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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Eel Trebuchet Vanessa Build

Updated on Jan 11, 2025
Jan 11, 2025


Dooley is no longer the master of Charge mechanics. While Core spam has been a reliable strategy since launch, as of Patch 0.1.4, the Core is starting to pale in comparison to the many other Charge items.

With the new changes adding several Charge-scaling items to the game, things can quickly get out of hand when you combine them all together.

And if that's not enough, imagine what would happen if your items Charged when your opponent uses their items... it's finally time for Electric Eels!

Kripparian's Video Guide

Example Board

Core Combos and Synergies

The Electrifying Update

Electric Eels previously existed as a passive item that would trigger whenever an opponent's item was used. If the enemy used a Weapon, Electric Eels dealt Damage. If the enemy used a non-Weapon, Electric Eels would Slow that item.

While this doesn't seem bad on the surface, it didn't provide nearly enough value for the Large space it occupies. However, after the update, Electric Eels is now an active item that Charges whenever an enemy uses as item. Plus instead of varying between Damage or Slows, it now does both simultaneously.

This is a huge buff to the item as it now counts itself as being "used", allowing it to generate an absurd amount of Charges to your other items. Unless the opponent is rocking a single huge heavy-hitting Weapon, they're gonna be in for a bad time.

Kripp managed to get a Shielded enchant via level-up rewards. This gave the build a huge survivability boost as the Shield scales based on the power of Electric Eels.


It's no secret that Trebuchet is a powerhouse, but post patch it's even more insane. Its Charge amount now scales based on its tier, letting it run even faster than before.

It's worth noting that Trebuchet is currently bugged (or at least not existing as intended). Its Cooldown was supposed to increase from 8 to 10 seconds to accommodate for the Charge adjustments, but only the Bronze tier was changed while every other tier is still 8 seconds.

Electric Eels paired with Trebuchet is a nasty combination. This basically means your opponents are loading the Trebuchet for you, because when one item goes off so does the other. And once the machine gets going, it'll be hard to stop.

Captain's Wheel

Captain's Wheel is a common component of many Large item builds and is no stranger to Trebuchet. Every build wants some form of Haste support, and now that Electric Eels has an active Cooldown, it goes perfectly with Captain's Wheel.

This accelerates the entire three item core while doubling down on Charging Trebuchet. Barring enemy disruption, your Large items will be continuously Hasted the entire time.

Electric EelsVanessa
Captain's WheelVanessa

Supportive Items and Skills

Shadowed Cloak

While your primary win condition is the Burn, Shadowed Cloak helps apply a ton of Damage scaling to Electric Eels, while also fulfilling another Haste trigger for Trebuchet. The Damage itself is nice, but where it truly shines is alongside the Shielded enchant.

This creates an insane Shield engine that grows every time the enemy uses an item. Outside of this the build lacks defensive options and would have to rely on winning the race. So if you happen to come across a Shielded enchant, make it a priority pick!

Shield Bash

The newly-reworked Shield Bash is a monster of a skill. In essence, it's almost like putting the Electric Eels passive on all Weapons.

Every time the enemy uses a non-Weapon, one of your Weapons gets Charged one second. It's an insane skill for slower one-Weapon builds, but still a welcome inclusion to make this build even more ridiculous than it already is.

Building Crescendo

Building Crescendo is the single-skill Crit Chance enabler for any builds that rely on many moving parts. By now you can definitely imagine just how fast this build runs, and so it's only a matter of seconds before the entire board is above 100% Crit Chance.

One of the best parts about Crits aren't the Critical Hits themselves, but the ability to enable even more powerful skills...

Improvised Burn

Improvised Burn takes full advantage of Building Crescendo and scales Trebuchet's burn to astronomical levels. In one of Kripp's later fights he went from 36 Burn per hit to 240 Burn per hit, eventually stacking a combined 13,609 Burn on the opponent by the time the fight ended.

It's skills like these that explain why Crit Chance is important for pretty much any build. If you happen to see one ahead of time, it can sometimes be worth grabbing it while it's available, and then picking up the Crit skill at a later time.

Shadowed CloakCommon
Shield BashVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Pygmalien
Building CrescendoVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien
Improvised BurnVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak