Killjoy • Valorant
“You should run!”
50% Utility
25% CC
25% Dmg
0.74 seconds
0.7 seconds
4 meters
5.25 meters
Total 1 second | 0.5-second windup | 0.5-second damage delay
4.5 meters
1 per tick | Total 180 | x0.5 multiplier to objects
45 per second (1 every 0.022 seconds) | Total 180 ticks
4 seconds
INSTANTLY Overload with polarized radianite energy that pulses from KAY/O in a massive radius. Enemies hit with pulses are Suppressed for a short duration. While overloaded, KAY/O gains Combat Stim and can be re-stabilized if downed.

Killjoy has a very unique skillset being the only Sentinel with abilities that have kill power.
Her playstyle can be compared to a mix of Cypher + Raze since she utilizes a wide array of gadgets placed around the map with explosive potential.
She's extremely powerful in post-plant situations since she can make retakes difficult and deny defusals from across the map.
- Killjoy's qAlarmbot
and eTurret
both give visual indicators on the minimap when triggered so make sure that you and your team keep an eye on them.
- Spend time in custom matches to find different placements for your xLockdown
for different situations on every map.
- You can recall your qAlarmbot
and eTurret
at any time so use that flexibility to adapt to your team's needs. For example, you could set up your turret to protect a flank and then recall it later in the round to protect the spike after your team plants it. They do have a reactivation cooldown so be sure to plan ahead.