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The Bazaar Build

Kripp's Bellelista Dooley Build

Updated on Jan 28, 2025
Jan 28, 2025


While toned down from its previously over-tuned buff, Bellelista still remains a strong contender in the meta.

The overall build is a little harder to structure now that Companion Core requires specific positioning, but it's definitely doable with the right setup.

Haste skills may no longer be infinite loops, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to continue the endless scaling. This robot's days are far from numbered!

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Kripparrian's Video Guide

Example 10 Win Board

Standard Bellelista

Small Items Variant

Core Combos and Synergies

Note: As of Patch 0.1.5 Companion Core has been reworked to Haste adjacent items. The "Standard Bellelista" example board positioning is no longer ideal, and instead would have the Core more centralized. Here's a better example from left to right.

Miss Isles -> Metronome -> Bellelista -> Companion Core -> Brick Buddy -> First Aiden

Why Friends Matter

There are two key parts that make Companion Core so strong. The first and most obvious one is having extremely easy access to Haste. While many builds need to go out of their way to acquire Haste, usually through powerful late game skills, Companion Core grants it from the beginning.

As for the second part, it's Companion Core's more flexible board placement. Unlike the other Cores which require proper positioning to the left or right (usually Core on the rightmost side), the Companion Core can slot between whichever items you desire. It Charges whenever a Friend is used, meaning it can shift around to wherever it can provide the best support.

All of this is to say that Friends are important. While other Cores can include whichever items they want, Companion Core relies heavily on Friends to run smoothly. If you don't include enough (especially ones with low Cooldowns), the whole build can fall apart.

This is especially true for Miss Isles. The recent nerfs reduced her Max Ammo from three down to one. This means if the Core doesn't Charge fast enough, there will be many times where Miss Isles is out of Ammo and has to wait before she can fire.

Thankfully, so long as you have the right pieces together this isn't an issue. But it's very relevant to keep in mind when you're still trying to get everything assembled.

Lastly, always make it a priority to get Companion Core's Haste to two seconds ASAP. That one additional second is often enough to keep all your Friends permanently Hasted. Either seek out that first Bronze upgrade via level-up, or check The Curio for a pair of Rocket Boots.


If there's anything we've learned from Monitor Lizard and Pufferfish, it's that having the item's power tied to Haste is a huge benefit. There are so many items/skills/enchants that can proc Haste, allowing for some truly broken builds to emerge.

However, with the recent nerfs to Haste skills, it's more important than ever to look for Metronome. It's one of the most reliable forms of Haste, as you can't always rely on getting a Haste enchant.

Kripp used his level 10 reward to enchant Bellelista with Obsidian. Adding Lifesteal helps improve the Poison matchup and increase the build's overall survivability. It's not mandatory, but a welcome inclusion if you get it.,

Miss Isles

Miss Isles is a mainstay of Dooley builds, but now requires some extra help to get going. If you happen to acquire Miss Isles early, before you unlock the full board, it's very likely you'll keep running out of Ammo.

If you've filled out the board and are still having Ammo issues, it's likely you don't have enough Friends, or their Cooldowns are too long. The build can't afford to include too many non-Friend items, so if the balance seems off that's the first place to look.

Despite this, if you need a quick fix, a single Gunpowder can help patch up this weakness. It also helps later on in cases where the Companion Core is Frozen or Slowed and can't keep up.

Whenever you're given the opportunity to enchant an item with Deadly, Miss Isles should be the first on your radar. Unlike most items that simply receive a +50% Crit Chance buff, Miss Isles is unique and extremely powerful.

Every Haste trigger applies +6% Crit Chance to ALL YOUR ITEMS. Alongside Companion Core and each other Haste effect, you'll reach 100% within a few seconds. This was Kripp's single source of Crit and all he needed, allowing him to prioritize other skills later on.

First Aiden

First Aiden is simple and straightforward. It's a Small Friend with a short Cooldown that grants Haste, and that's perfect. After all, Companion Core relies on Friends to Charge it, and nothing else wins in speed for the size.

While there are other Friends like Race Carl that can definitely outpace First Aiden once they get going, it's important to still have items with short base Cooldowns. Being able to repeatedly loop activations doesn't help if you can't even get started in the first place.

First Aiden along with Miss Isles helps ensure a smooth start so that you don't get blown out by Freezes/Slows before getting the chance to act.

Companion CoreDooley
Miss IslesDooley
First AidenDooley
Rocket BootsCommon

Supportive Items and Skills

Brick Buddy

Brick Buddy is your front line of defense and does a great job of keeping you safe, so long as you have enough time to scale. Between Miss Isles and Companion Core it doesn't take long at all.

Once you're able to stabilize and stack up large amounts of Shield, you'll be untouchable to any Damage or Burn builds that lack efficient scaling. Brick Buddy's one key weakness is Poison, hence why Kripp enchanted Bellelista with Obsidian.

However, another alternative is the Restorative enchant for Brick Buddy. The Healing power will match Brick Buddy's Shield scaling, giving some much needed protection against Poison. However, if it's a matter of choosing between different enchants, the previously mentioned ones for Bellelista and Miss Isles still take precedence.


Metronome takes the only non-Friend slot of the build, but for a good reason. Its synergy with Bellelista is unmatched. Placed between Bellelista and Miss Isles you will create an endless loop of Haste triggers, making Bellelista scale to absurd levels.

With the amount of Haste generated between this loop plus the Companion Core, you don't even need to worry about upgrading it. A Silver tier Metronome with one second of Haste is enough to keep the insanity going.


Overclocked is a fantastic Dooley exclusive skill. Cooldown reduction is always welcome and can be a rare commodity, making this a priority pick.

Additionally it functions as a Burn counter, giving you twice its benefit in the right matchup. With speed being more important than ever in the meta, each second in your favor can make all the difference.

Well-Oiled Machine

Well-Oiled Machine is another exclusive Cooldown reduction skill, but this one requires some time to get going. In fights that last a long time, it's an amazing skill that can help you outpace the opponent.

I would still prioritze Overclocked if deciding between the two, as having a larger reduction out of the gate is much more reliable. Aside from that, this is an excellent pickup.

Beautiful Friendship

Beautiful Friendship is made for Companion Core builds, allowing your Friends to scale each other even more. This is a great boost to Miss Isles and turns her into a solid source of Damage.

Overall this is a nice form of scaling, but not a priority over Cooldown reduction. You may also opt for some utility/disruption skills instead, as Bellelista alone is more than enough Damage in almost every case. Although, it's still a nice find when offered.

Brick BuddyDooley
Well-Oiled MachineDooley
Beautiful FriendshipDooley

Small Items Variant

Soldering Gun

Soldering Gun functions as an alternative to Miss Isles. The Burn isn't important, it's the Multicast. Just like Miss Isles it goes right next to the Metronome in order to pump as many Haste triggers as possible to Bellelista. Kripp was able to combine it with Re-Tooled, bringing it up to four Multicast.

To call Soldering Gun a Small item wouldn't be fair, as you realistically need another 1-2 items to make it usable. As for this build wanting it to sit aside Metronome, it requires both the Friend and Tool tag to be on a single item. Enter Chris Army Knife.

Chris Army Knife

Chris Army Knife is simply here to fulfill both the Friend and Tool tag for Soldering Gun. Otherwise, there's no way to place it beside Metronome and still get maximum value (as Metronome is neither a Friend nor Tool).

Hammlet would be another alternative if you don't find Chris Army Knife. Plus alongside Cool LEDs it may even be just a little bit better. After all, faster activations means more Charges to the Companion Core.

Bomb Squad

Bomb Squad was reverted back to its original form, now Hasting instead of Charging when an adjacent Friend is used. As an item overall this would be considerably worse, but now that Haste is no longer as abundant, it makes a great slot-in for more triggers.

The actual tier doesn't matter, even Bronze will do. The Cooldown, Burn, and Haste amount are all irrelevant. The entire point is having more Haste activations to quickly scale Bellelista.

Cool LEDs

Cool LEDs fills the last slot as a nice utility item. While there's no direct synergy with the build, it does unlock the potential to benefit from any Slow skills you may find.

At the very worst it's still an excellent pickup, adding some great disruption to a build that otherwise has none. Outside of any enchantments you may find, this build is more about racing and out-scaling as opposed to stopping the opponent directly.

Soldering GunDooley
Chris Army KnifeDooley
Bomb SquadDooley
Cool LEDsDooley
Re-TooledVanessa, Dooley, Jules, Stelle, Mak, Pygmalien