5 Most Picked ADCs in Professional League of Legends
The ADC role in League of Legends has the smallest champion pool of them all. You will find the same champions being played frequently over and over again. In one day of pro play, you may see the same ADCs in the same game.
One of the many reasons why the same AD champions get played over and over again is because of the tools they bring to the table. Furthermore, ADCs are some of the most balanced champions in the game, although each champion has their own strengths and weaknesses.
In this Mobalytics article, we will list 5 of the most prominent champions that get played in professional League of Legends. Before we break down the list, who do you think will be on the list? Let us know below! As always, you can find each of the champions on our list by heading over to our Mobalytics site.
All of the stats are taken from GOL.GG and the filters we are using are for all seasons and worldwide. Huge thanks to them for keeping track of professional League of Legends!
5 Most Picked ADCs in Pro League of Legends
1. Ezreal
Ezreal is one of the oldest ADCs to be in the game. He has been around for so long that it makes it clear why so many people love him. He has soo many skins in the game that regardless of what colour you like Ezreal always has something for you.
One reason why Ezreal is so popular in pro play is because he is so consistent and safe. He can be left alone in the bottom lane, and he will be safe while the Support roams around the map and helps the remaining members of the team.
I think that Ezreal is a very good champion for Solo Queue. If you want to learn how to play the ADC role, then Ezreal can help you do that. Firstly, he has a dash, and good poke with his Q, and he can also use his Q to last hit minions too. Overall, he is reliable and quite a safe pick.
Quick Tips
- Use your abilities as frequently as possible to stack your Tear of the Goddess. The quicker you complete this item- the better.
- Don’t use your E aggressively unless the enemy has their core abilities on cooldown. Using it aggressively will make it easier for you to get killed if you use it when their abilities are up.
- To destroy towers quickly and get more gold from tower plates, you can use your W on the tower and follow it up with an auto-attack.
2. Kai’Sa
Kai’Sa is one of the newest ADCs on our list. I remember when she first come out, and it doesn’t seem too long ago. Realistically, it was quite a while back. Anyway, since her release, Kai’Sa has been a fan favourite of many players and pros alike.
She is good in pro play for several reasons. Firstly, she has really good synergy with a lot of the meta Supports. She synergises well with hard engage Supports like Alistar or Nautilus. She has good pick potential and good follow-up, thanks to her Ultimate, which she can use with the help of her allies CC.
I don’t think Kai’Sa is as strong as she once was, but nonetheless, she is a very good ADC, and I think that you’ll do fine trying to climb with her in Solo Queue.
Quick Tips
- Kai’Sa benefits from mixed damaging items. Buying items that will provide AD, AP and attack speed will give you a variety of evolved skills.
- Kai’Sa’s Ultimate is a long-range dash that gives her a big shield. Try to reposition yourself with it in a team fight so you can survive long enough to deal a lot of damage.
- Try and use your Q on the enemy when they’re isolated and not near minions. This will force your Q to focus just the enemy champion which will, in turn, mean they take more damage and be easier to kill.
3. Varus
Back in the day, we used to see Varus all the time. Unfortunately, we barely see him in pro play and Solo Queue. Historically, he was very good, but he isn’t doing too hot nowadays. However, he is still on our list as the third most picked ADC which just shows how strong he used to be back in the day.
Varus has a lot of flexibility. He can be played with lethality or on-hit. He can get picks with his Ultimate, and he is good in team fights. While he does lack a dash escape like pretty much every other ADC in the game, if he builds Galeforce, he can escape all-ins.
I personally like Varus, but he is not very strong at the moment. I would recommend that you play someone who is stronger and has an escape. The current meta makes it hard for Varus to pop off.
Quick Tips
- Try to poke the enemy down with your E and Q before committing to a fight.
- Delay team fights while you harass the enemy with your Q. Once an enemy champion overextended, cast your Ultimate to catch them out of position.
- Never leave your team’s side as you will be easy pickings for an Assassin or Bruiser. Stick with your Support throughout the later stages of the game.
4. Aphelios
The fourth champion on the list is Aphelios. Aphelios is a versatile champion with great carry potential. Aphelios has a plethora of weapons for every occasion. They synergise well with lots of different champions and are currently meta.
In pro play, Aphelios gets played a lot because of their consistency and versatility. Thanks to the weapons, they can be ready for every situation. Similarly, they synergise well with both utility and hard engage champions- which makes them a perfect ADC. Unfortunately, Aphelios does lack a dash though, which can be an issue.
I think Aphelios is a good champion for players who understand their kit inside and out. The learning curve for Aphelios is quite high, and they do take some time to get used to.
Quick Tips
- Keep an eye on your ammo and what weapon you’re holding. Don’t get caught out with the wrong weapon in a trade!
- When laning against a melee champion, switch to Severum when they engage. The bonus movement speed and rapid-fire from your main and side weapons will focus the nearest champion while you retreat.
- Hitting level 2 first is key on Aphelios. To hit level 2, you need to kill the first 9 minions in the bottom lane. When you’re level 2, you could look to engage and go for a favourable trade.
5. Xayah
The final champion on our list is Xayah. Xayah is a strong skirmishing ADC that can dish out a lot of damage quickly. Depending on her build, she can be poke-heavy and amazing in team fights.
Xayah is picked in pro play frequently. In particular, she is picked with Rakan as the two synergise incredibly well together. Even on her own, she does well with Supports that can empower her or engage and look for picks. While she does lack a dash, her Ultimate can help her survive all-ins, and it is a self-peel tool.
I think Xayah is an okay ADC, but I’d recommend picking someone who is a bit stronger for Solo Queue. I would personally only pick her with a Rakan, but she is pretty solid with a lot of different Supports like we previously talked about.
Quick Tips
- Keep a constant eye on where your Feathers have been placed. If the enemy walks in front of them, snare them with your E.
- Always keep enough mana to use your Ultimate in case you need a quick escape from a trade. Avoid running low on mana as you’ll be defenceless.
- Xayah is a weak early game champion. Avoid letting the enemy play aggressive and harass you with auto-attacks.
Final Thoughts
It was obvious that Ezreal was going to be on our list, but did any of the other champions surprise you? Personally, I was surprised Jhin wasn’t on there, but yeah, it’s cool to see some of the “newer” champions already on the list. Learn how to play every champion and how to counter every other ADC with the Mobalytics App.
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