Weights Combo Engine
Here's how the Weights Combo works:
- Your Heals and other means help you stay at full Health.
- You Heal yourself as many times as possible as often as possible to proc the Charge effect.
- As a result, your Heal and Damage power scale up quickly.
With its Multicast potential, the Uwashiwali Bird is an ideal inclusion since it can offer ramp in quick bursts.
To activate its Property-based Multicast, this build uses the Vineyard and Beehive.
Kripp did find a Restorative Uwashiwali at the Herma vendor (sells Heal/Regeneration items), but that's difficult to plan around consistently.
Restorative Uwashiwali Bird
The next core item for your engine is the Vineyard, which Heals every time you use an item. Since the Bird has Multicast along with your two weapons that can cast instantly, you'll virtually be activating Vineyard non-stop.
Kripparrian's second Enchantment upgraded the Vineyard into its Shielded version, making it now Heal AND Shield with each of your item uses. Again this is difficult to hit every time, but its a massive power spike if you can find it.
Shielded Vineyard
Beehive + Yo-Yo
The second Property used to proc the Bird's Multicast is the Beehive. In combination with the Yo-Yo, this is all you need to power your build's offense.
By placing the Bee adjacent to your Yo-Yo, you'll be dealing Damage non-stop since the Bee swings with EVERY opponent cast, and the Yo-Yo instantly casts with every adjacent use (your Charged Weights will be on the other side!).
The main "challenge" of using the Yo-Yo and Bee is finding ways to scale their Damage but you have it in spades with your Weights engine.
Beehive + Busy Bee + Yo-Yo