Marvel SnapGuides

Marvel Snap: Black Knight Decks and Synergies

How to Play Black Knight in Marvel Snap

Welcome to another installment in our series where we cover new card releases and how to use them.

For our second release of October, the game is releasing Black Knight. The Black Knight is another card that synergizes with the Discard archetype. Discard hasn’t been a top meta deck, but it’s been quite a solid one since the release of Modok.

While Black Knight likely won’t revolutionize the archetype, he can be an interesting card to run.

Let’s get right into the guide.

Black Knight Effect

Marvel Snap Black Knight

After you discard a card, add the Ebony Blade to your hand with that card’s Power. (once per game)

Ebony Blade

Marvel Snap Ebony Blade

The black blade blazes.

Black Knight Synergy

It’s quite clear to see that Black Knight was designed to be played with the Discard archetype. If you discard something like The Infinaut, you’re going to get an Ebony Blade with a 4/20 stat line.

However, the main drawback to Black Knight is that you need to play him on the board. This can be fine if you play him on turn 1, but in the current Discard lists, the curve is quite simple, and doesn’t leave much room for Black Knight.

As such, he doesn’t slot in very easily to the current Discard lists. However, you can still play Black Knight with a different engine of Discard that utilizes things like Silver Samurai, Lady Sif, Ghost Rider, and more.

Lady Sif

Marvel Snap Lady Sif

On Reveal: Discard the highest-cost card from your hand.

Of the Discard cards, Lady Sif is likely the best card to synergize with Black Knight. This is because you want to Discard a high power card, and Lady Sif will likely do that as she discards the highest-cost card.

Cards like Modok and Colleen Wing don’t synergize too well, as you may discard a low power card and simply get a low power Ebony Blade. However, Black Knight does still refill your hand once you discard a card. That means that if you have Mobius on board, the Ebony Blade will give you an extra card to discard through Modok.


Marvel Snap Zabu

Ongoing: Your 4-Cost cards cost 1 less. (minimum 1)

Since the Ebony Blade is a 4-cost card, this means you can reduce the cost by 1 through Zabu. This will be unreliable as many decks run Mobius right now, but it’s still worth mentioning.

Black Knight Decks

For this section, I’ll be mainly going over some decks that synergize with Black Knight.

Keep in mind that these decks are all first impressions, so things can definitely change rapidly. As new discoveries are made, I will be updating our Full Tier List, rather than update this article.

Be sure to check it out to see what the best decks are.

Black Knight Modok Deck

Marvel Snap Black Knight Modok Deck


This first deck simply looks to slot in Black Knight into the current popular Discard list. The point of this list is to simply curve your hand with cards like Mobius, Lady Sif, Dracula, Modok, into Apocalypse/America.

While Black Knight can certainly be played in this deck, it’s not necessarily a big upgrade or an upgrade at all. If you don’t play Black Knight on turn 1, you may not have a good opportunity to play him.

Similarly, if you want to play Colleen Wing on turn 2 and have Black Knight in hand, her effect becomes much worse as you would rather discard Wolverine or Swarm.

Even still, he can be good if you draw him early and have the opportunity to play the Ebony Blade on 4 (because you didn’t draw Dracula).

Black Knight Infinaut Deck

Marvel Snap Black Knight Infinaut Deck


This second deck looks to just get the highest power Ebony Blade as possible. You want to discard The Infinaut with Lady Sif, and then proceed to play out a 20 Power Ebony Blade. You can then further scale your board with cards like Taskmaster or Ghost Rider to get The Infinaut back.

This deck is quite a combo deck, and there will just be some games where the cards don’t line up. Even if everything goes right, there will be games where you just don’t outpower your opponent. Even still, it can be satisfying to pull off the combo and win games.

Black Knight Counters

Fortunately for Black Knight, there aren’t really any cards that counter him. There aren’t particularly any tech cards to counter Discard, except maybe Cosmo.

Even with Cosmo, your opponent would have to predict where you will play your Lady Sif or other Discard effect. You can counter Ebony Blade with cards like Shang-Chi, but that is dependent on what type of Black Knight deck you are running.

If your Ebony Blade reaches 9 Power or higher, then Shang-Chi can definitely be a counter, but it doesn’t technically stop Black Knight completely.


All in all, Black Knight is adding some support to the Discard archetype. However, he doesn’t really upgrade the current Discard decks that are doing well. Instead, Black Knight seems to extending the different ways you can play around with the Discard engine.

Overall, Black Knight doesn’t seem to be changing too much in the meta. As of right now, we don’t expect him to be included in meta decks, but things may change in the future if the meta evolves or new cards are added.

Hope this guide helped you out a bit, good luck in your games, and snap away!

Be sure to check out our Tier Lists for out current rankings on Marvel Snap decks and cards.

Good luck in your games, and thanks for reading!