Best Top and Jungle Synergy in League of Legends
When we talk about synergy, it’s often referred to as the synergy and compatibility between the ADC and Support. However, there are multiple different types of synergy in League of Legends. In the first in a new series by Mobalytics, we will list 4 of the best Top and Jungler synergies you can find in League of Legends.
Before we begin, throughout the series, they may not be statistically the best pairing. However, each champion has different ways they may work together. For instance, how well they play along with one another during the laning phase or how strong they’re in team fights.
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4 Top and Jungle Synergies to Try in LoL
1. Shen and Rengar
Shen and Rengar probably won’t be the first pairing that jumps out at you when we talk about synergy in League of Legends (see what I did there?) However, these two can be a deadly combination with each other, and both synergise well with one another.
Let’s talk about the laning phase first. Shen is a solid Top laner with good gank setup with his E. He can set up skirmishes with his E, which enables Rengar to get an easy follow-up on to the enemy champion. Shen can also trade frequently and win trades with Sunfire, Q and E.
These two really shine together post 6. Rengar can use his Ultimate when trying to gank an enemy. Shen can cast his Ultimate on the Rengar, and then he will appear at the same time as the Rengar to make a multi-person gank. This is good for turning exchanges around. In team fights, Rengar can jump in while Shen is using his Ultimate on him to get Shen right in the mix of it and on key targets.
2. Yasuo and Zac
This one should be pretty simple. Yasuo would benefit from an allied Jungler or multiple teammates with tools that displace and knockup enemy targets. This is due to Yasuo’s Ultimate, which can only be used on knocked-up targets. Zac has several tools that can knock an enemy up.
During the laning phase, the Zac can gank the Yasuo and kill the enemy over and over again. All Zac needs to do is CC the target and knock them up, and then Yasuo can layer the CC onto the target and kill them. If Zac is very good, he could even gank the Yasuo every time his Ultimate is up.
Yasuo doesn’t have to focus just one target: he can focus many different champions, as long as they’re knocked up by someone. Zac can hit multiple champions with his E and Ultimate in team fights, which makes the two very strong and scary in team fights. While the enemy can split up in theory, in practice, most players (including myself) group closely together with their allies and forget about their strengths. All-in-all, these two are very strong together.
3. Cassiopeia and Twitch
The 3rd set of champions on our list are Cassiopeia and Twitch. This is another unpopular but quite a good duo in League of Legends. These 2 deal a considerable amount of damage over time and can poison the enemy.
Cassiopeia doesn’t have the worse gank setup in the world, but she does have a lot of damage. She can bully the enemy down, and then Twitch can gank her. Post 6, their ganking power increases further when she has her Ultimate as she can CC the enemy target, which helps Twitch follow up and deal damage.
In team fights, the two can dominate the enemy thanks to their damage over time and the amount of mixed damage they do combined. If either one of them is fed, their damage output will be insane, and they can singlehandedly win the team fight for their team.
4. Aatrox and Elise
The final champion pairing on our list is Aatrox and Elise. The two have an extremely strong synergy and can consistently put the enemy behind in the laning phase. Not only that, Aatrox’s superior laning and priority allow Elise to invade the enemy’s jungle freely.
During the laning phase, Aatrox can bully the enemy and get kills on his own. He has good skirmishing power and can constantly fight the enemy. Elise is known for her early game dominance and CC, which she can use to complement the Aatrox.
In team fights, they’re not the best, but they can pick enemies off and bulldog on the champion that either one of them catches out with their CC tool. If Elise lands his E, then Aatrox can follow up with his W, and then blow them up with his remaining abilities.
Closing Remarks
The synergy between the Top laner and Jungler can be very useful in League of Legends. Fortunately, most champions synergise well with most Junglers in LoL. As long as a champion either has damage or CC, their Jungler can usually gank them easily. However, you must play to your own advantage as well as your Junglers.
Remember to check out our friends at ONE Esports for more awesome League content.
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