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Diablo 4 Seneschal Companion Guide (Season 3)

Table of contents

D4 Seneschal Companion, Governing Stones, and Tuning Stone Abilities Revealed

In this Diablo 4 Seneschal Companion guide, we’ll be covering everything we know about one of the new core mechanics of Season 3 (Season of the Construct).

We’ll be diving into the info revealed from the January 16th news drop by Blizzard, including the Governing Stones and Tuning Stone Abilities.

As soon as Season 3 releases, we’ll have updated Diablo 4 meta builds on our site with Seneschal Companion and its mechanics included.

What is a Diablo 4 Seneschal Companion?

In Season 3 of Diablo 4, the Seneschal Companon is the shiny new mechanic of the Seasonal Questline.

They’re essentially a pet that fights alongside you, uses abilities determined by their Governing Stones, and is customizable using Tuning Stones.

diablo 4 seneschal companion splash mobile version

Governing Stones and Tuning Stones are obtained from the Season Journey, Dungeon Vaults (which are another new addition for Season 3),  and Arcane Tremors.

Your Seneschal Companion can be equipped with:

  • 2 Governing Stones (one for each ability)
  • 6 Tuning Stones (three Tuning Stones for each ability)

Sadly, your Seneschal will only be by your side until the end of Season of the Construct so don’t get too attached to your new buddy!

Governing Stones

Governing Stones offer abilities that you can equip your Seneschal Companion with. You can equip your Companion with two of them.

seneschal construct governing stones example

You can defeat enemy Constructs within Vaults to obtain Shattered Stone, which can be then used to craft Governing Stones at Jewelers.

In total, there are 12 Governing Stones of various rarities. Each stone can have its raw power increased by leveling it up, increasing its potency.

To level up Governing Stones, you can collect/craft Stone duplicates and fuse them together.

Governing Stones offer a wide range of playstyle possibilities, with abilities ranging from healing you, dealing AoE or single target damage, shielding you, and more.

Here’s a full list of the 12 Governing Stones:


The Seneschal Construct activates an antimaterial field around itself shooting down enemy projectiles. Can not shoot down Boss or Player projectiles.


Quickly ambush dealing damage to each target. May strike the same target multiple times.


Deploy a small construct that lands on the target and explodes 3 times, dealing damage.

Focus Fire

The Seneschal Construct channels a ray of fire onto targets dealing damage to each over time.


The Seneschal Construct whirls its legs around quickly dealing damage to all surrounding enemies.


Perform a line attack to all enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.

Lightning Bolt

Launch a bolt of Lightning at the target dealing damage. Arcs to other targets dealing a portion of the original damage.


The Seneschal Construct materializes a protective Barrier on the player for a portion of their Maximum Life.


The Seneschal Construct channels a reconstruction beam Healing the player for a portion of their Maximum Life over time.


Pummel enemies in front of the Seneschal Construct dealing damage.


Electrically charge an enemy causing it to deal damage to themselves and additional each second over time. If the enemy is killed, Tempest spreads to another enemy gaining for additional time and bonus damage. These bonuses are also applied if Tempest is reapplied onto the same enemy.

Tuning Stone Abilities

Tuning Stones augment the Skills from your equipped Governing Stones.

Here’s how Tuning and Governing Stones can be collected:

“Tuning and Governing Stones can be acquired in a few different ways. Complete Vaults to earn one random Tuning Stone and seek out Wardwoven Chests to earn additional Tuning Stones– both of which can be earned through various levels of the Season Journey. Both types also have a low chance to appear as drops when playing Vaults and Arcane Tremors. Defeating enemy Constructs within the Vaults will also grant Shattered Stone, which can be crafted into Governing and Tuning Stones at Jewelers found throughout Sanctuary.”

Similarly, Tuning Stones can be leveled up by fusing duplicates – the upgrades include adding more projectiles or changing the damage dealt by a Governing Stone.

In total, there are 27 Tuning Stones. Here are their effects:

Arcing Support

The supported Skill can hit additional enemies.

Bleeding Support

A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Bleeding damage over time. Enemies take bonus Bleeding damage from all sources while moving.

Breaking Support

Damage from the supported Skill instantly destroys enemy Barrier effects. In addition, there is a chance to make enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds.

Burning Support

A portion of the supported Skill’s damage is applied as Burning damage over time. Burning enemies take bonus Critical Strike Damage from the Seneschal Construct.

Devastation Support

Supported Skill gains a Critical Strike Damage bonus.

Duration Support

Supported Skills have their durations increased.

Dusk Support

A portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Shadow damage over time. Afflicted enemies who attack have a chance for their attacks to be interrupted. Does not interrupt Bosses.

Efficiency Support

When the supporting skill deals damage, you gain Critical Strike Chance to the same targets hit.

Electrocution Support

A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Lightning damage over time and has a chance to Stun enemies.

Fortify Support

When the Seneschal Construct uses the supported Skill, you gain Fortify. Skills with slower attack speeds or skills with cooldowns will increase the amount of Fortify granted.

Frigid Support

A portion of the supported Skill’s damage dealt is applied as Cold damage over time and applies Chill.

Gripping Support

Damage and effects done by the supporting Skill to Distant enemies pulls them towards the Seneschal Construct. Can only occur once every so often per enemy.

Initiative Support

The supported Skill will cause the Seneschal Construct to teleport to the target if out of range. Can only occur once every so often seconds.

Mockery Support

Damage done by the supporting Skill Taunts enemies hit for a limited duration of time. This can only occur once every so often per enemy. Does not work on bosses.

Multishot Support

Supported Projectile skills launch additional projectiles.

Piercing Support

The supported Projectile Skill will pierce multiple enemies.

Poison Support

A portion of the supported skill’s damage dealt is applied as Poison damage over time. This poison has a chance each second to spread all Poison damage to an additional enemy.

Registered Damage Support

Any damage caused from the supported Skill is registered. The registered damage explodes at effectiveness when the target dies as Fire damage.

Resource Support

Player gains an amount of Primary Resource when the supporting Skill first deals damage.

Safeguard Support

When used, the supported Skill grants Damage Reduction to you.

Seeking Support

The supported Projectile Skill will auto-seek enemies for a limited duration.

Slowing Support

Damage from the supported Skill Slows enemy movement speed for a limited duration. The closer the enemy is to the Seneschal Construct, the greater the Slow amount. Enemies may be slowed up to a maximum amount.

Swift Support

The supported Skill gains an Attack Speed bonus.

Tactical Support

Decrease the cooldown of the supported Skill.

Voluminous Support

The supported skill’s effect size is increased.

Fabled Tuning Stones

From the January 16th reveal, there were also two “fabled Tuning Stones” that were teased to be incredibly powerful.

These are the Evernight and Genesis Tuning Stones that were simply described as having “???” effects.

It would be safe speculation that these would be super rare and powerful Tuning Stones that you would need to grind for, but stay tuned until we learn more!

In conclusion

Overall, the Seneschal Companion seems like a core mechanic that has a decent amount of depth due to the amount of potential combinations. However, time will tell how exciting the gameplay it provides will be. We’ll be covering more guides on the Companion and other Season 3 mechanics so keep an eye out!