Brimstone • Guide
“Prepare for hellfire!”
75% Utility
25% Dmg
Slow down or damage enemies disarming the spike that is planted in front of the pillar.
Stand in the corner between the cannon and the wall. Line up the bottom part of the Stim Beacon icon with the Cannon.
Use this molotov to clear out the back right corner on A when you want to push onto A site
Stand on the corner of the stone as shown, and line up your crosshair with the middle line of the far building and the corner of the close building
Use this molotov to flush any defenders from holding behind the green boxes on A Site
Stand in front of the green box in A Lobby and use the bottom left HUD line to place the angled part of the line inside that circle
Use this molotov to cut off rotators when pushing into A Site
Stand in the back right corner of A Long and aim at the corner of the box and the wall
Use this molotov to stop defenders from defusing the spike when it is planted in the back right corner of A. This lineup lands relatively quickly, but they may still be able to defuse halfway in the time that it takes to land
Stand on the wall of A Main so that you can't see the Nest wall, then aim just right of the farthest corner
Use this molotov to stop defenders from rotating into A site when your team wants to push into A. This way you can just kill the defenders on site and don't have to worry about extra rotators
Stand in the box corner in A Garden, and use the HUD arrow above your molotov icon and place it on the left of the third wooden square
Use this molotov to stop enemies from defusing the spike when it is planted at the default spot in front of the site box
Jump onto the sandbags at A Long and aim at the roof where the plank is
Use this molotov to stop the enemies from defusing the spike when it is planted at the default spot next to the box and you are playing near Nest
Stand on the blue line where it intersects the tile edge and aim at the diagonal intersection on the glass window
This molotov will force anyone playing elbow out of position and you can enter A Main not worrying about that angle
Stand behind the box in a Lobby and use your HUD Stim Beacon icon and place it as shown on the box edge while aiming at the bottom edge of the building
Use this molotov to stop defenders from defusing the spike when it is planted in the generator corner or next to the green boxes
Stand next to the A Main wall so you can't see the Nest wall, then aim at the bottom left intersection on the ceiling
Use this molotov to stop the enemies from defusing the spike when it is planted behind the generator on A and you are playing near Nest
Stand on the spot where the blue line intersects the tile edge and aim at the white corner under the ceiling
Use this molotov to flush out enemies from the close right Graffiti corner on A when you are trying to retake A Site
Stand in the corner of the wooden boxes and aim at the intersection of the wooden beams
Use this molotov to clear enemies off the A Heaven angle and prevent rotators from peeking through Heaven as well
Stand in front of the box at A Lobby and use your HUD mouse icon and place it at the top of the dome in the background
Use this molotov to stop enemies from peeking A Heaven when your team wants to take A Site. This will force them out of Heaven or into the right corner, which you can wallbang for an easy kill
Jump onto the sandbags at A Long and aim at the corner of the roof
Back off to the bench aim for the lamp on the second balcony. Use this molotov to force the player holding from Hell out of that corner.
Use this molotov to flush out enemies in the close left corner on A before pushing onto A Site
Stand in the right corner of the bottom of Sewers and aim at the top corner of the boxes
Use this quick molotov to stop enemies from pushing through A Main when you are at Generator
Stand behind Generator and aim to the right of the pipe on the wall
Use this molotov to prevent enemies from playing in A Pocket when they have taken A site and you are trying to retake from CT
Stand in the corner in CT on the line, aim between the corner and the edges
Use this molotov to flush out the Pocket corner on A before pushing out of A Short
Stand near the A Short box so you can barely see the Teleporter wall and aim at the corner of the dark wall
Get into the corner and aim as shown. Just make sure you aim a little to the right of the edge. This molly will burn catwalk.
This molotov will flush out enemies holding from the left side of A ramp, use this before pushing A main
Stand on the edge of the box in A Lobby and aim at the corner of the walls
Flush out enemies holding A from the Bricks on the right side
Stand in front of the green box in A Lobby and use your HUD mouse icon to place it on the antenna
Use this molotov to stop attackers from pushing Short A
Run to the corner of backsite under Heaven and aim at the top of Triple boxes
Use this molotov to stop enemies from pushing through A short when you are suspecting an A push
Stand in the back corner of A Heaven and aim at the bottom of the A Short wall
Use this molotov to flush out enemies playing in any of the corners right outside Showers. This will hit the highest box, the lower box, and the corner next to the boxes as well
Stand on the wall outside of Showers on the second line and aim inside the leaf at the corner
A molotov to flush out enemies holding A from behind the screen on site. Use this before pushing onto A
Stand behind the box in A Lobby and use your HUD mouse icon box and place the top of it in the corner of the lights
Throw this molotov to flush out enemies hiding behind the screen.
Get in the corner of Heaven and aim at the corner of the box
Use this molotov to flush out defenders playing right behind the Triple boxes when trying to push onto A, or when the spike is planted in the Triple corner and you want to get enemies off the defuse
Stand behind the boxes in front of Showers TP and aim at the tip of the antenna
Use this molotov to clear out the right side of A Upper before peeking and pushing A Site
Stand against the A Main wall on the second ground line, aim slightly right of Pipes along the bottom edge of the blue wall