Kripp's Power Drill Dooley Build
Dooley builds are often centered around one key component; the Core. Every run begins by selecting one whether you like it or not, and in most cases it offers a suggested pathway to follow.
Cores are great because of how fast they Charge. An item that goes off multiple times a fight is generally going to be impactful in some way, regardless of how good it is.
But what if there was an even faster and stronger option?
Power Drill has been a top contender for a while now due to its unmatchable rate of attack.
Charging two seconds for every trigger makes the Core look like a joke in comparison. While it can function as a phenomenal way to Charge the Core, sometimes the best course of action is to just drop the Core entirely.
Kripparrian's Video Guide
Kripparrian's Video Guide
Example 10 Win Board
Core Combos and Synergies
Scrapping the Core
The majority of available Cores don't directly support the Power Drill's ability to Charge.
Companion Core and
Ignition Core are the only ones with inherent applyable effects, though unfortunately the
Companion Core isn't ideal as only Friends can Charge it.
On the other hand, Ignition Core is an excellent choice alongside
Power Drill if your run allows it. Having another fast way to apply Burn further fuels the
Power Drill and ultimately works really well with its aggressive game plan.
All that said, sometimes you just aren't offered the Ignition Core, or perhaps you opted for something else. No problem! There are plenty of ways to build
Power Drill that don't require the Core at all. Just make sure you have enough sources to Charge it.
Power Drill
Power Drill relies heavily on having multiple fast procs of either Haste, Slow, Freeze, Burn, or Poison. The actual effects don't matter so much as the quantity and frequency you can apply them.
Enchantments make a massive difference to the Power Drill's potential output. Applying a relevant enchant to a fast-acting item can be the defining factor of whether
Power Drill is worth using in your build.
A common play pattern can include picking up a Power Drill earlier when it's offered and saving it in your Stash until later. Then when you pick up enough supporting items and/or enchants, you can slot it into your build.
Kripp had a Fiery enchant on his Power Drill which greatly accelerates it and improves its overall output with a ton of Burn. This is an excellent option if you manage to find it.
Metronome does a huge amount of the heavy lifting and is often a must-have alongside
Power Drill. The constantly spammed Haste triggers helps create the insanely fast Charge loop the
Power Drill needs.
It's by far the build's best target for enchantments. Nearly every one of its enchants is applied when you use an adjacent item, meaning you're getting essentially twice the value out of a single enchantment.
While there are a lot of good hosts for enchants (including the Power Drill itself), the
Metronome should be your top priority if you're given the option.
If you're forced to take the random enchant option from level-up rewards (assuming the known random enchant doesn't help), the odds of hitting an applicable effect are pretty good. Though don't be afraid to re-enchant it later if you hit a dud.
Soldering Gun
Soldering Gun plays a major role at enabling the
Power Drill early on. Its Multicasting Burn is three Charge triggers on one Small item, which really helps prior to the point where enchantments come into play.
The one main caveat is that you need two specific tags to enable it, making it essentially take up two slots. While normally you can fit it between a Friend and Tool that you're already using, in this build it really wants to be adjacent to the Metronome.
In order to do this you need either Chris Army Knife or
Hammlet. Each of these has both necessary tags on the same item, allowing you to fulfill the requirement for the +2 Multicast.
Either one will work just fine, though I suppose Hammlet would be ever so slightly better if you have some amount of Slows. The difference is marginal, but at least worth noting for those looking to fully optimize their build.

Supportive Items and Skills
Shadowed Cloak
Shadowed Cloak isn't especially common in Dooley builds compared to other Heroes, but it has crazy synergy with
Power Drill. It lets the
Power Drill Charge itself with its repeated Haste triggers, and also gives it a solid form of Damage scaling.
It also functions similarly to Metronome in the way of enchants, triggering its effect when the adjacent (right) item is used. Obviously excellent when supporting the
Power Drill.
As a neutral item it unfortunately isn't the most accessible, but it's definitely worth checking out Curio or hunting specific PvE Encounters (there are many) to try and find it.
Charge Trio
The remaining Small items of the build are more interchangeable, but all help Charge the Power Drill.
Nitro is a short Cooldown Burn item that also has its own Charging ability, and
Plasma Grenade offers a board-wide Slow (plus Burn).
Clamera is more unique and less available as a Vanessa item, but it adds an initial burst Charge to the
Power Drill immediately at the start of the fight. This is an incredible jumpstart to kick things into gear.
Hot Spot
Hot Spot gives the
Power Drill yet another Charge trigger and works very well when the Drill is on the left. It's always important to stack as many abilities as possible to get the Drill up to speed, so having this infinitely-repeatable skill is a nice way to close the gap.
Tracer Fire
Tracer Fire is a great form of Crit scaling alongside the many Burn triggers of the build. However, your choice of Crit skill may vary depending on your enchantments and other items.
While the Power Drill is fast enough to delete many builds without scaling, it's always good to be able to reach 100% Crit to double your Damage against tougher (more Health/Shield/Heal) opponents.
Tiny Dancer
Tiny Dancer can be a great source of flat Cooldown reduction to your entire board, provided you're playing at least seven items. This should be true in most cases as Small utility items tend to make up most of the build.
At Silver tier the reduction is a pretty underwhelming 5%, but improves to 10% or 15% at Gold/Diamond tiers. Either grab it at Gold/Diamond or try and get it upgraded through the Grandmaster event.

Double Drill Variant
Upgrade Hammer
Upgrade Hammers being introduced at lower tiers enables some crazy combos that were otherwise nearly impossible to come by. With proper planning, players have a really good shot at effectively "duplicating" an item.
The strategy is to pick up a Bronze Power Drill and get an
Upgrade Hammer from the Lost Crate event. Afterwards, take every shop opportunity to find a second Drill. Once found, instead of buying (and upgrading) it, use your
Upgrade Hammer while still visiting the vendor. Then purchase the Bronze
Power Drill and you'll have two copies.
This works particularly well with items that aren't reliant on upgrades, as after getting a second copy it will be much harder to get them to a higher tier. In the case of Power Drill, they can end up looping together and making an insanely fast end game machine.
Incendiary Rounds
Incendiary Rounds is a rare find for Dooley, but has ridiculous synergy with
Power Drill. Placed between the two Drills creates another
Metronome-like effect, constantly spam-Charging both items.
It's another fantastic target for enchantments, as it'll also give you twice the value just like Metronome. The more triggers you can spam, the faster the
Power Drills demolish the enemy.
Isochoric Freezer
Isochoric Freezer is insanely strong post-rework, allowing it to permanently shutdown builds with fewer active items, assuming their Cooldowns are five seconds or lower.
Combined with repeated Slow effects this gets even crazier, and can really shut your opponent out of the game.
Haste/Slow Support
First Aiden and
Multitool fill the flex slots, both providing a solid form of Haste (and Slow in the case of
Multitool). Just look for items with low Cooldowns that fulfill one of
Power Drill's Charge triggers.
Knife Tricks
Knife Tricks is one of the most powerful skills with
Power Drill, allowing it to quickly reduce down its "10 second" Cooldown. Given how often it'll be Charged, it doesn't take long at all before the Drill spams as fast as possible, only limited by internal Cooldown.
Quick Ignition
Quick Ignition is an excellent way to kickstart the build, assuming you've included at least 1-2 Burn items. If you happen to get a Fiery enchanted
Power Drill it's even stronger, as it's a faster way to start the main loop.

Unique Variants
Solar Farm
Solar Farm is a permanent Haste engine alongside a Burn-heavy
Power Drill setup. Unlike other
Power Drill builds, this allows
Ignition Core to be a more viable choice, warranting its inclusion for the rest of the run.
Kripp had a Deadly enchanted Solar Farm which is a strong source of Crit scaling for the entire board, provided you can keep it moving at accelerated speeds.
Pylon isn't quite good enough in most circumstances, but alongside a Heavy enchanted
Metronome it does a tremendous amount of work. It becomes another item that can continuously spam triggers to keep the Drill going as fast as possible.
The Haste triggers are more important than the duration, making this an easy pickup later on in the event you get a Heavy enchant.
Bomb Squad
Bomb Squad is nice for its self-Hasting ability. Its Burn and long Cooldown make its offensive capabilities irrelevant, but that doesn't matter. This allows your fastest Friends to create more instances of Haste, therefore triggering the
Power Drill.
It fulfills the same role that Jellyfish does for
Pufferfish, provided you're including enough Friends to enable it.
Fiber Optics
Fiber Optics is incredibly powerful if the rest of the build can support it. The main downside is that it doesn't provide any direct support to enable the
Power Drill loop, but assuming the rest of the pieces are in place, it's a massive payoff.
Allowing the Power Drill's unmatched speeds to accelerate and Charge an
Isochoric Freezer is crazy. It essentially lets you cheat the Cooldowns of another important item, breaking the normal rules of the game.
Pufferfish is fueled by the double
Power Drill +
Metronome combo, allowing it to spam insane amounts of Poison and further loop the Drills. It also gives the build access to Poison, enabling useful skills such as
Paralytic Poison or
Exposing Toxins.
Zoarcid helps spam more Haste triggers for
Pufferfish and is enabled by the Fiery
Power Drill +
Soldering Gun.