5 Worst Picks in One for All
One for All is back with a vengeance, and it’s time to team up with your friends and battle it out against five others. In this game mode, you can pick a champion you wish to play, and if your team agrees, the five of you place the same champion.
In this game mode, there are some very strong champions, and some very weak ones too. Also, there are some champions you should avoid playing at all costs, as they do not suit the 5v5 style. In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 champions you need to avoid if you want to play One for All.
You can find other articles regarding One for All on the Mobalytics Blog. Also, the data we are using in this guide is from LoLalytics.
Please note that they might not be statistically the worse, but they’re not at all great. Also, the data may be slightly incorrect, depending on when you review this guide. Also, we’ve made an article on the best picks for One-for-All too.
1. Elise (33.37% WR)
The multiple reasons why this champion isn’t recommended or played very much in One for All. Elise is not a laner, and she needs to be played in the jungle. Because she is being played in all lanes, she lacks power and is never as strong as her opponent.
While she does have one CC tool, which is her E, the only way she can trade with the enemy is if she lands this ability. Furthermore, she is weak in 1v1s against laning champions. This isn’t true in the jungle role, but it is very much true in this game mode.
Elise doesn’t exactly have an Ultimate, either, so she is at a disadvantage in fights. She also has to keep changing forms frequently, which can leave her at an extra disadvantage. Her ranged form isn’t great, either, so she has to change frequently, too.
2. Yuumi (5.60% WR)
Yuumi has the lowest win rate of any champion in the game right now and there are a variety of issues with playing her. First off, Yuumi’s kit is designed around peeling and protecting people. In this game mode, she cannot do that.
Yuumi has no one to W to effectively, which is a huge issue as she’s at a disadvantage from the get-go. Add to this her low base stats and squishiness, and there is no way Yuumi can lane at all.
In previous Seasons, Yuumi could build a variety of different items. But right now, her best build involves her building sustain and utility items to empower her teammates. She can’t exactly go full damage anymore, so she likes a good build for this game mode.
3. Draven (28.16% WR)
Draven is a fantastic laning champion. He can work incredibly well with many different supports and is strong no matter the situation. However, in this game mode, he is by far one of the worst champions you could pick.
First off, in the top or bottom lane, both champions will want to get minions and stacks on their Q: both need to share stacks. This will result in neither of you getting as strong as you possibly could.
Draven cannot build anything outside of his core build path. So, if the enemy has tanky champions with lots of hard engagement, he will not perform well at all, as the enemy can just layer CC, lock him down, and make it possible for him to kill the enemy.
4. Ivern (27.01% WR)
Ivern’s kit forces him to be a Jungler. When you are playing One for All, there is no way that five players can jungle. This leaves him at a severe disadvantage making it very difficult for him to perform well.
In this game mode, Ivern lacks a good build, as he is traditionally a champion who just provides utility, healing and shielding. So, like many of the other champions on our list, he is severely disadvantaged.
However, I will say that having five Daisys on the map is kind of cool. So, if your team is coordinated well, you could be playing 10 versus 5!
5. Kha’Zix (28.27% WR)
The final champion on our list is Kha’Zix. Firstly he needs to build penetration items to deal with the enemy. Kha’Zix is usually picked against squishy champions and teams that lack tanks. If he is playing against a tank team, it will be very difficult for him.
In Solo Queue, he usually picks up kills by assassinating targets walking around the map. This is a lot harder in One for All, as teams tend to be grouped more often, and they may build items to counter him directly, such as stacking armour.
Kha’Zix must get ahead early to be stronger in the mid-game. He will not be strong at all unless he gets kills. Unlike good scaling champions, his scaling is nonexistent unless he gets ahead.
Final Thoughts
This game mode is supposed to be fun, and I would avoid picking these champions if you want to have a fun time playing this game mode! As you can see, these champions don’t work well on One for All, so I recommend avoiding them like the plague.
You can find more articles about One for All over on the Mobalytics Blog.
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