League of Legends 25.S1.6 Patch Notes Breakdown
Welcome to our patch notes breakdown for League of Legends Season 25.S1.6!
Let’s break down all the new changes in LoL coming this week.
We recommend following along with the official patch notes since we won’t be listing all the specific stat changes, but rather focusing on the impact of the changes and the champions updated place in the current meta.
If you’re wondering how these changes will affect the meta, check out our LoL champion tier list!
Buffs, Nerfs, and Changes
Please Note: It is important that you read the patch notes and the images in their entirety to ensure that you do not miss any information.
Caitlyn (nerf)
- Her W headshot damage is decreased.
- Caitlyn’s Ultimate damage is decreased.
- These nerfs will make her a weaker ADC in this patch.
Corki (nerf)
- Corki’s base armor has been reduced. He will be far weaker in both the mid and ADC lane, especially against AD champions.
Darius (nerf)
- His Passive damage is decreased.
- This nerf is aimed at him in the jungle role.
Draven (nerf)
- Passive is weaker with the removal of bonus stacks for every 6 kills.
Ezreal (nerf)
- His armor growth is decreased.
Fiora (buff)
- Her Q mana cost no longer scales, so she will be stronger at all stages of the game.
Garen (nerf)
- His E damage crit is reduced. This will make him weaker when he goes for that almighty full AD Garen build.
Gwen (changed)
- She has received some base stat changes.
- Her Passive Damage is changed.
- Q deals more damage overall.
- E cooldown is reduced at all ranks, and deals more damage in the later ranks.
- Her Ultimate deals less damage, but the slow is increased.
- Overall, we should wait and see how these changes impact Gwen.
Jarvan IV (buff)
- His Q damage is increased, so expect to see him a bit more in this patch.
Jhin (buff)
- Jhin has received changes to his Passive scaling.
Jinx (nerf)
- Jinx’s Ultimate damage is decreased. She will be weaker in those post 6 fights.
Kai’Sa (buff)
- Her base armor and health regen is increased.
- Her Ultimate cooldown is reduced at all ranks.
- These buffs will help her in the laning phase in those really hard matchups.
Karma (nerf)
- This nerf to her Q damage will negatively impact her in both the Mid and Support roles.
Kha’Zix (buff)
- His Passive damage is increased, and his E damage is increased too.
- The Passive damage is going to help him in those 1v1 fights.
Lillia (buff)
- These buffs are going to help her in both the Top and Jungle roles.
- Her E CD is reduced, and the damage scaling is increased.
Lucian (buff)
- Lucian’s E cooldown is decreased.
- This change could make him a good solo laner again, especially in those melee matchups. But we will need to wait and see.
Master Yi (buff)
- His base armor is nerfed.
- However, they have increased the bonus crit on his Q, so technically, this is a buff.
Naafiri (update)
- Basically they have reworked Naafiri.
- She has received a few different base stat changes.
- Passive can spawn more packmates, and those packmates damage are changed.
- Her Q damage to minions is increased.
- Her W is basically like her previous ultimate, but the cooldown is significantly changed.
- Her Ultimate now allows her to reveal nearby enemies and all-in/charge them.
- Naafiri is meant to be a laner, so these changed will reflect that. Make sure you read her abilities properly to fully understand what has changed!
Poppy (buff)
- Her Q damage to monsters is increased.
Singed (buff)
- His base attackspeed is increased.
- His Q has a QoL change.
- E damage scaling is reduced.
- I still think this is a buff to him, especially with the QoL change to his Q.
Smolder (buff)
- Smolder’s W damage is increased and the scaling has improved too.
- His E damage is increased.
- Smolder’s Ultimate cooldown is decreased.
- Overall some nice buffs for Smolder in the ADC and Mid roles.
Twisted Fate (buff)
- TF has some base stat buffs.
Xin Zhao (buff)
- His Q damage is increased. This makes him stronger in those 1v1 settings.
Yorick (nerf)
- They are nerfing his damage vs monsters as they do not want him to jungle anymore…
Item Changes
Serylda’s Grudge
- Armor pen is increased, but it gives less ability haste.
Warmog’s Armor
- The cost is decreased, and it gives more health bonuses.
Thank you for reading. We hope you enjoyed this patch breakdown. How do you feel about this patch? Let us know in the comments. As always, if you have any questions, find us in our Discord!
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League of Legends 25.S1.6 Patch Notes Breakdown
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