Best Early Game Supports in League of Legends
The best Support players can pick a champion that synergises well with the ADC, regardless of the matchup. If your ADC has picked a champion who is dominant in the early game, you will benefit heavily from picking a Support that is too very aggressive early so you can win the lane.
To make climbing easier in LoL, it’s not a bad idea to play lane dominant and strong early game champions. As long as you play aggressive and look to make plays, and you get early kills, then you will have an easier time climbing in LoL.
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Best Early Game Supports in League of Legends
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1. Pyke
Pyke is a strong early game champion because of his Q. If you’re able to land your Q on an enemy in the early laning phase, you can look for an all-in or trade with them. Getting an early kill can help you snowball and quickly get your items.
At level 6, you’re almost guaranteed to get kills with your Ultimate, as you can execute the enemy when they’re pretty healthy. This, paired with an aggressive ADC, makes your all-ins very strong.
Unlike many Supports, he is AD and takes Hail of Blades. This Rune is strong in the early game, and it can help him secure kills and burst the enemy down. He will also deal damage and be great at trading: further increasing his early game strength.

Tips and Tricks:
- Track the enemy’s cooldowns and use your Ultimate accordingly. If they have Flash, expect them to Flash away from your Ultimate
- Wait for the enemy to use any dash or mobility spells before initiating with your Q. This will severely reduce their ability to dodge your Hook.
- Pyke is a really good roaming champion. Don’t be afraid to leave your ADC alone in lane to help your Jungler or Mid laner.
2. Brand
Brand is a lane dominant Support with tons of poke and burst damage. His goal in the early game is to poke and be as annoying as possible. He has low cooldowns too, which aids him in poking the enemy down.
At level 6, you have tons of additional burst damage with your Ultimate, which can bounce between targets. Use it when the enemy laners are close to one another to blow them up quickly.
Brand is an excellent Support for Solo Queue because he deals damage and builds AP items. He relies less on his other champions compared to other Supports as he can make up for their lack of damage.

Tips and Tricks:
- Try and poke as often as you can with your W, but make sure to keep an eye on your mana pool.
- In team fights, try to cast your Ultimate when the enemy is bunched together so it can bounce between multiple champions and deal more damage.
- If you’re struggling to lane against a champion with a hook or engage tool, the best time to harass them with your W is when their CC ability is down.
3. Blitzcrank
Beep Boop Robot Guy is a great early game Support. Blitzcrank is very good at early invades and he can get his team first blood if the enemy is tabbed early. If you can’t get an early kill, you might be able to blow Flashs or pull the enemy’s buff away from them.
During the laning phase, it’s pretty easy to land a hook on a target that has miss positioned. Good times to play aggressive are when the enemy is away from the minion wave and just after they’ve used any dash or dodging tools.
A good Hook can easily result in kill after kill. Even if you can’t land your hooks, you can look to roam and help your allies elsewhere on the map. Blitzcrank has great roaming potential, so don’t be afraid to roam and help your team.

Tips and Tricks:
- Holding off from using your Q until the enemy has used a dash or their movement ability will make landing your Q easier.
- In team fights, don’t Hook the enemy tank if possible. Try and Hook a squishy champion or carry instead. Especially don’t Hook somebody who can engage or who has CC like Amumu.
- Know your matchups. When laning against someone who can engage like Alistar, Leona or Nautilus, never try to Hook them. Hooking them will make it easier for them to get onto your ADC. Try and Hook the ADC instead.
4. Zyra
If you’re into nature, then Zyra could be for you. She is a poke Support who is similar to Brand. She has tons of damage and poke early and will use this strength to bully the enemy down and force them to burn through their health potions.
Unlike Brand, Zyra has good CC tools in her kit. Her E is a root that can lock the enemy down briefly: allowing you and your ADC to deal follow up damage to the CC’d target. Post 6, her Ultimate gives her extra damage and even more CC.
She usually buys pen boots or items that deal damage on her first back. She will deal more damage early compared to utility Supports, which makes her a solid early game Support.

Tips and Tricks:
- Seeds will not spawn or show your location if you’re in a bush. Hide in bushes and wait for the enemy to walk past before collapsing on them.
- Try using your Q or E first before using your W so the enemy doesn’t destroy your Seed W or run away.
- You can look to cheese kills and take objectives with ease if you can assassinate and blow someone up. Hide in an unwarded bush in a high traffic area and burst the unlucky enemy who walks nearby.
5. Alistar
Alistar is very strong at level 2. If you get the level up before the enemy, you can play aggressive and look for an early all-in. If you can blow the enemies Flash early, you can repeatedly look for plays and get kills.
Post 6, Alistar becomes incredibly tanky with his Ultimate. You can look for aggressive dives after pushing them into their tower. Do this with your ADC or combined with your Jungler to get kills on immobile and squishy enemy laners.
Most Alistar’s buy early boots, and they use them to quickly move around the map and help their allies. Buy boots, and then look to roam and help your team. Use your CC in conjunction with your ally’s CC to lock down targets and make plays.

Tips and Tricks:
- During the laning phase, stand close to your ADC at all times. With good positioning, you can threaten an engage onto the enemy even if you don’t intend to engage. Stand next to or slightly in front of them at all times.
- Look to set up death bushes before a major objective like the Dragon or Baron spawns. Sit inside a bush and ambush the enemy when they walk past with your W Q combo. Once an enemy is dead, take the objective.
- Once you’ve engaged in a team fight, retreat and protect your ADC. Do not leave them hanging alone against the enemy frontline. Your goal is to engage and then fall back to help them.
We’ve now finished another series of guides! What did you think about them? Let us know! Play the champions you enjoy and are good at rather than playing what we say is always best. You can stay up to date with the latest LoL news and find more tips and tricks to help you climb by heading to Mobalytics!
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