Killjoy • Guide
“You should run!”
50% Utility
25% CC
25% Dmg
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the wall and the box in Mid. Position the line between the Alarmbot and Turret icons so that it is exactly where the two textures meet. Jump and throw.
Use this Turret to watch your back when taking A site. It will alert you if anyone is pushing up behind you from Lobby.
Put the Turret on the barrels facing Lobby.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Jump up on the rocks in Lobby. Position the top of the Alarmbot icon just below the shadow of the beam. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the rock and the buoy. Aim between the two leaves sticking out. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the wall and the box in Mid. Aim for the part that sticks out from the pipe. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the wall and the small cage. Aim where the wires cross for the third time from the top. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the wall and the box in Main. Align the key for the Alarmbot with the corner of the hinge. Pull your mouse upwards untill the top of the Alarmbot icon reach the line where the texture changes. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Find the little rock that is next to the plank on the ground. Go forward until you hit the wall. Touch the lover left corner of the light gray stone in the wall with the line of the Health indicator. Jump and throw.
Delay the disarming of the spike or damage enemies disarming it.
Stand in the corner of the rock and the buoy. Alight the bottom part of the Alarmbot icon with the red sign. Jump and throw.
Use this alarmbot in A Heaven to trigger when any enemies push into A Heaven from Ramps or Ropes. You can play off this alarmbot behind the box in A Heaven to peek when it activates, or play elsewhere like Screens or on A site and use the alarmbot for info instead
Walk into A Heaven, place the alarmbot so that the radius covers both the Ramps doorway and Ropes exit
Use this alarmbot at A Main to prevent enemies from silently walking into A Site from A Main
Place the alarmbot at the center of the A Main hallway to site
Use this alarmbot at A Main entrance to help defend against enemies trying to push out of A Main
Place it just left of the entrance against the wall so that the radius reaches the right side of the entrance. This way it covers the entire entrance while being difficult to destroy
Use this Alarmbot to alert you and your teammates when an enemy tries to push onto A through the right pathway
Place the Alarmbot on the ramp next to the ridge so the enemy won't see it until they fully turn the corner
Use this alarmbot in A Short to get info on enemies pushing through A Short. Combine this with a nanoswarm to know when to activate your nanoswarm without peeking
Walk down A Short, place the alarmbot on the right corner of the entrance so that enemies must fully push out to trigger or destroy it
Use this alarmbot at A Short to alert teammates of enemies pushing through A Short. This alarmbot will distract the enemies as they push up A Short so take advantage of the activation timing to peek them
Walk up to A Short and place the alarmbot right behind the box so the enemies must fully peek A Short to trigger or destroy it
Use this alarmbot outside A Showers to alert teammates when an enemy pushes out A Showers. This alarmbot will distract the enemies as they push out of A Showers so take advantage of the activation timing to peek them
Walk up to A Showers and place the alarmbot on the left wall so that the enemies must fully push out of A Showers to trigger or destroy it
Use this Alarmbot to alert you and your teammates when an enemy tries to plant on A.
Put downt the bot just where the ramp to the pyramid ends.
Use this alarmbot at B Garden to spot any enemies coming from B Long
Walk up to B Garden and place the alarmbot at the left edge of the arches between B Long and Garden
Use this Alarmbot to alert you and your teammates when the enemy try to push out of Green towards Yellow or B Site. Note however that they can jump ontop of the container and peek without triggering the bot
Place the Alarmbot near the center of the container so it catches both sides
Use this alarmbot in B Heaven to help against Mid pushes into B Heaven
Place this on the left entrance of Mid Mail against the wall, just far enough so that the radius reaches all of the entrance. This way it is difficult for the enemies to destroy this alarmbot without fully peeking
Use this alarmbot under the B Hookah window to alert you and your teammates when the enemies jump out of Hookah. Play backsite or in Tube and peek off the activation to catch the enemies off guard, or combine it with a nanoswarm to get good chip damage in
Position on B Site facing Hookah and place the alarmbot just under the Hookah window
Use this Alarmbot to alert you and your teammates when an enemy tries to push onto B through main.
Put downt the bot on the left (or right) side of the B entrance.
Use this alarmbot at the B Main entrance to trigger on enemies when they push out of B Main
Place this alarmbot on the right side of the entrance against the wall so that enemies must fully peek out before triggering it
Use this alarmbot at the B Main entrance to help defend against B attackers
Place it on the left side of the entrance so that the enemies have trouble finding it
Use this alarmbot to defend against enemies coming from market to B. Can be used as defenders when mid control is lost or as attackers when the spike is planted on B
Place it on the left wall of the market door entrance so that enemies must fully peek and trigger it to destroy it
Use this alarmbot at C Long to get info on when enemies are pushed up C Long. You can combine this with a Nanoswarm to know when to activate the Nanoswarm without peeking C Long
Walk up to C Long, place the Alarmbot on the right wall so the radius almost fully reaches the left wall. This way the enemies must fully push out of C Long to trigger or destroy it