League of LegendsPatch Notes

League of Legends 14.8 Patch Notes Breakdown

League of Legends 14.8 Patch Notes Breakdown

Welcome to our patch notes breakdown for League of Legends Season 14!

Let’s break down all the new changes in LoL coming this week.

We recommend following along with the official 14.8 patch notes since we won’t be listing all the specific stat changes, but rather, focusing on the impact of the changes and the champions updated place in the current meta.

If you’re wondering how these changes will affect the meta, check out our LoL champion tier list!

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Buffs, Nerfs and Changes

Akali (buff)

  • This patch improves Akali’s base stats. She will be stronger in the mid and top roles.

Azir (nerf)

  • His base stats are nerfed. His W magic damage is also changed.

Briar (nerf)

  • Briar’s health growth has been decreased.
  • Her Q range is increased though, but her W bonus attack speed is also decreased.

Draven (buff)

  • His Q damage is increased. This is going to help him throughout all stages of the game.

Galio (buff)

  • His base movement speed is increased ever so slightly.
  • Galios Q cooldown is reduced. This will help him clear waves and poke the enemy.

Graves (buff)

  • His crit strike bonus and damage have increased. We should expect to see Graves quite a bit at MSI!

Hwei (buff)

  • His AP ratio on both his Q and Passive are increased.
  • We could see Hwei being played more, especially in the mid or support roles.

Jarvan IV (buff)

  • His Passive health ratio has increased. This change will make him stronger in skirmishes with the enemy.

Jhin (buff)

  • His base movement speed has increased, and his Q damage has changed, too.

Kai’Sa (buff)

  • Her bonus AD ratio per missile has increased. This is good, and we might even see her being played in the mid-lane at MSI!

Leblanc (buff)

  • Leblanc’s Q damage is increased, and her W cooldown is reduced. We might see her being played at MSI, and I expect we will also see her more in the Support role.

Mordekaiser (buff)

  • First off, you can no longer cleanse his Ultiamte. This is a major buff to him.
  • His Q damage is increased, which will aid with poke,w ave clear and trading.
  • But on the other hand, his E damage is reduced.

Olaf (buff)

  • Q damage to monsters increased.

Ryze (buffs)

  • These buffs will ensure that he is picked quite a bit at MSI. The slow is increased and the cooldown is reduced early on.

Skarner (adjusted)

  • Base stats are changed.
  • Q damage is changed, mana cost is reduced, cast and duration are adjusted.
  • Q damage increased.
  • W damage is reduced, and the mana cost is increased.

Sylas (buff)

  • His Q damage versus monsters is increased.

Thresh (buff)

  • Thresh’s base stats are increased.

Zac (nerf)

  • They have nerfed Zac’s base stats, making him weaker in the top, jungle, and support roles.

Zeri (nerf)

  • They’ve nerfed her base health so that she will be weaker.

Global Changes


  • The spawn timer is changed.


  • To keep it simple, it will now deal more damage and be hitting harder when you try to take it. Make sure you change your positioning to help limit its damage.

Thank you for reading. We hope you enjoyed this patch breakdown. How do you feel about this patch? Let us know in the comments. As always, if you have any questions, find us in our Discord!