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Best Heroes in Overwatch 2: Tier List Rankings (Season 10)

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Overwatch 2 Tier List Rankings – The Best Heroes

In this tier list, we’ve got you covered with the best heroes in Overwatch 2.

We’ve updated our tier list for mid Season 9 and its latest balance changes.

Let’s dive in!

If you play it as well, be sure to also check out our list of the best weapons in The Finals.

Here are our rankings for the best heroes in Overwatch 2:

Tier Overwatch 2 Tier List
  • Damage: Sombra, Cassidy, Tracer
  • Tank: Orisa, Wrecking Ball
  • Support: Lucio, Moira
  • Damage: Echo, Torbjorn, Sojourn, Venture, Genji
  • Tank: Mauga, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Sigma, D.Va
  • Support: Baptiste, Brigitte, Lifeweaver
  • Damage: Bastion, Ashe, Reaper, Widowmaker, Symettra, Soldier:76, Pharah, Hanzo
  • Tank: Ramattra, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya
  • Support: Ana, Illari
  • Damage: Mei, Junkrat
  • Tank: Reinhardt
  • Support: Zenyatta, Mercy

For a visual reference of our Overwatch 2 tier list, check out our infographic below:

best heroes in overwatch 2 tier list (season 10 update)

Note that the heroes are organized by difficulty for new players/beginners who haven’t tried them yet.

Orange represents a high/hard skill floor, Blue represents an average skill floor, and Green represents a low/easy skill floor.

Overwatch 2 Tier List Commentary

As always with our tier lists, we want to highlight that we believe that the player always matters more than the character you play as.

If you have an off-meta main that is working for you, by all means, no need to switch! Keep rocking it.

This list is more to understand if one of your characters is favorable in the current meta, or to help players that have run into a plataeu.

Quick Notes

Season 10 Notes

For the first time since Sojourn’s debut at the release of OW2 back in October of 2022 a brand new DPS hero has been added to the roster! Venture digs their way into enemy lines for some quick elims! They bring a completely new type of hero kit to OW2 as a close range DPS hero who thrives on staging, positioning, and correctly timed engagements.

OW1 players who enjoyed the DPS version of Doomfist should feel back at home with the: [engage – confirm elim – disengage] playstyle. Additionally, season 10 has brought us the long-awaited Wreckingball rework with two completely new functions of his Grapple and Adaptive Shield abilities!

With the DPS passive to reduce healing by 15% firmly in place, a few additional tweaks to projectile sizes, and some balance changes made to a handful of heroes, Season 10 is shaping up to carry a very similar feel to Season 9. Mobility heroes are still dominating ranked mode, but the tank meta has seen huge shifts all throughout Season 9 and continues to shift into Season 10.

Fundamental Differences from Overwatch 1

Since you’re here, there’s a good chance that you already know the core differences between Overwatch and Overwatch 2.

If not, know that there are some kit adjustments across the hero cast. Be sure to know what has changed for your hero pool before diving into ranked.

The other major change to know is that now, there are five players instead of six (sorry to all you sixth men and women out there). This means that there are now one tanks instead of two.

Although it depends on the comp and the map, in general, this means that there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of crowd control and shields in the game.

There will be less instances of just defaulting to deathball teamfights and more instances of skirmishes and duels that happen.

How tiers work

In S-tier, you’ll find the best heroes in Overwatch 2 which will be very present in almost all maps and comp combinations.

A-tier heroes are still great choices but tend to be present for fewer maps than S-tier characters in pro play. However, in some situations, A-tier characters might shine more than S-tier characters.

In B-tier, we’re continuing the trend of heroes that have lower overall presence and are even more specialized. Some heroes here are just worse versions or downgrades of heroes in a similar niche above them (such as Ashe usually being the better choice over Cassidy).

Lastly, we have the Situational batch of heroes in the C-tier section. These heroes are rarely seen in comparison to their peers and are usually pulled out for specific halves or holds on a very small pool of maps. If you’re having success with them, by all means, keeping playing them.

The Best Damage (DPS) Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Tier List
S Sombra, Cassidy, Tracer
A Echo, Torbjorn, Sojourn, Venture, Genji
B Bastion, Ashe, Reaper, Widowmaker, Symettra, Soldier:76, Pharah, Hanzo
C Mei, Junkrat

Expect to play against lots and lots of Venture this season especially with Blizzard now allowing new heroes to be immediately available to everyone for free and instantly playable in competitive mode. Ventures ult, “Tectonic Shock,” is an incredibly powerful tool for winning team fights. The wide horizontal range of the shock waves allows for Venture to hit multiple enemies with every shockwave. The 130 dmg per wave also allows for easy 2 tap elims on 250hp heroes who don’t get healed between the two shock waves! Venture weaknesses lie in the need for them to maintain a very close distance to the enemy for which Venture can be easily punished for. Unlike other invincible movement abilities like Reaper’s Wraith Form, Burrow has a long cast time and Venture players are often eliminated if trying to disengage at low health before Venture is able dig deep enough to become invincible.

Tips for picking up Venture:

  • Focus on building ult by poking with primary fire and taking advantage of its splash damage.
  • Primarily use Burrow for engagements, and Drill Dash for escaping overwalls or behind cover.
  • Flank angles with ult puts immense pressure on the enemy team and allows the rest of your team to attack more aggressively from the front.
Sombra and Tracer

Sombra and Tracer continue their domination into season 10. Though both received slight nerfs, neither was severe enough to remove them from their S tier placements, and presence in just about every single ranked and pro match.

The addition of Wreckingball’s Adaptive Shields redistribution also enables longer and safer backline engages from both of these hyper mobile heroes. Sombra remains the hardest Wreckingball counter further solidifying her place as top meta.


For players who prefer to sit back and click heads instead of running all over or wasting time staging for off angles, Cassidy far outclasses any other non-hyper mobile DPS hero.

Damage reduction from roll and his large health pool make him difficult to confirm an elim on even in a 2v1 scenario. Magnetic Grenade is also one of the easiest ways to shutdown all the top meta mobile tank, DPS, and support heroes.

The Best Tank Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List
S Orisa, Wrecking Ball
A Mauga, Doomfist, Junker Queen, Sigma, D.Va
B Ramattra, Roadhog, Winston, Zarya
C Reinhardt

The rework to Wrecking Ball can be seen as a mega buff! Previously, the way Wreckingball functioned as a tank was by having a massive health pool from Adaptive Shield, and booping the enemy around in an attempt to disrupt or displace his opponents.

Adaptive Shield got two massive buffs with the detection range being increased by 30%, and the new ability to take his own pool of shield health and give each of his in range teammates a maximum of 75 shield health.

Wreckingball will now more easily and consistently generate larger amounts of shield health, making his solo play stronger and you won’t have to wait long to witness the power of getting dove by a 250hp Tracer, 315hp each on Sombra, Lucio and Moira!

The 10 extra health to his mines equates to being above the breaking points of abilities like Doomfist and Reinhardt ults that will no longer be able to destroy the mines.

The grappling hook 1 second cooldown function also allows for even further skill expression and creativity from Ball players. Ball also fits extremely well into the DPS passive meta, making him the premiere choice for a Season 10 mobility tank.


The Golden robot bug slowly climbed her way up our tier list throughout S9 of OW2. For grounded or stationary tanks, she sits well above all the other options in terms of competitive viability due to her consistent damage output, and unmatched survivability.

If your playstyle is to contest and take over space by brute force, Orisa will be a safe bet on just about every map. Fortify and Energy Javelin also allow Orisa to shut down mobility and dive heroes that attempt to play around her.

If you find yourself struggling as any other tank against Wrecking ball, Orisa is one of the easiest tanks to counter pick the enemy tank with, and doesn’t get hard countered by any other Tank in the current meta.

The Best Support Heroes

Tier Overwatch 2 Support Tier List
S Lucio, Moira
A Baptiste, Brigitte, Lifeweaver
B Ana, Illari
C Zenyatta, Mercy
Kiriko, Lucio and Moira

The power level disparity between S tier supports and A tier supports is the largest of any role. Kiriko, Lucio, and Moira remain the undisputed top 3 supports in the Season 10 meta.

Which combination of these primarily depends on player preference, then to a lesser extent on map and mode. With Moira and Lucio receiving a small nerf and slight buff, Kiriko just barely beats them out for the #1 support this season.

Lucio’s damage has been ridiculously high since the projectile size increase, so the nerf to his primary is welcomed. Soundwave’s lockout duration was unchanged and does 10 extra damage, so his overall power is just barely lower.


The three S tier supports pair with every team comp, have high AOE healing and possess the unique ability to engage and disengage with the mobile tanks and DPS, as well as survive enemy attacks without requiring any peel or resources from their teammates.

In contrast, Mercy remains the weakest support due to her low single target healing being greatly affected by the 15% DPS passive, how exposed she is when attempting to follow an aggressively positioned teammate, and her abysmal performance when forced into 1v1’s.

Want to dominate the meta for other games? Check out all our other Mobalytics tier lists.