It's Hammer Time!
Hammlet is a pretty weak item on its own. It simply deals a low amount of Damage on a long 8 second Cooldown. Although, when it's combined with enough Slow support, it Charges incredibly fast and can pump out some crazy numbers.
This makes it a great host for buffs. Find ways to accelerate the engine and scale up the numbers and you'll be surprised at the output.
Hammlet takes this one step further. By finding ways to scale
Hammlet's Damage, you'll simultaneously scale its Shield, creating a ridiculous "Dual-Scaling" item.
While you generally can't plan a build around an enchant, at the root of it all is still a feasible strategy. However, this Dooley build is a little more unconventional than most.
Instead of utilizing the
Critical Core to amplify other items, it's simply used for its accelerated Charging speed. Its ability to Charge itself whenever you Crit gives it more Charge potential than the rest.
Many of the items included have means of Charging whenever the Core is used, so that's the basis for this build.
Critical Core
If it weren't for the assistance of skills (see below), the
Critical Core's self-Charging ability wouldn't matter nearly as much. It's positioned as the rightmost item, meaning it won't be sharing its Crit Chance with other items.
So keeping that in mind, don't make it a priority to scale its Damage or spend valuable upgrades on it.
Cool LEDs
Cool LEDs is the heart and center of this build. Post-patch it's now become a Charge item, allowing it to fuel the Core way faster than before. While doing so it will continuously spam Slow, which in turn Charges
Hammlet, then Charges
Critical Core, so on and so forth.
It's the key piece that ties this loop together, making it a priority upgrade target alongside
Duct Tape
Duct Tape isn't the insane defensive item it once was, but there is one aspect of it that's actually a buff. Now that it Charges itself, it's become a reasonably fast Slow item.
The Slow is the important part to have synergy with
Hammlet. Unlike the other new Charge updates,
Duct Tape can't Charge more than one second at a time, so no need to worry about upgrades.