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Camille Support Guide Season 14

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How To Play Camille Support in Season 14

As Seasons change and Riot Games changes the game, some champions move into different roles or become popular in a role that isn’t usually their most popular. In recent times, we’ve seen Karma and Gragas both popular in their unpreferred roles, and now we are seeing Camille gain popularity in the Support role.

Camille could always be played as a Support as she has tools that work well in that role. However, as of late, she has become quite the popular pick, finding more success in this role than her Top Lane on Patch 14.5. Patch 14.6 has just started, so we will track her progress in the near future.

In this Mobalytics article, we will help you learn how to play Camille in the Support role. You can stay up to date with the latest trends by heading over to the Mobalytics Blog.

Why Camille Is Being Played In The Support Role

Camille is being played in the Support role due to her synergy with the item Bloodsong. This Support item empowers her next auto-attack against an enemy, which means she deals even more damage while trading and fighting.

As Camille is an all-in champion, she can look to go in, auto-attack the enemy, activate her Q and continue to deal damage. This item also applies a passive that makes it easier to kill the enemy in extended trades too.

Furthermore, Camille’s build consists of strong items in the current meta, so even though she is played as a Support, she can still deal considerable damage.

Program Camille Splash Crop

Best Camille Support Build and Runes

Camille’s Support role build is different from her Top build, which means you need to adjust your normal rune and build setup. Here is the best build and rune setup for her in Support role on patch 14.6.

Laning Phase Tips and Tricks

Camille’s laning phase consists of her and her ADC keeping the wave closer to their side of the map early on, and playing slightly safe. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start looking to play aggressively, around your E and Q combo.

The key in the early game is to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map and avoid constantly pushing it. If you do this, you will find it hard to engage and make plays, as the enemy will have their tower to protect them. By keeping the wave closer to your side of the map, you can force the enemy to overextend and also use your E aggressively.

Post 6, you need to play around your Ultimate as much as possible to get picks on either the enemy ADC or the squishy enemy Support. I suggest focusing on the squishier and easier-to-kill of the two. Don’t Ult the tank, but if there is a utility Support, you could press R on them.

If you have won lane, look to roam around the map and help your allies. Camille has CC tools (her E and Ultimate), so she can make plays and lock down enemy targets. You could go with your Jungler and gank other people who are overextended.

Remember that Camille is a melee champion who needs to engage. Do not take too much damage for free; otherwise, you’ll never be able to engage. You should only play Camille if you’re aggressive and want to make aggressive plays.

IG Camille Splash Crop

Camille Support Matchups

Camille has been a decent support throughout patch 14.5, and these are some of her best and worst matchups. For the record, the data for this patch is from 14.5, Emerald+, and all servers.

Ashe (57.8% Win Rate against Ashe Support)

Ashe does have the range advantage, so she can bully you down and poke you with her W and auto-attacks. But, she is also incredibly squishy and easy to kill. So, watch your positioning and then all-in her when she walks too far forward.

Project Ashe 1

Hwei (57.5% Win Rate against Hwei Support)

Hwei’s very squishy and easy to kill. You can force him and his ADC to over extend, and then all-in them when they walk up. While he does have the range advantage, his basic attacks do not hurt as much as Ashes’.

Winterblessed Hwei Splash

Brand (56.6% Win Rate against Brand Support)

Brands tend to bully and harass enemies, which usually result in them pushing. You can abuse this to all-in him when he walks too far forward. You can also dodge his Q with your Ultimate and E. Brand is also very immobile, which will help aid you killing him over and over again.

Brand Base Splash

However, I would highly avoid picking Camille into any one of these 3 champions as they’re good counters to her. The win rate next to the champion name is their win rate versus Camille in the Support role.

Taric (54.2% Win Rate vs Camille)

Taric is known to be one of the best counter-engage champions in the game. The only way you can win this matchup is if you fight when his E is on cooldown. Taric is too tanky to kill as well, so you’ll always focus his ADC. If you get into this matchup, you should just look to roam.

Space Groove Taric Splash Crop

Braum (53.3% Win Rate vs Camille)

This champion is another strong counter engage champion as his Q and basic attacks can apply stacks on you, which can easily CC you in the end, making it impossible to safely fight them.

Janna (52.9% Win Rate vs Camille)

Janna is very squishy, but she does have tools (her Q and R) to make it hard to engage. Furthermore, using your Ultimate against her is quite challenging as she can just press R when you R and knock you out of the zone.

Prestige Janna CyberHalo Skin Crop

Camille Tips and Tricks

Now, we will discuss some basic tips and tricks to help you start playing Camille. These tips will help you in both the Support and Top roles.

  • Play around your Ultimate. It will usually result in a kill. Press R on an overextended target, and all-in them.
  • Make sure you keep trades long, so you can make use of your auto-attacks.
  • Remember to auto-Q-auto for the most damage output. Your Q is an auto-attack reset.
  • Bait out key abilities before fighting, as that is the safest time to fight the enemy.
  • Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map, so you can run the enemy down the lane.
  • In team fights, use your Ultimate to isolate a carry or someone your team can kill quickly.
  • Stand towards a wall at all times (or at least be in range to E it) so you can easily engage at any given moment.


Camille is a somewhat popular off-meta pick Support you could be playing right now in LoL. We will see how far we see her grow this patch after the item changes Riot implemented this patch. What do you think of Camille? Is she your favourite Support right now, and do you like playing as or against her? Let us know below!

For more articles and tips and tricks to help you climb in LoL, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.