OP Junglers to Climb With in Patch 13.24
Junglers are one of the best roles in League of Legends if you want to carry and dominate the enemy. Because they have so much pressure (or at least need to apply a lot of pressure), you should pick a Jungler who is quite dominant and can increase your chances of winning the game.
Let’s discuss what Junglers are good in Patch 13.24 in League of Legends. Remember that if you want to increase your chances of winning a game in LoL, you should play a character you’re good at and is strong in the current meta.
If you want to learn more tips on how to play as any of these champions, head over to their Mobalytics’ Champion Page.
There are some other strong S-tier picks this patch. You can find more S-tier picks on the Mobalytics Tier List for Patch 13.24. Please note the data we are using is mid-patch data, all servers and all ranks.
A new contender who has been doing well for quite some time now is Kha’Zix . He is an assassin, like many of the other champion on our list. He is an extremely dominant champion who can snowball and take over them map all by himself.
A major strength to Kha’Zix is that he doesn’t rely on his team like some other Junglers. He can invade the enemy Jungler on his own, and out damage them with his Passive and empowered Q. He can also secure those objectives, like the Dragon or Rift Herald, without needing a leash.
Kha’Zix’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 50.3% in 1,030,000 games.
Evelynn can be a dominating champion in any ELO thanks to her invisibility and burst damage. She can be extremely difficult and hard to track due to her invisibility, which allows her to avoid wards and gank enemies without them even knowing that she is nearby.
Unlike some of the champions on our list, Evelynn isn’t the strongest champion early and does need sometime to come online, but as long as she doesn’t fall behind and can pick up an early kill or two, she will dominate the mid and late game.
In Patch 13.24, Evelynn achieved a win rate of 50.9% in 580,000 games.
Lillia has been a good Jungler for some time now, which is great for those champions who enjoy her! She is a great skirmishing champion, and amazing in team fights thanks to her Ultimate. Her Ultimate can put multiple enemies to sleep, making them easier to kill and take down.
Another benefit to playing Lillia is how easy she is to play. This is good for players who are not mechanically gifted, or don’t have a lot of time to learn a champion. The hardest part to playing Lillia is dodging those skill shots, and abusing your movement speed.
On Patch 13.24, Lillia had a 51.4% win rate in 555,000 games.
If you’re looking for another simple champion, then Maokai is the man for you. Maokai is a very simple Jungler who has point and click CC. This means your ganks are almost always guaranteed to work in your favour as you just need to run up to an enemy and W them.
He is also really strong in team fights thanks to his large AOE Ultimate which can lock down multiple enemies at once. This can come in handy in many different situations, and can let you turn the tide of any fight.
Maokai’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 51.2% in 485,000 games.
The final champion on our list is Bel’Veth , who is the newest champion out of everyone, but also the hardest champion on our list. However, if you put in a lot of practice and time and effort into learning her, you will soon reep the rewards.
Bel’Veth is extremely good in team fights, and she can deal a lot of damage after completing her first component item. To get ahead on her, you need to start ganking early, and look to apply pressure across the map as often as possible. So, if you love to fight a lot early, then make sure you give Bel’Veth a try.
And finally, Bel’Veth’s win rate on Patch 13.24 was 50.3% in 90,000 games.
Final Thoughts
While these S-Tier Junglers are good, you must pick champions you’re good at and can play consistently well with. So, while your favourite champion might not be on our list, it is key that you play someone you’re good at and enjoy.
You can find tips and tricks on how to play these champions on their Champion Page.
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