Raze • Guide
“Fire in the hole!”
25% Utility
75% Dmg
Use this double Blast Pack to jump up to B Wall and surprise enemies with this off angle.
Use this double Blast Pack to push to Elbow and surprise enemies with an off angle on top of the box.
Jump up to the mid box with one Blast Pack and use the other to jump to Elbow. You might be able to surprise defenders pushing early in the round.
You can double blast pack to B entrance to get a quick kill with your ultimate at B back.
Use this double Blast Pack to jump on the left pyramid on A site to surprise enemies with an off angle.
Use this double Blast Pack to jump up on the pyramid to surprise enemies from an off angle.
Use this double Blast Pack to jump up on the box just outside the Wooden Door.
Use this double Blast Pack to jump up on the box just outside the Wooden Door.
Use this to damage or stop enemy rotators when pushing onto A
Stand in the Long A corner so you can barely see a gap between the walls, aim towards the roof, and run throw
Use these Paintshells to stop the enemies from defusing the spike when it is planted in the default corner on A
Stand in the corner with the cans, aim at the top right corner of the blue area on the wall, and throw
Use these Paintshells to stop enemies from defusing the spike when it is planted in the default corner and you are playing in the upper right area
Stand against the wall and back up until you can see the middle boxes, aim at the rope, and run throw
Leave a small gap between the two walls and aim for the corner sticking out on the top. Run a step and throw. This grenade will most likely flush out any enemies sitting in Elbow.
Use these Paint Shells to damage or force an enemy off the Heaven angle
Stand in Short facing towards Heaven, aim at the box and run and jump throw
Throw a grenade to damage enemies entering A site. Just back into the corner and aim above the generator
Line yourself up with the edge of the door aim at the middle of the diagonal line. Throw! This grenade can damage enemies waiting in A lobby.
Jump up on the box on A Ramp and aim as shown leaving only a small gap between the walls. Jump and throw. Can be deadly if combined with a sage slow orb.
Use these Paintshells when the enemy are trying to push A. This will delay anyone trying to take the zip from Nest
Stand in the default A plant corner, aim at the end of the rope and throw
Use these Paint Shells to damage or clear enemies in the Pocket corner on A
Stand in the back corner of Short and aim at the corner of the building
Line up the edges of the two walls as shown and aim for the balcony. This grenade will hit defenders playing in the close Hell or Rafters corners
Use these Paintshells to clear anyone playing the Rafters corner on A
Stand on the wall under Nest, line up the close edge and the farther right edge, aim above the bottom line, then run and jump throw
Use these Paint Shells when trying to retake A, clearing the close right corner out of CT connector
Aim at the edge of the wall and run throw
Use these Paint Shells to damage or force enemies away from the left side of Short. You can use this when a teammate wants to aggressively push Short
Stand behind the Truck box, aim above the wires, and run and jump throw