Marvel SnapGuides

Marvel Snap: Miek Best Decks and Analysis

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How to Play Miek in Marvel Snap

Welcome to another installment in our series where we cover new card releases and how to use them. I’ll be covering new deck ideas in this article, but to stay up to date, check out our Full Tier List to see any new meta changes.

Miek is the next card releasing in January, and he’s providing some additional support to the Discard archetype. Notably, Miek does not Discard, but rather benefits from discarding other cards.

It will be interesting to see if Miek makes the cut in Discard. Unfortunately, pure Discard decks have gotten much worse since the America Chavez change. Maybe Miek will reinvigorate the archetype, but it’s likely that more support will be needed.

Let’s get right into the guide.

Miek Effect

Marvel Snap Miek

After each turn, if you discarded any cards, gain +1 Power for each and move.

Miek Analysis

Miek is a scaling threat that will grow in Power as you discard cards. Assuming a 1/3 is a good rate, you only need to Discard two cards in order for Miek to be worthwhile. If you discard more than that, then he becomes quite good.

Another interesting effect is that Miek also moves around as he gains Power, similar to Werewolf, except you can’t control where he moves. Either way, this does open up potential for a Move Discard mash up archetype, but that’s quite unlikely.

Overall, Miek can be a strong card, but he definitely has some weaknesses that hold him back.

Miek Counters and Weaknesses

Firstly, since Miek is a 1-cost card, Killmonger is an obvious counter. Since he gains Power, Shadow King is also another counter. Miek likely will avoid Shang-Chi range, but that’s also possible.

The second main weakness is shared with just about every scaling threat. If you don’t draw Miek early, you lose out on a lot of value. Since Miek costs 1 Energy, drawing him any later than turn 1 makes you lose out on Power. Drawing Miek specifically on turn 1 is also difficult as you only get to see 4 cards.

Cards that Synergize with Miek

Discard Cards

Marvel Snap Modok

On Reveal: Discard your hand.

Miek will synergize mainly with Discard cards such as Modok, Hell Cow, Sword Master, etc. These cards are all above rate, but Discard other cards from your hand. If you have Miek on the board, the rate of these cards goes up even further.

The main issue is that you need some way to generate more cards in your hand so you don’t run out of cards to play. However, if things line up, you can definitely put a good amount of Power on the board.

Strong Guy

Marvel Snap Strong Guy

Ongoing: If your hand is empty, +6 Power.

Strong Guy is a card that synergizes with Discard but hasn’t seen much play due to his anti-synergy with Dracula. In Dracula Apocalypse decks, your hand never truly empties if Dracula discards Apocalypse.

However, there could be potential for a Discard deck to play without Dracula and Apocalypse. In this situation, maybe Strong Guy can make a comeback.


Marvel Snap Kraven

When a card moves here, this gains +2 Power.

As I briefly touched on, since Miek does move around, you could potentially pair him alongside Kraven to have two scaling threats. I don’t think this combo will be good though.

If you want to play this style of deck, you need to somehow fit both Move cards and Discard cards into your deck. It’s possible this type of deck can be good, but I’m quite reluctant to believe so.

Miek Decks

For this section, I’ll be mainly going over some decks that synergize with Miek.

Keep in mind that these decks are all first impressions, so things can definitely change rapidly. As new discoveries are made, I will be updating our Full Tier List, rather than update this article.

Be sure to check it out to see what the best decks are.

Miek Dracula Deck

Marvel Snap Discard Miek Deck

First up, we have the classic Discard deck, and we’re simply putting Miek in over something like Gambit. With Miek, the deck now has multiple scaling threats such as Apocalypse, Mobius, and now Miek.

The main issue with this type of deck is that if you don’t draw Modok, the deck can run into consistency issues. If you spend most of the game playing scaling cards like Miek, into Mobius, into Daken, into Dracula, you might not even be able to Discard the cards you need to.

Even still, this is the easiest deck to slot him into as it’s a proven deck. Discard hasn’t been in a great spot in the recent meta, but maybe Miek can bring it up just a bit.

Miek Sera Deck

Marvel Snap Miek Sera Discard Deck

This next deck is an experimental list I put together to try and figure out a different archetype for Miek. There is already a Sera Control deck that uses cards like Maximus and Gladiator in order to get Power on the board. This deck tries to achieve the same thing, except the Power comes from the Discard engine.

This deck definitely can use some optimizations. I want to try things like fitting in more tech cards like Enchantress or Rogue. You can also look to try using different Discard cards, Strong Guy, etc.

Should You Buy Miek?

Overall, I would rate Miek a 2/5.

I gave Hercules a similar rating last article, and I find Miek to be in a similar situation. They both are providing some support to a weaker archetype, but neither seem to put it over the top.

However, I do think Miek has more potential than Hercules, and who knows, if Second Dinner buffs Miek in the future, he could be a top meta deck.

Unfortunately, as it stands, I don’t see Miek affecting the meta too much. Even still, I do believe Miek will be an overall upgrade to the Discard archetype. So if Discard is your jam, don’t regret going for him.

Hope this guide helped you out a bit, good luck in your games, and snap away!

Be sure to check out our Tier Lists for out current rankings on Marvel Snap decks and cards.

Good luck in your games, and thanks for reading!