5 Reasons Season 13 is the Best Season of League of Legends
Season 13 is well underway, and I feel like this is one of the best seasons Riot has had in a long time. With the build-up of this season, Riot introduced many changes that have made the game much better to play. Naturally, this is my opinion, but these things have made the game more enjoyable for me as a player.
Before we get into the 5 reasons why this is the best season, I would like to just state that there are many other things that make this game horrible to play: from deliberate trolling to soft inting and OP champions; this game is far from perfect.
With that in mind, what do you love and hate about League of Legends?
5 Reasons Season 13 is the Best Season of League of Legends
We usually post articles to help you climb in League of Legends, so if you’re looking for tips and tricks to help you climb, I highly recommend you check out some of our other articles and the Mobalytics site for tons of tips and tricks to help you climb in LoL!
Before we begin, remember that these things are just my opinion. You may hate this season and thats a completely fine attitude to have. This is just what I’ve experienced lately and how I feel playing the game. Anyway, let’s get into it!
1. Less Toxicity
The first thing on our list is how much less toxicity there is in the game. Before, whenever I was playing League, there wouldn’t be a gaming session without at least 1 game where someone was toxic. They were either flaming their team, or flaming the enemy. Regardless of what measures I tooked such as muting all etc, we would see toxic people spewing nonsense frequently.
However, it is soo much easier to get chat restricted and muted now that I find the game soo much less toxic and there are fewer people running their mouths as 1) it gets hidden and 2) they don’t want to get chat restricted.
While you may get chat restricted or limited chat access by accident, it has made the game so much nicer because I don’t see people running their mouths in the game.
2. Pinging Gives Gold
This is more of a cool new feature, but it just makes the game feel better: you’re now rewarded for pinging wards. As a Support main, seeing your allies actively ping wards is quite nice as it allows you to know where things are warded with ease which allows you to plan better map movements. It also just gives you free gold, which is really cool.
If you weren’t aware, pinging wards gives you 5 gold. So make sure you ping them when the enemy places them for free gold!
3. Champion Select Anonymity
This isn’t really a big thing for lower ELO players, but it’s quite cool if you’re a high ELO player. When you’re a high ELO player or a streamer, you’ll often find people target banning you or target inting you. Or you’ll find yourself playing with someone you don’t like or they don’t like you.
While this barely affects me personally, it does affect some streamers like Tyler 1 or other High ELO, very popular streamers who would get targetted every game. With Champion Select anonymity, it is much harder for someone to target you because it isn’t obvious who is on your team, as everyones names are different.
There is an echo chamber with League of Legends, just like many other games. So the fact that streamers are not getting targeted as much, it just makes this feature feel so much better and games more enjoyable as you’re not seeing a streamer sit in queue for ever and see them tilt out of their mind because randoms have targeted them.
4. Trading Roles
Having the ability to trade roles is pretty cool now. To some extent, you could always trade roles and trade champions with your allies, but you had to be on the same page and made sure you both own the same champions. However, that is no longer the case.
You can switch your pick order with any of your team mates so you don’t have to show your pick early on in the rotation. For instance, someone who can easily be countered by the enemy or who has hard counters will get picked if you show your champion early. This is a big issue for mid laners.
As you can now change priority and your picks in champion select, you can trade with your allies so you do not have to show your pick early on. This can help with counter picks and reduce your chances of getting hard countered.
Many one tricks will not mind showing their pick early, and Junglers/ Supports are the better roles to blind pick compared to ADC/ Top and Mid Lane. For instance, someone like Kassadin may not wish to pick early on.
Having this ability to trade has made the game far more enjoyable in my opinion.
5. Objective Pings
Riot recently added new pings to League of Legends. These new pings are not exactly great, but one thing they did introduce was objective pings. When you ping an objective, you can tell your team that you want to take it.
It then goes to a vote, and your teammates can tell you if you should take the objective, contest it, or if you shouldn’t bother taking it. I think this is a good feature, as it feels like your allies are more inclined to help you take it if they see the vote.
I also like how it tells you if players are coming to help you secure the objective or not. This can be helpful as you know who is making their way to you and who isn’t. As someone who loves to apply pressure by taking objectives, this feature is amazing.
Final Thoughts
While the game is far from perfect, there are some features that Riot has introduced this season to make the game more enjoyable. League is in one of the best states it has ever been in.
As always, if you wish to find more tips and tricks to help you climb in LoL, make sure you sign up for a free Mobalytics account today!
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