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Best Heroes in Overwatch 2: Tier List Rankings (Mid Season 11)

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Overwatch 2 Tier List Rankings – The Best Heroes

In this tier list, we’ve got you covered with the best heroes in Overwatch 2.

We’ve updated our tier list for Mid Season 11 and its latest balance changes.

Let’s dive in!

If you play other shooters be sure to also check out our Apex Legend Tier List or Marvel Rivals tier list.

Here are our rankings for the best heroes in Overwatch 2:

Tier Overwatch 2 Tier List
  • Damage: Echo, Ashe, Tracer
  • Tank: D.VA, Sigma, Ramattra
  • Support: Lucio, Kiriko, Illari
  • Damage: Pharah, Cassidy, Venture, Genji, Symmetra
  • Tank: Winston, Zarya, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball
  • Support: Baptiste
  • Damage: Mei, Sombra, Widowmaker, Reaper, Junkrat
  • Tank: Junker Queen, Doomfist, Mauga
  • Support: Brigitte, Ana, Mercy, Zenyatta
  • Damage: Hanzo, Bastion, Sojourn, Torbjorn, Soldier: 76
  • Tank: Orisa, Roadhog
  • Support: Moira, Lifeweaver

For a visual reference of our Overwatch 2 tier list, check out our infographic below:

best heroes in overwatch 2 tier list (mid season 11)

Note that the heroes are organized by difficulty for new players/beginners who haven’t tried them yet.

Orange represents a high/hard skill floor, Blue represents an average skill floor, and Green represents a low/easy skill floor.

Overwatch 2 Tier List Commentary

As always with our tier lists, we want to highlight that we believe that the player always matters more than the character you play as.

If you have an off-meta main that is working for you, by all means, no need to switch! Keep rocking it.

This list is more to understand if one of your characters is favorable in the current meta, or to help players that have run into a plataeu.

Quick Notes

Mid Season 11 Notes

The patch that has come through during the middle of season 11 (and the July 12th hotfix), has shaken up the meta of OW2 more than any update since switching from a 6v6 to 5v5 format.

Tanks are now extremely overpowered and have way higher impact to a match than DPS and Support roles.

Tanks were already on the rise with the armor rework and season 11 update, but then the devs decided to triple down with the mid-season patch and give just about every Tank hero massive individual buffs and insane universal buffs.

Here are the changes made that universally effect Tank heroes:

  • Universal Change
    • Armor flat damage reduction increased from 5 to 10 per projectile.
  • Tank Role Passive
    • Ultimate generation reduction increased from 30 to 40%.
    • Knockback resistance reduced from 50 to 40%.
  • Damage Role Passive
    • Now only half as effective against Tank heroes (10% healing reduction).

Together, these changes have completely overhauled the power level of the Tank role. Armor row reducing each projectile by 10 makes previous Tank busters like Bastion, Torbjörn, and Mauga completely useless at damaging a Tank with armor health.

In general, heroes are doing less damage to Tanks, gaining less ult charge (further reduced by how little damage is being dealt), and Supports are pumping 10% extra healing into their Tanks.

Even a bottom tier Tank like Orisa is going to be extremely difficult for a DPS hero to eliminate and is only bottom tier compared to her Tank counterparts, not in comparison to how strong she is compared to C-tier DPS heroes in a vacuum.

With these changes in mind, let’s take a closer look at who the strongest heroes in each role are this season and what makes them so dominant.

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Since you’re here, there’s a good chance that you already know the core differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

If not, know that there are some kit adjustments across the hero cast. Be sure to know what has changed for your hero pool before diving into ranked.

The other major change to know is that now, there are five players instead of six (sorry to all you sixth men and women out there). This means that there are now one tanks instead of two.

Although it depends on the comp and the map, in general, this means that there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of crowd control and shields in the game.

There will be less instances of just defaulting to deathball teamfights and more instances of skirmishes and duels that happen.

How tiers work

In S-tier, you’ll find the best heroes in Overwatch 2 which will be very present in almost all maps and comp combinations.

A-tier heroes are still great choices but tend to be present for fewer maps than S-tier characters in pro play. However, in some situations, A-tier characters might shine more than S-tier characters.

In B-tier, we’re continuing the trend of heroes that have lower overall presence and are even more specialized. Some heroes here are just worse versions or downgrades of heroes in a similar niche above them (such as Ashe usually being the better choice over Cassidy).

Lastly, we have the Situational batch of heroes in the C-tier section. These heroes are rarely seen in comparison to their peers and are usually pulled out for specific halves or holds on a very small pool of maps. If you’re having success with them, by all means, keeping playing them.

The Best Damage (DPS) Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Tier List
S Echo, Ashe, Tracer
A Pharah, Cassidy, Venture, Genji, Symmetra
B Mei, Sombra, Widowmaker, Reaper, Junkrat
C Hanzo, Bastion, Sojourn, Torbjorn, Soldier: 76

The fliers have been dominating the recent meta. With Pharah dropping to 225hp, Echo becomes the uncontested #1 DPS hero. She is simultaneously the best poke hero and best dive hero.

A well-timed Focusing beam can be your team’s only hope of actually confirming an elim on a low enemy Tank before their Supports can save them. Her previous ult charge buffs are letting her become a 2nd unstoppable tank pretty much every single fight.


Ashe has been doing well recently, and B.O.B., which has been one of the best DPS ults, just became even more powerful. Now being considered a Tank and receiving the role passives means B.O.B. is harder to destroy because of the headshot damage reduction.

The easiest way to shut him down used to be Ana’s Sleep Dart, but now it’s only going to put him down for a measly 3 seconds.

Cassidy getting ranged nerfed makes Ashe basically uncontestable at range for any DPS hero and it’s going to be primarily up to the Tank players to shut down Ashe if she’s not being mirrored.

On top of all of this, Dynamite is practically an automatic Pylon destroyer and free ult charge off of the enemies that are playing grouped next to the Pylon.


The armor changes mean Tracer is doing a single 1 dmg per bullet in her pistols against armor health. Tracer has never wanted to target armored heroes who are primarily tanks anyway. Being the best choice for picking off the enemy supports is what is keeping Tracer meta. While the Supports are alive, Tanks are unstoppable, take away their Supports and Tanks become… well not instantly killable but much easier to deal with. Even if Tracer is unable to actually elim the Supports, if she can use up their attention and resources on her own, her other 4 teammates have a huge window of opportunity to win the fight.

The Best Tank Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List
S D.VA, Sigma, Ramattra
A Winston, Zarya, Reinhardt, Wrecking Ball
B Junker Queen, Doomfist, Mauga
C Orisa, Roadhog

D.Va’s 375 armor health combined with 3.5 seconds of Defense Matrix make her unbelievably tanky.

To put this into perspective, Mauga’s Cardiac Overdrive only lasts 3 seconds now so D.Va doesn’t even need to have a full meter available to completely shut down Cardiac, then her Armor eats up the rest of the damage Mauga could deal into her before inevitably dying.

Moreover, the recent buffs to her Booster impact damage, weapon spread and Micro Missiles damage have turned her into the ultimate squishy deleting machine!

On top of all the buffs, her mobility allows her to perform well on just about every map and into almost every type of team composition. Zarya, who gives D.Va some trouble just got nerfed in the hotfix which even further solidifies D.Va position at the top of the all powerful Tank role.


While Sigma does not’ have any armor so he doesn’t benefit from the armor buffs, the devs didn’t’ forget about him and doubled the impact damage from Accretion which gives him back a one shot combo against 250hp heroes.

Additionally, Sigma’s kit counters so many of the strong Tank, DPS and Support abilities this season so players won’t even notice not having armor.


For a few days Ramattra was an unstoppable force running over every lobby. Thankfully he received some nerfs in the hotfix but they aren’t enough to drop him from the top tier of Tanks this season.

Blocking in Nemesis Form all but guarantees Ram will be unkillable for 8 seconds. When paired with a Lucio to speed him around, Ramattra can run down an entire enemy team and completely dominate the whole lobby.

The increase to Pummel from 60 to 65 may not seem like a lot but that means he can solo kill a 250hp in one less punch than previously.

The Best Support Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Support Tier List
S Lucio, Kiriko, Illari
A Baptiste
B Brigitte, Ana, Mercy, Zenyatta
C Moira, Lifeweaver


One word: Tanks. Lucio has reclaimed his #1 spot as the highest impact Support based on his ability to move around the unstoppable Tank heroes this season.

Saving Amp it Up for an aggressive speed boost is the most powerful and consistent strategy in OW2 at the moment.

Also on the defensive, speeding squishy allies away from an approaching Tank is the best way to try and survive the onslaught. Team’s are also playing more grouped up with their tanks which lets Lucio farm Sound Barrier really quickly.


Kiriko very briefly fell out of the meta after being hard meta for over a year. Not to worry, because she’s already back. Her ability to keep her Tank alive through healing output and Protection Suzu is unrivaled.

Paired with her own individual survivability, Kiriko is a really strong pick in virtually every game, map, objective mode and team comp.

Baptise could almost rival her but has a harder time surviving enemy Tank aggression which is the reason he has been dropped to A tier in comparison.

Want to dominate the meta for other games? Check out all our other Mobalytics tier lists.