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Best Late Game Mid Laners in League of Legends

Best Late Game Mid Laners in League of Legends

The strongest Mid laners in League of Legends get kills, snowball and take over the map. However, not every strong Mid laner is good at all stages of the game. In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss 5 of the best Mid laners that are good in the later parts of the game.

Some of the champions on our list today are good throughout all game stages, while others need time to come online and are really not very good in the early game. When picking a weak early game champion, it’s essential that you do not fall behind to ensure that you’re strong in the late game.

You can find the win rates, play rates and many other stats for the champions on our list by using the Mobalytics app.

Best Late Game Mid Laners in League of Legends

  1. Ryze
  2. Veigar
  3. Kassadin
  4. Yone
  5. Yasuo

We talk about some of these champions in-depth, and you can also find other strong late-game champions in this video!

1. Ryze

Let’s kick this article of with Ryze! Ryze is a strong late game champion because of his low cooldowns and his ability to get picks with his team.

While his Ultimate is pretty niche, it can be pretty effective at securing and cheesing objectives. You can also use it with your allies to get picks on overextended targets. Your Ultimate will be on a shortish cool down in the late game so that you can do this somewhat frequently.

His basic abilities will be on a very low cooldown too. Because of the potential to deal AOE damage to enemies, he can basically machine gun the enemy with his low cooldowns and damage to win a team fight.

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Tips and Tricks:

  • Ryze is very weak in the early game and needs time to scale. Avoid spamming your abilities until you’ve got your Tear otherwise, you’ll be forced to recall early and may miss out on getting this item.
  • Remember that your level 6 is far weaker than most champions as your Ultimate is a utility tool and deals no damage. Play respectfully if the enemy is stronger than you at this time.
  • Your goal throughout the early and mid-game is to scale. Avoid falling behind by playing safe and respectfully until you have an item or two. Once you get into the late game, you’ll be much stronger and have an easier time playing.

2. Veigar

The next champion on our list is Veigar. It should be really obvious why Veigar is an insane late game champion, but if it’s not, it’s because Veigar can get unlimited stacks and get unlimited AP.

The longer the game goes, the more AP Veigar will get from stacking his Q. With enough AP, he could potentially one shot a squishy champion. Taking someone out at the start of the fight could enable your team to win the fight quickly.

Also, he generally maxes his E second, so his pick potential will heavily increase in the mid and late game. A good Veigar will look to roam around the map and try to pick enemies off in the earlier parts of the mid-game and will look to catch players out in the late game.

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Tips and Tricks:

  • Do not use your E unless you are going for a kill or setting up a gank. It costs a lot of mana and is the main source of escaping.
  • Look to farm with your Q to gain stacks and increase your AP. Line up multiple minions for extra damage.
  • Use your R on squishy targets to execute them at the start of the fight and make it 5v4.

3. Kassadin

Kassadin needs to hit level 16 to take over the map, but if he’s got a lead before the level 16 mark, then you’re going to quickly end the game once you have a third point in your Ultimate.

Kassawin is very good in the late game thanks to his Ultimate’s low cooldown, which enables him to jump on enemies frequently. The only thing that isn’t great for him in the late game is his mana costs, but he should be fine as long as he keeps an eye on his mana pool.

He will struggle to dominate the late game if he’s not ahead. He requires some assistance in the earlier parts of the game to ensure that he can scale well and be good in the later parts of the game.

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Tips and Tricks:

  • Focus on staying healthy, farming well and making low risk plays during the early laning phase. Try and avoid putting yourself in a position where the enemy can exploit your weakness and set you behind.
  • Be as selfish as you can up until level 16. Once you’re level 16, you are going to be much stronger and should look to use your power spike to finish off the game.
  • Post 6, when looking to trade, make sure the enemy has a key ability on cooldown before using your Ultimate aggressively. If you go in when all their abilities are up, they will have a lot of damage and be able to trade back with you.

4. Yone

Yone is a late game monster if he hadn’t fallen behind in the earlier parts of the game. However, Yone is much like the next champion on our list. He’s strength relies on how good the player is at them. Yone is a great late champion thanks to his Ultimate and his E.

His E in the late game can get him out of insane situations that can help keep him alive. For instance, he may use his E aggressively to bait the enemy and then return to his original position.

However, his Ultimate is where he truly shines. It can be used to catch out and lock down the whole enemy team if they’re bunched together. If you can CC them and catch them out, then it provides him and his team time to take them down and destroy them. He will also be nearly full build in the late game, which helps too.

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Tips and Tricks:

  • Don’t forget you can reactivate your E early to escape/ dodge incoming damage or CC.
  • In team fights, before using your Ultimate, check the location of your allies. They will need to be able to help you when you go in to avoid going in 1v5.
  • Your Q damage does stack up early. After landing a few Qs, commit to an all-in with your E to get an early advantage.

5. Yasuo

Yasuo is the final champion on our list and it wouldn’t be fair to include one brother and not the other. Just like Yone, he is only as strong as the player playing him.

In the late game, teams will be grouping close together, which offers him the potential to use his Ultimate on multiple targets. The enemy will be grouping, and so will his team. This means he doesn’t have to rely just on his Tornado for the knockup.

His low cooldowns and overall damage will make him a strong champion as he would’ve already completed his 100% crit chance and had lots of items and damage. He is extremely strong when ahead and when he’s versus squishy or immobile champions.

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Tips and Tricks:

  • Weave through the minion wave with your E while always leaving at least one minion untouched so you can get out after trading.
  • Wait for the optimal time to use your Ult. Don’t just engage whenever anyone gets knocked up, as you might be going in 1v5.
  • Refrain from using your Windwall unless you need to use it. You never know when it will come in handy to protect you from incoming ganks or global Ultimates.


Mid laners are some of the strongest champions in the game, and they can one-shot any squishy champion. If you love to one-shot the enemy, then maybe give some of these champions a go! As always, you’ll find more educational content to improve in the mid lane by heading over to Mobalytics!