League of LegendsLoL

5 Most Picked Junglers in Professional League of Legends

5 Most Picked Junglers in Professional League of Legends

Every role and player plays a crucial part in professional League of Legends. Junglers are one of the most impactful roles in any level of play as they can impact the map and get kills with their allies.

While you may not see every Jungler you do in Solo Queue get played in Professional League of Legends, you may see the same faces over and over again. Pro players pick the best champions for their role, and you often see some champions picked or banned.

If you’re interested in finding builds, more stats, extra tips and tricks or more information for any of the champions on today’s list, why not sign up for a free Mobalytics account?!

Before we begin, we would just like to say that these stats and all the other stats we are using in this series of Esports guides are taken from GOL.GG. The filters we are using are all seasons and all roles, and we are not including any champions that have been released in the last year or so (however that doesn’t affect this guide in particular).

5 Most Picked Junglers in Pro League of Legends

  1. Lee Sin
  2. Jarvan IV
  3. Gragas
  4. Sejuani
  5. Rek’Sai

1. Lee Sin

Lee Sin is not only the most popular Jungler in pro play, but he is also one of the most played champions in Solo Queue. Lee Sin is a strong early skirmisher who will look to gank his allies often.

Junglers that can gank and get stuff done are what pro players want as they need to gank their allies early to get a lead. You very rarely see farm-heavy Junglers in professional play as they don’t really do anything apart from farm early.

I think Lee Sin is good in Solo Queue. However, he is quite hard to play. If you master him, you will be a deadly Jungler for sure, though.

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Quick Tips

  • Just because you hit your Q, it doesn’t mean you have to go in. Refrain from following every Q.
  • Try and initiate ganks with your W rather than Q. If you use your Q and miss, it is going to result in a failed gank. It will also be harder for you to land your Q the further you’re away from the enemy.
  • Flash kick the enemy carry or squishy champion into your team. Do not kick the enemy tank or engage champion as you’ll do more harm than good.

2. Jarvan IV

Jarvan recently got a buff, which may bring him back to pro play. Back in the day, Jarvan was very popular because of his early skirmishing power and amazing play-making potential. Unfortunately, he has fallen off slightly, but he still remains one of the most popular champions in pro play.

In pro play, he tends to gank often and look for counter ganks whenever possible. He is a really strong early-game Jungler who will try to make plays everywhere. Regardless of how far ahead or behind he is, he can adapt his build path accordingly and provide his team with whatever they need.

I think Jarvan is a good champion right now, and he has been made better by the recent buffs he received several patches ago. Although, I will say that there are stronger Junglers out there compared to him.

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Quick Tips

  • Jarvan is an early-game dominant Jungler. Look to gank as frequently as possible to get yourself and your laners ahead. You can gank at level 2 once you’ve unlocked your E and Q if the enemy laners are weak and your laner has a strong level 1.
  • Use alternative ganking routes to gank your allies. You can utilise the Blast Cone to dodge commonly placed wards or the Scuttle Crab.
  • Jarvan has incredibly strong Dragon and Rift Herald taking potential. Try to take them whenever they’re up to get a lead. To do so, get priority in a nearby lane and then take the objective, but make sure it’s not warded.

3. Gragas

The third champion on our list is Gragas. Gragas has always been a consistent pick in pro play. He is good in the early game, and has a strong Ultimate and a very versatile build path. He can practically start ganking from the get-go, which is one of the reasons why pros love him.

Like the rest of the champions on the list, Graas is a good skirmishing Jungler early. He can gank from level 2 when he unlocks his E, although this is rarely done in pro play. He has a very versatile build path and can go pure damage or off tank depending on whether he is ahead or behind.

I think Gragas is a good champion in Solo Queue and is pretty versatile. He is pretty easy to play, and his paths are basic, but his Ultimate can be quite challenging to use for beginners and people who are not used to playing him.

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Quick Tips

  • Gragas is an early-game dominant Jungler. Look to gank as frequently as possible to get your lanes ahead.
  • Throw your Ultimate just behind the enemy to ensure they get knocked forward. Placing it on top of them may knock them in the wrong direction.
  • Staying off to the side while your team groups can allow you to flank the enemy and knock them into your teammates.

4. Sejuani

Sejuani is one of the best ganking champions post 6, thanks to her Ultimate. She is strong early too, but once she knocks her Ultimate, each gank she does will result in a kill for her team, thanks to the CC it provides.

Sejuani is a strong skirmishing champion who can gank often. She will also build tanky items which ensures that her team has a strong frontline to protect the carries. Her Ultimate is very versatile and can be used to pick champions off or protect her carries from the enemy frontline.

I think Sjeunai is a great Jungler, but I may be biased because I really like her. She is pretty easy to play, so that is always a bonus if you’re new to the Jungle role.

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Quick Tips

  • Your Passive makes you very tanky, but a single auto-attack even from the jungle will proc it. Make sure your Passive is ready before initiating a gank to increase the chances of you surviving/ killing the laner.
  • Sejuani is a good ganker in the early game, but you don’t need to force anything. You could power farm until you get your Ultimate, as it is a great ganking tool.
  • Don’t be afraid to use your Ultimate from afar to start a team fight. If somebody walks too far forward, you could use it to catch them out of position to start the fight.

5. Rek’Sai

The final champion is Rek’Sai . Rek’Sai is the newest champion on our list, although she has been out for a very long time. Rek’Sai used to be a very popular champion but doesn’t see much play after some heavy nerfs.

Rek’Sai has very unique gank paths which made Supports and laners prioritize warding in different areas, which added to the mental game of LoL. Next, she was a very strong early game champion who could gank very frequently. She could also fight pretty much any Jungler she faced.

I think Rek’Sai is an alright champion, but there are far stronger champions around compared to her. I wouldn’t bother learning Rek’sai right now unless she gets some significant buffs because she (currently) gets outclassed by a lot of champions.

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Quick Tips

  • Rek’Sai excels at skirmishing during the early game. Use this opportunity to dominate the jungle and assist your lanes.
  • When out of combat, always remain Burrowed. This is vital as it allows you to have a much higher vision range with Tremor Sense which can be the difference between living and dying.
  • Be creative with your ganking patterns and avoid the linear gank path. Rek’Sai Tunnel can go through any wall in the game.

Final Thoughts

And that brings us to the end of another guide. We hope you learn something from it and that you found it interesting. You can learn more tips and tricks for any of the champions we listed in our guide by heading over to the Mobalytics site.