Icicle only has one job. Lock down an item for six seconds. While it serves no other purpose beyond occasionally being destroy fodder, it fits perfectly with the game plan.
Start of fight effects are pretty uncommon, but are very powerful since they trigger immediately. Alongside
Atomic Clock this will hopefully buy you enough time to ignite the enemy before they have a chance to recover.
Cool LEDs
Cool LEDs is a great addition thanks to both its Slow and Charge capabilities. What makes it particularly strong in this build is that alongside
Atomic Clock and
Icicle, you're more likely to spread Slows before the opponent's items get their first cast.
Opposite to the
Rocket Launcher and adjacent to the
Metronome, it will be create a Hasty loop that keeps your items churning as quick as possible.
As mentioned above,
Metronome fills the gap as an excellent Haste enabler. Despite not including Haste-scaling items, it still deserves the Small slot.
If you're looking for a good enchant target,
Metronome is better than most. The fact that it triggers off of both adjacent items means you can often get twice the effect off a single enchant, or even more with Multicast!
Thrusters is primarily used for its Cooldown reduction, as its active ability is rather underwhelming. That said, when speed is the focus, it's an excellent inclusion.
Don't overlook the self-Burning part of its effect. While on the surface this looks to be a straight downside compared to other Burn items, being able to apply Burn to yourself has a key benefit with a certain skill...
Overclocked is a phenomenal skill for the build and the reason why
Thrusters' self-Burn is a benefit. 15% Cooldown reduction is already great, but 30% is insane.
Haste effects are relatively common for Dooley, where as Cooldown reduction is far more scarce. Be sure to prioritize
Overclocked if you happen to see it.
Letting Off Steam
While Dooley has a good number of Haste skills,
Letting Off Steam is definitely the one for this build. The
Ignition Core is the most important part, so having Haste centered on the Core specifically is valuable.
Don't forget
Atomic Clock and
Icicle won't need Haste since they are useless after a few seconds.
Rocket Launcher and
Cool LEDs already self-sustain themselves, and
Thrusters is just here for Cooldown reduction. Core Haste is all that matters.
Shield Bash
Shield Bash is a ridiculous skill, even without a strong Weapon to benefit from it. Supporting
Rocket Launcher adds a ton of power to the build, letting your opponents help you Charge even faster.
With all that in mind, for this Burn build specifically, they are best paired together. If you happen to lack one of the two, you're likely better off with other options. When in doubt, look for Small items with short Cooldowns.