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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Fort Bushel Pygmalien Build

Updated on Jan 26, 2025
Jan 26, 2025


Every build in The Bazaar has one thing in common... they all rely on Cooldowns. It's the basis of every single build whether you like it or not, and often the determining factor as to which items are viable.

A big part of making a successful build involves finding a good amount of Haste and/or Cooldown reduction. You want your build to "do the thing" before the opponent's build does their's first.

Aside from Freeze and Slow, few ways exist to disrupt the enemy. And even when you have an ample amount of the two, all it takes is a Radiant enchant to completely get in the way. This is where Fort comes in.

Patch 0.1.4 is all about spamming Charge items, and with Fort changing from passive to active (with Charge!), not only is it the best way to halt your opponent, but it will turbo-Charge your strategy at the same time.

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Standard Fort Bushel

Proboscis Variant

Proboscis Cloak Pivot

Core Combos and Synergies

The Ultimate Charging Fortress

Cooldown increasing effects are generally pretty rare in The Bazaar, and it makes sense given how powerful they are. Bonk is one of the most coveted skills in the game, so much so that players will opt for a lower XP PvE Encounter (Thug) just for a chance to get it.

Then there's Chronobarrier, a Dooley item with a static two second increase that only occupies a Medium slot. However, its active ability is rather weak, meaning your build is essentially down two slots while including it.

Why is this worth noting? It's because the new Fort breaks these rules. It's neither scarce nor a dead slot in the build. In fact, pre-patch it was already a great item in its passive form, whereas now it's absolutely busted.

Combining multiple Charge items together is where you can truly break the game. You may have experienced Vanessa's Turtle Shell Aquatic core, which creates near-endless amounts of Shield at an extraordinary rate. "Fair" builds just can't keep up.

Fort takes all of this one step further by policing enemy builds, all while enabling and keeping the insanity to itself. When your opponent's Charge-filled board has a two second increase and your build doesn't, how can you lose?

There's a good reason why Kripp's calling it Thanos!

Please excuse the errors in the Chronobarrier tooltip. The item increases Cooldowns by 2 seconds at Diamond tier, but incorrectly displays a 6 second increase.


Bushel is a very accessible item that can become one of the spammiest Heals in the game. Not only is it found early at Bronze tier, but it can be easily upgraded for free through the "Strange Mushroom" event, which scales it's Charge capabilities.

It does a solid job filling the board early on as you acquire better items, but also has the potential to be a single-item infinite combo later in the game. You'll always want to be on the lookout for the Shielded enchant, especially as you approach the level 10 enchant reward.

A Diamond Shielded Bushel will Charge itself indefinitely (unless disrupted). Pair this with Fort plus some Shield scaling skills and you'll become nearly unkillable.

The Charging Trio

The following three Small items are the core of this build. All of these can be acquired early at Bronze, but will truly shine once you're able to upgrade them. The higher the tier, the faster they Charge, and in turn... the faster they Charge each other.


Matchbox is the most powerful of the three in terms of speed. It Charges whenever any non-Weapon item is used, meaning it will Charge faster than any other item in the build (assuming equal tiers). It's also a respectable Burn item if you manage to find ways to scale it a bit.

Unless you've already lucked into a Shielded Bushel, Matchbox is the priority upgrade target early on. This is of course assuming you've picked it up before Fort, because Fort will always take precedence over everything else.

Kripp had a Restorative enchant which allowed Matchbox to also benefit from all the Heal scaling, though this isn't a requirement for the build.


Yo-Yo is a Pygmalien staple and an obvious fit for the build. While not quite as quick as Matchbox, it's advantage is being a fast Weapon that can trigger skills and/or be scaled by them.

In the early to mid game this is generally your win condition alongside Weights, and it'll do a reasonable job until the rest of the build comes together.


Marbles went from a pretty good item to an absurd one with the new patch. It is so incredibly spammy now that it can be positioned next to any item (previously just Small ones).

Marbles, along with Matchbox and Yo-Yo, are all crazy enchant targets. So unless it's a matter of applying Shielded to Bushel, you've got multiple extra hosts to take this already insane build to a whole new level.


Supportive Items and Skills


Weights is another Pyg staple, but compared to the rest of the build, is the most replaceable of the lot (though unlikely to happen). As mentioned before it goes hand in hand with Yo-Yo, but with a Fiery enchant (like Kripp's), it can also scale the Matchbox to ridiculous levels.

While Weights isn't as fast of a Charge item anymore (relative to the buffed items of the patch), so long as you maintain full Health, you'll still get a ton of value from it.

Staying Power

Staying Power is a relatively accessible skill early on, and definitely worth picking up if you see it. The actual Healing value isn't important, it's the fact that it triggers when you use a Tool. Weights is a Tool.

This means whenever Weights is used, so long as you're full Health, it will effectively Charge itself. A big deal for an effect that's available at Bronze tier.


Endurance further ties together the synergy between Weights and Yo-Yo. It's another skill that's found early and it can help make Bushel (or any other Healing items) scale Healing really quickly.

Defensive Stance

Defensive Stance is the more commonly seen Shield variation of Endurance, and an obvious inclusion alongside Yo-Yo. This plays a key role in scaling Fort's defensive capabilities, as on it's own, it doesn't actually generate much Shield.

Building Crescendo

Building Crescendo has become the quintessential Crit scaling skill. It's always been a good choice, but with the huge number of Charge items that exist now, no other Crit skills even come close to matching it.

It's often worth taking initiative and picking up skills that scale when you Crit, as you'll always be on the lookout for Building Crescendo at a later time.

Improvised Protection

Improvised Protection is one of the strongest forms of Shield scaling in the game. So long as you've found the aforementioned Building Crescendo, your items will reach untouchable levels in almost no time at all.

Unless the opponent has Poison or can kill you within a few seconds, Improvised Protection is sure to make you win the late game scaling war, or at the very least survive until a draw via Sandstorm.

Staying PowerPygmalien
EnduranceMak, Pygmalien
Defensive StanceDooley, Stelle, Pygmalien
Building CrescendoVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Improvised ProtectionVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Pygmalien

Proboscis Variants


Proboscis plays a similar role to Yo-Yo, but can actually be stronger with the right support. It's completely insane with Marbles and even has the ability to go infinite on its own with a Heavy enchant.

The only downside is that Proboscis isn't a Pygmalien item. This means you can't find it through regular vendors, and have to do a bit more work to get it up to par.

The best odds of acquiring it is typically at The Curio, but you can also get a lucky drop from any of the Mosquito PvE Encounters. Special vendors such as Pearl's Digsite also have it, though it won't be a common find.

Given its limited accessibility, it becomes a priority upgrade target through level-up rewards (or other random means of targeted upgrades). Unfortunately, it has many other items to compete with for upgrades, but if you can make it work you'll be greatly rewarded.

Model Ship

Model Ship is a fast Charging Shield item that perfectly supports Bushel. It does take up a Medium slot, meaning you won't have space for scaling items like Weights. Though with powerful enchants and skills at your disposal, it can be a great trade-off.

You can never go wrong with more Charge items, and if you happen to be fortunate enough to receive an abundance of enchants, it makes for a great target.

Potential Pivots

The Bazaar is game where you have to work with what you're given, and oftentimes you can be rewarded for taking a step in another direction. As a Large item of Gold+ rarity, Fort can be a rare item to find. There are times where you simply won't find it at all, or by the time you do, it's too late. While the common Charge spamming Pyg items are very strong, they can't make up the board alone.

Disclaimer: I know, this build does not include Fort or Bushel, but the basis is structured in a way where you could go in many directions. This is a big point in its favor, as it gives you the ability to take advantage of a wider pool of items, while having the ability to swap to the standard build if you find the best pieces later.

Shadowed Cloak

Shadowed Cloak is commonly saught after from The Curio or Covetous Thief PvE Encounter, as it simultaneously Hastes and scales the Damage of a Weapon. It's great in the early and mid game, before higher tier skills become available, but can still be powerful in the late game under the right conditions.

Kripp happened to get a Heavy enchant, making the synergy with Proboscis absolutely ridiculous. This is a big power spike if you get the opportunity, although it's still a respectable item without it.


Vineyard essentially fills the role of a Large Charging Property, before you find Fort. It's a lot more common since it's available at Silver tier, and can still be a solid item once upgraded.

Where it becomes more useful is alongside skills that trigger on Property use, allowing it to help scale your other items. Heal skills can be quite good as well, but unfortunately they won't help in the long run if you eventually find and swap to Fort.

Reinforced Steel

Reinforced Steel is an excellent skill for scaling Damage and Shield. It's incredible alongside Proboscis or Yo-Yo, and has the ability to double-dip with any future Shielded enchants.

It's a big part of why Vineyard is worth using in the meantime. While it may not be "best in slot", it does unlock skills, which is often the determining factor between end game builds.

Cash Deposits

Cash Deposits can be an insane flat Damage boost so long as you have the income to support it. Given that it's a Pygmalien exclusive, chances are, you likely will.

That said, this skill does require you to bank extra gold instead of spending it. So in order to fully capitalize on its potential, you may need to sacrifice some extra shop rerolls, and avoid big gold sinks like Pearl's Dig Site.

Model ShipPygmalien
Shadowed CloakCommon
Reinforced SteelPygmalien
Cash DepositsPygmalien