Marvel RivalsHeroes

Marvel Rivals Mister Fantastic Guide

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How to Play Mister Fantastic in Marvel Rivals

Welcome to our Marvel Rivals Mister Fantastic guide!

Made of rubber and overhealth, he stretches out to fill whatever role his team needs.

Reed Richards has a significantly higher health pool than any other duelist and far exceeds the competition in damage mitigation.

All of his abilities are primarily for medium to close range engagements. The incredible amount of overhealth generated means he’ll have no trouble positioning on the front lines.

Even though he is technically in the Duelist category, Mister Fantastic functions much more like an off tank than a damage dealer. You’ll want to focus on crowd control and damage mitigation in order to fully realize the power of the stretch!

Find out where Mister Fantastic ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.

mister fantastic full splash

mister fantastic difficulty


Massive Amounts of Health

Not only does he have a base health of 350hp, but Mister Fantastic also has multiple abilities that grant him overhealth. Being able to generate 780hp makes him far tankier than any other duelist.

Invincible Damage Mitigation

Reflexive Rubber has the unique abilities to absorb and reflect damage. For the entire duration of this ability, Mister Fantastic is completely immune to all CC effects and is 100% invincible. Even the likes of Iron Man or Scarlet Witch’s high damage ultimates are not capable of inflicting any damage.

Crowd Control

Strong crowd control is a very powerful tool in a duelists kit. When using Distended Grip, players gain access to multiple options of displacing the enemy.

Cleave Damage

Against team comps that play grouped together, the cleave damage of Stretch Punch build up Elasticity and ultimate charge extremely quickly. As long as the player is flicking punches, they’re guaranteed to be at least doubling or tripling their damage output.


Lacks Burst Damage

When a hero needs to play in closer ranges, they want to have high burst damage to make their presence a high threat. Unfortunately for the doctor, he lacks burst damage or combos that are capable of quickly eliminating enemies.

Giant Hurtbox

Turning giant is really fun, but also turns you into a huge bullet sponge. The high health helps to balance this out, but Mister Fantastic stretching his whole body still means he is feeding the enemy team a lot of ult charge and taking high amounts of damage.

Slow Movement

Other than Flexible Elongation, there are no mobility tools in his kit. Even his one ability requires a target to already be in position and in range of where he wants to go. Making a hero have both limited range and limited movement can make it feel near impossible to contest long range or high mobility enemies.


mister fantastic abilities

Primary Fire: Stretch Punch

Stretch Punch left click

  • Flick your crosshair left & right with every punch.
    • Cleave multiple targets with each swing
    • Even if the initial strike misses your target, if your crosshair passes over them at any point during the active frames, you’ll still land the attack (assuming they are in range).

[Shift]: Reflexive Rubber

reflexive rubber l shift

  • Immune to all CC effects
    • Save the ability to counter specific CC abilities whether that be a stun, or an Ultimate like “IT’s JEFF!”
  • Invincible
    • While there is a limit to the total amount of damage he can absorb, there is no limit on the amount from a single instance of damage.
      • Iron Man’s 1000 damage Ultimate can be absorbed.
      • Can even buy enough time to survive some damage over time ultimates like Psylocke’s.

[E] Flexible Elongation

Flexible Elongation e

  • Mister Fantastic’s only mobility tool.
    • Always save one charge of Flexible Elongation to escape or disengage from a fight when in danger of being eliminated.
    • Good for chasing down retreating enemies as it simultaneously CC them and pulls you to them.
  • Peel for allies
    • The ability grants shields to your targeted ally and brings you directly to them which makes this a great ability to help your teammate under attack.
    • Help keep your Strategists alive, they’ll keep you alive and no one has to drop, “gg no heals.’

Secondary Fire: Distended Grip

Distended Grip right click

  • Depending on the situation, you’ll need to reactively decide whether to pull your target to you, or smash them into another target.
    • Pull them to you when doing so will bring the enemy into your grouped up team.
    • Smash two enemies together with dueling separated, or when there are allies who can follow up on their airborne displacement.

Passive: Elastic Strength

elastic strength passive

  • As soon as your Elasticity is full, you can activate Elastic Strength and gain over health.
    • Take advantage of the upcoming overhealth to make aggressive plays where you’d overwise be unable to survive.
    • While in giant form, Mister Fantastic does not have access to Reflexive Rubber. Therefore, if you know the enemy has an ultimate or key ability you want to deflect, make sure to either manually exit the form or not activate it.

Ultimate Ability: Brainiac Bounce

Brainiac Bounce q

  • Only gains additional uses after hitting an enemy.
    • Be aware of the environment such as walls, doorways, or bridges that would cut off the AoE and prevent gaining additional leaps.
  • Because the damage of each is not super high, focus first on targeting enemies who are already at low health, then on hitting multiple targets at once.

Team-up: Wedded Harmony

Wedded Harmony team up

  • The primary use for Wedded Harmony is simply making yourself more tanky and extending the amount of time you can stay in a fight – thanks Invisible Woman!
  • Using his cooldown cycle, you can time out that Wedded Harmony can be utilized every other CD cycle.


Team Comp Synergies

Ideal comps built around Mister Fantastic either go full force on front line presence, or focus splitting off for damage while he acts as the front line.

1-3-2 comps work well with Mister Fantastic as he is a perfect hybrid of Duelist and Vanguard and can fill the function of each role.

On the other hand, a team can use him to further beef up an already strong double Vanguard frontline, and allow him to nearly permanently stay up front without the need to retreat.

  • Vanguards: Magneto
  • Duelists: Mister Fantastic, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch
  • Strategists: Luna Snow, Cloak & Dagger


Pairing up Magneto allows the two trade off damage mitigation abilities, leaving only tiny windows of time for the enemy to output meaningful damage.

Additionally, these two heroes have nearly identical range and want to position very similarly. Both have slower rates of fire but make up for the weakness by also trading CC abilities back and forth to thwart enemy advances on their backline.