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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Dual-Scaler Hammlet Dooley Build

Updated on Jan 13, 2025
Jan 13, 2025


Patch 0.1.4 changed the way Shielded and Restorative enchants work. Instead of usually adding just a flat base value, they now map to the Damage/Shield/Heal values of the item, allowing for some wild scaling possibilities.

In some cases, they are powerful enough that you can even create an entire build around it!

This unlikely build by Kripp showcases how to capitalize on a timely enchant.

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example Board

Core Combos and Synergies

It's Hammer Time!

Hammlet is a pretty weak item on its own. It simply deals a low amount of Damage on a long 8 second Cooldown. Although, when it's combined with enough Slow support, it Charges incredibly fast and can pump out some crazy numbers.

This makes it a great host for buffs. Find ways to accelerate the engine and scale up the numbers and you'll be surprised at the output.

Shielded Hammlet takes this one step further. By finding ways to scale Hammlet's Damage, you'll simultaneously scale its Shield, creating a ridiculous "Dual-Scaling" item.

While you generally can't plan a build around an enchant, at the root of it all is still a feasible strategy. However, this Dooley build is a little more unconventional than most.

Instead of utilizing the Critical Core to amplify other items, it's simply used for its accelerated Charging speed. Its ability to Charge itself whenever you Crit gives it more Charge potential than the rest.

Many of the items included have means of Charging whenever the Core is used, so that's the basis for this build.

Critical Core

If it weren't for the assistance of skills (see below), the Critical Core's self-Charging ability wouldn't matter nearly as much. It's positioned as the rightmost item, meaning it won't be sharing its Crit Chance with other items.

So keeping that in mind, don't make it a priority to scale its Damage or spend valuable upgrades on it.

Cool LEDs

Cool LEDs is the heart and center of this build. Post-patch it's now become a Charge item, allowing it to fuel the Core way faster than before. While doing so it will continuously spam Slow, which in turn Charges Hammlet, then Charges Critical Core, so on and so forth.

It's the key piece that ties this loop together, making it a priority upgrade target alongside Hammlet.

Duct Tape

Duct Tape isn't the insane defensive item it once was, but there is one aspect of it that's actually a buff. Now that it Charges itself, it's become a reasonably fast Slow item.

The Slow is the important part to have synergy with Hammlet. Unlike the other new Charge updates, Duct Tape can't Charge more than one second at a time, so no need to worry about upgrades.

Critical CoreDooley
Cool LEDsDooley
Duct TapeDooley

Supportive Items and Skills

Charge Support

Arc Blaster and Bomb Squad fill the slots as additional Charge support. Their actual abilities (and enchants) aren't too relevant as they are just here to be spammed as much as possible.

Do keep in mind that they both rely on upgrades to function effectively. It won't be worth picking them up at Bronze unless it's within the first few days, as it'll be near impossible to upgrade them via shops later down the road.

Freeze Package

Icebreaker and Isochoric Freezer create a pseudo-Charge combo between the items. Icebreaker Charges whenever an item is frozen, and Isochoric Freezer can Freeze items on a relatively short Cooldown.

It's a decent combined utility package that disrupt the enemy and protect your own board, all while fulfilling the main game plan of spamming Charge items.

Righty Tighty

Righty Tighty is the quintessential skill of the build. It turns the Critical Core into yet another Slow trigger, effectively functioning as another Cool LEDs effect.

If you're ever deciding between this or another skill, barring any specific item/skill combos, you're always going to want this one.

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady is arguably more valuable than Righty Tighty, depending on the amount of upgrades and various skills you've acquired. It's the key form of Damage scaling for the build and fuels the insane "Dual-Scaling".

With this skill, your other Weapons will also be able to pump out some solid Damage alongside Hammlet.

Building Crescendo

Building Crescendo is all we need to ensure 100% Crit Chance at all times. With how fast items are spammed, you'll reach beyond 100% in seconds, enabling the Critical Core to Charge at absurd speeds.

This will put everything into overdrive, making your opponents think twice before they underestimate Hammlet again!

Arc BlasterDooley
Bomb SquadDooley
Isochoric FreezerDooley
Righty TightyVanessa, Dooley, Mak
Slow and SteadyVanessa, Dooley, Stelle, Mak
Building CrescendoVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien