Best Champion Combos to Play With Friends in League of Legends
If you’re a big fan of playing with your friends in ranked, but don’t know how exactly to synergise well with each other, this guide is for you. In this Mobalytics guide, we will discuss several amazing synergises to abuse in Season 14 of League of Legends. It is always best to pick champions that work well with one another, especially if you’re duoing with a friend or are in voice coms.
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Before we begin, the combos we will talk about in this guide will not just be about the bottom lane. In fact, we will talk about synergies elsewhere on the map including the solo lanes and good pairings with Junglers. Let’s kick off our guide with Alistar and Ziggs.
1. Alistar & Ziggs
Ziggs and Alistar is our first pairing on this list. It is an uncommon one, but good nonetheless. Alistar can set up Ziggs to land his full damage combo pretty comfortably with his W and Q combo.
Ziggs isn’t the most nimble of champions in the game, but he can be pretty hard to kill when he is paired with Alistar. Combined with Ziggs’ Flash and W, it can be impossible for people to reliably shut him down with Alistar peeling for him.
Finally, Alistar is a hardcore roaming champion which means he will leave Ziggs alone for an extended period of time while he moves around the map. Ziggs is okay with this as he has long-ranged abilities and can just wave clear from afar.
2. Lillia & Miss Fortune
The second pairing on our list is Lillia and Miss Fortune. Thanks to their Ultimates, the Jungle ADC duo is fantastic together in team fights. If Lillia can cast her Ultimate on multiple people, Miss Fortune can blow them up with hers in the following moments.
Both these champions offer little in terms of counterplay as Miss Fortune’s Ultimate and E are damage over time abilities that will not interrupt Lillia’s Ultimate.
Lastly, they are both speedy, allowing them to kite around in fights and quickly move around the map. This extra movement speed enables them to reposition and get the best Ultimates off as possible.
Miss Fortune
3. Lissandra & Viego
This pairing is an uncommon one, but powerful once mastered. Lissandra and Viego are very good together for several reasons: and it all revolves around two key parts of their kit that synergise well.
A big thing for Viego is that he needs to get a kill quickly to change forms. Lissandra has excellent single target damage and lockdown, making it relatively easy for Viego to get his initial change and reset.
Thankfully, Lissandra has a lot of CC in her kit, and one of Viego’s weaknesses is his lack of consistent CC. Liss can set him up for ganks and picks with ease, thanks to her Ult and W.
4. Nami & Lucian
Nami Lucian lanes are incredibly dominant and annoying to play against. They’re the 4th and most obvious pairing on our list. After recent changes to both Nami and Lucian, the two are very strong and aggressive.
With Lucian’s PTA and Nami’s Electrocute, one small all-in can deal considerable damage when Lucian uses his E as the two synergise incredibly well together. You’re pretty much guaranteed to activate both Runes when trading.
The early aggression and early game damage can cause significant leads in your favour. Keep up with the aggression, and you’ll quickly find yourself in considerable level, damage and gold advantage.
5. Yuumi & Twitch
Yuumi and Twitch is a trendy pairing in ranked right now. The invisible cat and rat are very hard to play against, and they can be anywhere and everywhere. You can stealth up to an enemy team, combo them and then blow them up with tons of damage.
However, this synergy needs some time to come online and isn’t very strong early. But as long as you can survive the early levels, get an item and an excellent first back, you’ll be good to go.
There aren’t many pairings out there that can match the carry potential of this pairing. If you can get an early kill or two, you’re going to devastate the enemy team with your superior damage and team fighting.
6. Camille & Galio
Camille and Galio isn’t something that will come to mind when you think of unique, strong pairings, but hear us out. The top mid or top support synergy is powerful post 6. Galio can roam and get the Camille ahead, especially if he has gone for Predator.
Camille is a very strong, snowball heavy champion, and with a few kills early, she can be extremely difficult to handle. In team fights, her damage output will be insane, and when she is split pushing, she can fight anybody who tries to contest her.
Her Ultimate paired with Galio’s Ultimate leaves one enemy in particular with nowhere to go. Locking down the carry on the enemy team will make it impossible for the enemy to win the fight.
7. Qiyana & Jarvan IV
The most apparent reason Jarvan IV and Qiyana go well together is their Ultimate synergy. Together, they can lock down whole teams if J4 gets a good engagement. This initial burst and CC could be the deciding factor in a team fight.
Jarvan is a heavy skirmish champion, and so is Qiyana. The 2v2 partnership they have to offer is extremely powerful, and you should look to team up to get kills and help the side lanes.
When playing like this two, keep an eye on each other’s positioning on the map. Be prepared to follow up/counter enemy movements as a pairing, as that’s where you two play best.
Jarvan IV
8. Seraphine & Lux
We couldn’t have a list without a double enchanter bot lane. Seraphine and Lux are a strong pairing and an enjoyable pairing for those who love poke champions. This lane is very annoying to play against as they have tons of poke, and if either one lands their CC tool, you know it’s going to get chained.
They have tons of shields in this lane and can prevent lots of incoming damage. All in all, it’s quite challenging for you to kill them at any stage of the laning phase. Which fortunately or unfortunately brings us on to our next point.
Lux and Seraphine are amazing at scaling. They will be incredibly strong as the game develops and can easily blow anybody up with some items under them with their Ultimates.
9. Blitzcrank & Veigar
Veigar is a champion that is always hit or miss, but when he is paired with a Blitzcrank in the bottom lane, you’re in for a real treat. This pairing has tons of kill pressure together, and the Blitz (or another hook champion) make landing his cage so much easier.
Veigar’s cage isn’t the easiest thing to land, but it is guaranteed to hit if Blitz lands his Q. Outside of that, Blitzcrank has great roaming potential, and he can help his allies while Viegar stays bot and just farms. With his cage, he can peel for himself and keep him alive with his long-ranged abilities.
Finally, the two are a massive threat in the lane. If the enemy doesn’t respect you, they will die. If they respect you, then Veigar gets to free farm and scale. Overall, it’s a very good pairing.
10. Twisted Fate & Nocturne
Coming in at our number 10 spot is Twisted Fate and Nocturne. This scary paring is all about map pressure and working together to impact the side lanes. TF is an amazing roamer, and Nocturne can gank from afar.
Nocturne doesn’t have the greatest gank setup in the game, but with Twisted Fate’s gold card, he can easily lock down a target which provides Nocturne with time to reposition, close the gap and active his CC.
The two have a lot of global map pressure and are a huge threat together. Nocturne alone is a threat, but the enemy will never know if TF is coming along too.
Twisted Fate
11. Shen & Rengar
The Shen and Rengar combo isn’t seen too often, but the invisibility Rengar provides is amazing with Shen’s Ultimate. The enemy will not see Shen (or Rengar for that fact) coming until it’s too late.
This synergy does take some coordination, though. You will need to practice it and be on the same page to get the timings right. However, your goal is to jump onto the enemy simultaneously as one another.
These two are great at 2v2 skirmishes, so always be on the lookout for one another just in case Shen needs to activate his Ultimate and help the Rengar. Rengar can play a little more cocky knowing that Shen has got his back.
12. Jhin & Xerath
Two long-ranged lane bullies in the form of Jhin and Xerath are a match made in heaven. These two will look to bully the enemy down so much that it makes them regret not dodging the game. As long as you can both land skill shots, this lane will be insane.
At level 6, this matchup is tough to play against. You both can throw your abilities at the enemy, which will usually result in a kill. Skill shots are hard to dodge at the best of times, let alone when theres tons of them coming your way.
Before they hit the level 6 mark, a killer combo you can go for is Xearth Q, into Jhin W followed by Xearth E and W, then Jhin finishes them off with autos and his Q. All-in-all, it’s a horrible lane to play against, and a fun one to play as. Give it a try.
13. Hecarim & Yuumi
One of Yuumi’s obnoxious factors is that she can attach herself to anyone. This is what brings us on to this pairing. Yuumi and Hecarim. Hecarim is a very strong champion, and with a few kills, he can be highly dominant and take over the map.
Yuumi can be behind or ahead, but as long as the Hecarim is strong, she can just attach herself to him and top him up with heals whenever he needs them. Together, the two can move around the map: gank their allies and take over the game.
Post 6, they have insane kill pressure and ganks. The extra speed, CC and much more the two have makes it impossible to escape them when they come charging into your lane.
14. Lee Sin & LeBlanc
Lee Sin and LeBlanc are very strong duelling couples. Lee Sin can invade the enemy’s jungle, and Leblanc can close the gap and rotate quickly if needed. Their 2v2 is very strong, and they can also team up to help their allies.
Lee lacks major CC, and Leblanc can set him up for easy ganks with her chains. Furthermore, they have a lot of kill pressure, so if they jump on a target together, they will pretty much end up dead.
This is a more common pairing on our list. You may even find it unintentionally in Solo Queue!
Lee Sin
15. Caitlyn & Lux
Caitlyn and Lux are the final pairings we recommend to abuse while you can in ranked. The twos objective in lane is to bully and harass the enemy as much as possible. Force the enemy to burn through potions and recall early while taking tower plates and earning gold.
They have so much burst damage between them, allowing them to get kill after kill in the lane. One Q by Lux will be followed up by the whole combo of Caitlyn, while at the same time Lux throws out the rest of her abilities.
This pairing is one of the best early game pairings in the game. If you love your mages in the bottom lane and love to poke, then definitely try out this pairing with a friend.
In Conclusion
That about sums up our guide on some of the best duos to play in Ranked. Take note that Riot maybe remove the duo system from Ranked soon, so keep this in mind. However, they will still work amazingly well in Flex and in Normal games. You can also pick these champions when you see your team pick the other pairing.
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Table of contents
- 1. Alistar & Ziggs
- 2. Lillia & Miss Fortune
- 3. Lissandra & Viego
- 4. Nami & Lucian
- 5. Yuumi & Twitch
- 6. Camille & Galio
- 7. Qiyana & Jarvan IV
- 8. Seraphine & Lux
- 9. Blitzcrank & Veigar
- 10. Twisted Fate & Nocturne
- 11. Shen & Rengar
- 12. Jhin & Xerath
- 13. Jhin & Xerath
- 14. Lee Sin & LeBlanc
- 15. Caitlyn & Lux