner Bonus: 150 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Ezreal 4g Heartsteel, Big Shot


Ability: Crash the Party

Blink away from the current target and deal physical damage to them. Every 3rd cast, deal physical damage to all enemies in a line.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Attack Damage

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Akali 4g K/DA, Breakout, Executioner


Ability: Unrelenting Flow

Deal physical damage to the furthest unmarked enemy and mark them. Dash to every marked enemy and deal physical damage to each.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Speed.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Akali 4g True Damage, Breakout, Executioner


Ability: Deep Cuts

Deal physical damage split between the closest three enemies three times. For each enemy that survives, refund mana.
Bling Bonus: Heal for 20 of the damage dealt.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Speed.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Ahri 4g K/DA, Spellweaver


Ability: Idol’s Charm

Blow a kiss at the current target. It deals magic damage and briefly Stuns them. If the target has been kissed before, deal magic damage instead.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Viego 4g Pentakill, Edgelord


Ability: Riff of the Ruined King

Slam on the nearest hex that would strike the most enemies, dealing physical damage to enemies within two hexes and marking them for 5 seconds. Marked enemies take 10% increased damage from all sources.
Attacks on marked enemies deal physical damage instead.

Headliner Bonus: 100 bonus Health and 10% bonus Attack Damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Karthus 4g Pentakill, Executioner


Ability: Death Growl

Deal magic damage to the 5 lowest Health enemies. Gain 10 Mana for each that dies.

Headliner Bonus: 15% bonus Ability Power

Recommended Positioning: Backline

5-Cost Champions

Kayn 5g Heartsteel, Wildcard, Edgelord


Ability: Shadow Slash

Dash, then deal magic damage to all adjacent enemies and Chill them for 3 seconds. If Kayn only hits one target, he immediately casts again.
Chill: Reduce Attack Speed by 20%

Headliner Bonus: 10% Ability Power. Shadow Assassin rewards an extra 2 gold. Rhaast rewards an extra 1 Tactician Health.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Ziggs 5g Hyperpop, Dazzler


Ability: Chaos Theory

Throw a bomb at the current target that deals magic damage. It splits into bombs that Shred their target for 4 seconds and deal magic damage. Each cast increases the number of bombs by 3.
Shred: Reduce Magic Resist by 30%

Headliner Bonus: 15 AP Reduce max mana by 10.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Illaoi 5g ILLBEATS, Bruiser


Ability: Drums of the Deep

Passive: Every 3 seconds, Illaoi’s tentacles deal magic damage to nearby enemies.
Active: Revive or fully heal the lowest current Health tentacle. Leap at the nearest enemy, then deal magic damage in a large circle 3 times. Tentacles slam in rhythm. Gain 100/150/400 Armor and Magic Resist while casting.

Headliner Bonus: 10 AP, 20 Armor, 20 Magic Resist Spirit Tentacles slam every 2 seconds.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Lucian 5g Jazz, Rapidfire


Ability: Arpeggio

Fire shots toward the furthest enemy. Each shot explodes on the first enemy hit, dealing physical damage to all nearby enemies and reducing their Armor by 4/6/20 for the rest of combat.

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Attack Damage and add 4 additional shots to Arpeggio

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Jhin 5g Maestro, Big Shot


Ability: Concerto of Demise

Passive: If your bench has 4 Grand Finale Rifles, begin conducting instead of attacking. Each Rifle deals physical damage.
Active: Put 1/1/9 Grand Finale Rifle into one of your empty benchslots.

Headliner Bonus: 10% bonus Attack Damage and your bench starts with one Grand Finale Rifle.

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Sona 5g Mixmaster, Spellweaver


Ability: The Drop (Kinetic)

Passive: Attacks instead send a beat to an ally, healing them for 3/5/100% of their maximum Health.
Active: Send a beat to all allies and grant them Shield for 6/6/30 seconds.

Headliner Bonus: 5% Attack Speed Every attack increases Sona’s Attack Speed by 2%

Recommended Positioning: Backline

Yorick 5g Pentakill, Mosher, Guardian



Summon 9/10/25 headbanging zombies pile towards the center of the board. Each deals physical damage three times. Zombies’ damage 20% Sunders for 3 seconds.
Every other cast also summons a BIG zombie with Health that deals physical damage three times.
Sunder: Reduce Armor by 20%

Headliner Bonus: 300 bonus Health Summon 2 extra zombies. The BIG zombie is BIGGER and deals an extra 20% damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline

Qiyana 5g True Damage, Crowd Diver


Ability: Sample & Remix

Copy 1/2/3 of the current target’s completed items and throw them to an ally they’d look really good on. Knock the current target back and deal physical damage. If no item was copied, knockback further and deal an additional true damage.
Bling Bonus: After Sample & Remix kills a champion with a copy-able item, create a permanent component based on the copied item. (Gain both in HyperRoll!)

Headliner Bonus: 5% Attack Damage When Qiyana copies an item, grant her 5% bonus Attack Damage.

Recommended Positioning: Frontline/Midline

Closing Words

Thanks for reading, this was quite the hefty article, but hopefully this helps you prepare for the new set! Good luck in your future games with the new set, and be sure to check back for more guides, news, and all things TFT.

To learn about the new TFT Set, head to our all-in-one Teamfight Tactics Set 10 reveal page that covers all champions, traits, and more!