Teamfight TacticsGuides

TFT Set 10 Remix Rumble: Headliner Guide

Table of contents

Headliner Mechanic Explained

In this guide, I’ll be covering the new mechanic for Set 10: Headliners. This mechanic harkens back to Set 4, and is essentially the same mechanic as Chosen.

For the players that started TFT after Set 4, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the mechanic.

Let’s get into the guide.

How Headliners Work

Headliners are buffed up units that will appear in your shop as 2-star units. One of their traits will grant double effect, and they also have a unique bonus. These Headliners will cost gold equivalent to their cost. (For example, a 3-cost Headliner will cost 9 gold, as it’s similar to buying 3 copies for a 2-star)

TFT Set 10 Headliner Shop

In this shop, you can see that Vi is the Headliner featured in the shop. She costs 3 Gold, and her Mosher trait is doubled.

TFT Set 10 Headliner Effect

Here you can see her Headliner Effect. For some units, the bonus will simply be a stat bonus, while others may provide unique buffs relating to their skill. These will be different for each champion, and you can check to see all of them in our Reveal Article.

How to Get Headliners

Now that you understand the basics, here are a how Headliner shops work.

  • If you don’t have a Headliner already, one will appear in every shop.
  • If you already have a Headliner, one will appear in every third shop.

If you played back in Set 4, you’ll know that it was semi random how often they appeared in shop. With these changes, Headliners should be more consistent to play around. You might not find the perfect one on your roll down, but having set rules allows for skill expression.

Bad Luck Protection

There is a semi random mechanic when it comes to Headliners in shop. What this means is that you’re unlikely to find the same Headliner after you pass over one in the shop.

It works like this: If you pass on a Headliner trait (for example Country +1), you will not see a Country Headliner for 4 shops. This is to prevent you from seeing Headliners that you don’t want.

However, let’s say you are rolling at level 7, and you want to find Headliner Country Samira, but you find Country Katarina in your shop. If you pass on Katarina, your shop won’t be able to roll Country Samira for 4 more shops. To prevent this, you can simply buy Katarina and sell her immediately. This way, you can still have a chance of finding Country Samira.

Best Headliners Tier List

To put it simply, some Headliner units are simply stronger than others. Some can be used as a main carry, while others are strong to use in the early and mid game. For a rundown of the best Headliners to use throughout the game, here’s a Headliner Tier List.


S Qiyana, Yorick, Jhin, Akali TD, Akali KDA, Ahri, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Amumu, Samira, Sett, Senna, Aphelios, Annie, K’Sante, Corki
A Sona, Lucian, Ziggs, Illaoi, Twisted Fate, Poppy, Caitlyn, Thresh, Zed, Yone, Miss Fortune, Urgot, Mordekaiser, Neeko, Ekko, Seraphine, Jax, Katarina, Garen, Gnar, Pantheon, Kai’Sa, Yasuo, Kennen, Jinx
B Kayn, Zac, Viego, Lux, Vex, Lulu, Riven, Kayle, Twitch, Bard, Tahm Kench, Evelynn, Taric
C Karthus, Gragas, Vi, Olaf, Nami

Tips and Tricks

The Headliner effect is quite simple, but it will take some time to get used to. For now, here are some tips and tricks that you can keep in mind in your games.

Using Headliners for Strongest Board

Even if you want to force a specific comp, you should still look to utilize your Headliner in the early to mid game in order to strengthen your board. You can pick a Headliner early to hold damage items, or buy one to fix up your frontline.

Whatever the case may be, you’re leaving a lot of power by not fielding one. Unless you’re open fort lose streaking, try to at least use a Headliner each round, and look to upgrade it on power spike turns. These will be the times where you level up to 6, 7, 8, and 9. By leveling up, you increase your odds at hitting a higher-cost Headliner, making it very efficient to roll down a bit to upgrade your board.

As you find new Headliners, you may have to pivot and adjust your game plan on the fly. Set 10 will greatly favor players who are able to pivot and adapt, rather than force one comp every game.

Vertical Trait Tunnel Vision

It’s possible that the bonus trait from Headliner will make it easier to activate certain vertical traits. Try to keep a lookout for potential bonuses you can activate through this effect.

For Set 10, it’s common for traits to be strong at their first and third increment (K/DA 3 and 7), but a bit weaker for their second (K/DA 5). Reaching higher trait bonuses will be easier with the new Headliner mechanic, so you can try to aim for them in your games.

However, playing around or forcing vertical traits in this Set can be very difficult with the Headliner mechanic. For example, if you want to play 7 K/DA, you will definitely want a K/DA headliner. Unfortunately, even if you find a K/DA Headliner in the early game (1 or 2-cost), there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to find one late game.

As such, you should keep in mind how to adjust your board to fit whatever Headliner you do find. If you find a +1 Spellweaver Ahri instead of K/DA, you can look to pivot your board more toward Spellweaver rather than 7 K/DA.

5-Cost Headliner

If you enjoy late game 5-cost boards, this set will definitely be one for you. The cost to reach higher levels has been lowered, meaning more players will likely start saving up for Fast 8/9. In these situations, it can be a good idea to roll down for a 5-cost Headliner.

Assuming 5-cost Headliners are strong (which they should be), having one of any kind can strengthen your board a lot. Since you’re playing a 5-cost board, you don’t worry too much about putting traits together, and will instead focus on just putting strong units on the board.

Closing Words

That covers just about everything you need to know about Headliners. For some players, the return of “Chosen” is a welcome announcement. For others, Chosen was a bad variance mechanic.

Either way, Headliners will introduce a lot of variety to the game, and making the most of it will be crucial to mastering the new set.

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out our meta team comps page, or head to our Team Builder to try and come up with your own comps.