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5 Unique Abilities That Were Removed From League of Legends

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5 Abilities That Are Removed From LOL

In a game that is over 10 years old, you are bound to find some things that come and go. I’ve seen my fair share of major changes in my long history of playing this game. From complete item overhauls, brand new game modes, the map getting its update and much much more.

While the nostalgia is there for some things in League, we often forget about what made champions unique in the past. This includes the likes of summer abilities being completely overhauled or completely changed to what they originally were.

In this article, we will discuss five abilities that are no longer in the game. If you are into the history of League of Legends or articles like this, make sure you head over to Mobalytics Blog!

Mordekaiser Ultimate

The first champion on our list is Mordekaiser, whose Ultimate is completely different to his previous one. His Ultimate was changed in 2019 and hasn’t really received any major changes since he was overhauled that year.

The previous Ultimate was cool because he took over an enemy champion after killing them. His Ultimate could also deal a lot of damage, especially if he was fed. What was cool about his Ultimate was that in the later parts (before his rework), he was being played in the AD carry role, and he would usually take the Dragon as soon as he hit level 6 and then the Zombie Dragon would be used to take down Towers.

I think the new Ultimate is honestly very good, but I do miss the nostalgia effect of his previous Ultimate. Maybe in the future, Riot will create a champion that has something similar to this.

Urgot Ultimate

Urgot is the second champion on our list. He received his major rework in 2017, and overall, it has been a huge success. The champion is more versatile than ever; he’s not a squishy champion like he once was and is actually useful.

His previous Ultimate was honestly pretty bad. A really dumbed-down version of it is that he swaps places with an enemy champion. It did have its use cases and could be used to reposition an enemy carry. However, it wasn’t very good as a whole and would usually end with him trading his life for an enemy.

I feel like the Urgot changes have been extremely good for him and the game itself. Unlike some of the other champions on our list, I do not miss his previous Ultimate at all.

Zac Ultimate

Zac has received a lot of changes over time, and one of his changes was his Ultimate. Actually, his current Ultimate is far better than the reworked Ultimate he was given. Yes, Zac’s Ultimate was reverted in 2019.

To summarise his previous Ultimate, you basically jumped on the enemy, then picked them up and moved them to a different location. You had to hold this ability down, and it wasn’t really that good. Whereas the new one (or the old one, whichever way you wish to spin it), is much more versatile and less clunky compared to before.

I do not miss this ability at all, and I feel like the current Ultimate he has is very good and suits his other abilities much more than the “kidnapping” Ultimate he had prior.

Soraka Q

There was a point in time where Soraka was actually played in the Mid Lane and she did a considerable amount of damage and had amazing wave clear. Back before her rework, you may have seen her played in the middle lane in professional League of Legends.

Before, her Q was not point and click but instead would damage all nearby enemies. You would stand inside the minion wave, press Q, and then quickly clear the wave. In fact, many of her abilities have had major changes over the years, including her E.

If I’m honest, I liked her previous Q, but the new one is good as well. Maybe Riot Games will create another champion whose Q acts similarly to her old Q in the future.

Fiora Ultimate

The final champion on our list is Fiora. If you are a TFT fan, the current Fiora’s spell resembles the old Fiora Ultimate. The old Ultimate would damage a champion or multiple champions at once, and she would become somewhat obnoxious and could easily shred an enemy.

The previous Ultimate was more consistent and easy to proc than her “new” Ultimate. It often allowed you to get more kills in the lane. Back in the day, this spell and Fiora as a whole used to be so frustrating to play against because once she hit six, she could easily all in you and kill you.

Do I miss this ability? Yes, I do, but I remembered how OP it was so I’m happy that the new Fiora exists over the previous one.

Final Thoughts

In a game that is so old, you’ll often find major changes coming here and then. Do you miss any of the abilities on our list? Or are you happy that they’ve been completely removed from the game? Let us know below.

As always, you can find more interesting content like this over on the Mobalytics Blog.

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