"A long-range weapon that fires ammo from a distance.
On top of the Auto-Guard function, you can also guard incoming attacks manually.
Expend energy in Ignition Mode to fire special ammo. Energy regenerates over time and when you successfully land hits."
Monster Hunter WildsHeavy Bowgun Guide
The Heavy Bowgun is a long-range weapon that can deal huge damage. It fires different kinds of ammo and incorporates a shield to block attacks from the front. Its ignition Mode allows it to fire special ammo.
It has a longer range and more damage than its little sibling, the Light Bowgun, but trades off mobility. Players enticed by the idea of tearing a monster apart with continuous, deadly shooting will enjoy the Light Bowgun.
Aside from managing ammo types and distance to the monster, the Heavy Bowgun has an Ignition Gauge that allows for using Ignition Mode. The Heavy Bowgun can also fire exclusive, powerful ammo types.
If you want to learn about all 14 weapons, check out our "Choose a Weapon" guide to see which suits your playstyle best.
This article was written by @dxvis.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- It has the highest range of all the weapons, and the potential to deal immense damage if allowed to fire continuously. The Heavy Bowgun can also block and offset monster attacks, and trigger Power Clashes.
- Since each ammo type has unique mechanics and usage, hunters can fight in tremendously different ways with the Heavy Bowgun depending on the scenario. Furthermore, Heavy Bowguns usually have higher magazine capacity than Light Bowguns and can shoot a higher range of ammo.
- Bowguns allow for customization, allowing players to equip modifiers such as Silencers and Power Barrels.
- Hunters must keep track of the distance between them and the monster to deal significant damage, staying in an effective range, while dodging attacks. Equipping ranged weapons makes hunters take more physical damage from attacks.
- Its low mobility and slower roll animation make this weapon a dangerous option for newcomers to the series, who may find a better time getting acquainted with the Light Bowgun.
- Requires efficient set building with Skills such as Reload Speed and Recoil Down to function properly.
Changes from Monster Hunter World
The Heavy Bowgun has seen some important changes in Wilds, such as:
- The incorporation of a Shield by default with every Heavy Bowgun. It has an auto-guard feature.
- The addition of ‘Ignition Mode’, in which the Heavy Bowgun fires the traditional Wyvernheart instead, as well as the Wyverncounter, which can offset monster attacks.
Check the ‘Moveset highlights’ for more info.
Ammo Changes
In Monster Hunter Wilds, the ammo level is no longer tied to items but instead specified by each Bowgun. That means you’ll only carry “Normal Ammo”, which will transform into Lv1, Lv2, or Lv3 Normal Ammo depending on the weapon equipped.
In addition, Normal, Piercing, and Spread Shots now have infinite capacity, so you will never run out. Other more powerful ammo types, such as Elemental Ammo or Cluster Shots still need to be crafted, though.
Moveset Highlights
Bowgun Basics
Aiming (L2) and Firing (R2) are the bread-and-butter of ranged weapons. You will want to keep aiming while on the offensive. Keep track of the shots left in your magazine, though -when they run out, you will have to reload, which can keep you immobile and exposed to attacks-.
The weapon's effective range depends on the ammo used. When the reticle glows orange, it indicates that your shots will deal full damage. Spread ammo works best at short distances, while Normal is suited for medium distances. Pierce shots are best used at long distances.
Incorporated Shield and Auto-Guard
Every Heavy Bowgun carries a shield by default and has an Auto-Guard feature that blocks incoming attacks from the front in most cases (unless while in certain animations).
A Perfect Guard can also be done by manually guarding (△ + ◯) as a monster attack lands.
Guarding incoming attacks can also trigger a Power Clash with monsters.
Ignition Gauge & Ignition Mode
The Ignition Gauge, next to the selected ammo, fills up when hitting monsters. Pressing (◯) will allow players to enter Ignition Mode, in which Hunters can use Hyvernheart and Wyverncounter to expend the Gauge.
While in Ignition Mode (press ◯ while in Normal Mode), players can unleash a low-range, high-damaging attack known as the Wyverncounter (△ while in Ignition Mode).
If performed while a monster attacks you, it can set them off-balance. Use the Wyverncounter to prepare for incoming hits.
While in Ignition Mode (press ◯ while in Normal Mode), players fire a special ammo called the Wyvernheart (Hold R2 while in Ignition Mode).
Wyvernheart fires a continuous barrage of bullets. The longer the button is pressed, the more damage it will deal, but the recoil will also be higher. Use Wyverncounter when the Ignition Gauge is full and you have an opening to spend the whole Gauge on Wyvernheart.
Focus Blast: Wyvern Howl (L2 + R1)
The special ammo above the Ignition Gauge is used to fire the Wyvern Howl, which recharges over time. The Wyvern Howl ammo deals immense damage to monster wounds and destroys them.
Bowgun Customization
NOTE: Unlike previous games, there is no way to change Bowgun reload or recoil. All Bowguns have the same recoil animation and reload speeds for an ammo type. Check the ‘Ammo information’ section for details.
You can change Bowgun mods at the Smithy to improve the weapon stats and change the Special Ammo (used during Ignition mode).
This information is visible in the first tab of the Equipment Info menu, shown in the screenshot below. Aside from the usual weapon stats (attack, affinity, slots and defense bonus), there is bowgun-specific information. From top to bottom:
Note: Each Bowgun tree can show different options. All the possible mod and ammo options are listed below.
First mod slot (Normal Ammo Powder above): Has ammo upgrades. The possible options are:
- Ammo Powder: Increases damage of the respective ammo by 5%
- Ammo Magazine: Increases clip size for the respective ammo by 1.
Second mod slot (Standard Mode Upgrade above): Has different options to choose from:
- Ammo Magazine: Increases clip size for the respective ammo by 1.
- Mode Upgrade: Increases damage done in the respective mode by 10%. (In Normal Mode, only upgrades Normal/Pierce/Spread ammo).
- Ignition Mod: Reduces cooldown of Special Ammo.
First Special Ammo slot (Wyvern Ignition R2 above): Determines the ammo you shoot with (R2) while in Ignition Mode:
- Wyvernheart: Fires continuously at medium range. Damage ramps up with time.
- Wyvernpiercer: Fires piercing shots with high range. Useful for long range or when there are no openings.
Second Special Ammo slot (Scond Special Ammo △ above) Has 2 options:
- Wyverncounter: Charges up a powerful shot that can offset monster attacks.
- Wyvernblast: Shoots a Clustering Bomb (very similar to Cluster Shots).
Ignition Gauge Recovery Level. Dictates the recovery/cooldown of the Ignition Gauge. Can go from Level 1 to 3. Upgraded with the ‘Ignition Mod’.
Standard / Ignition Mode Levels. Shows the current bonuses to Standard or Ignition mode. Each level boosts damage by 10% in the respective mode. Upgraded with the ‘Mode Upgrade’ mods. Normal Mode upgrades only affect Normal/Pierce/Spread ammo.
Ammo Information
NOTE: Unlike previous games, recoil and reload speeds are set in stone and there is no way to change them (As of patch 1.0).
Each ammo type has different properties. Not every bowgun can fire all the different ammo types.
Higher level ammo boosts raw damage or elemental / status properties when applicable. Below is a list of all the ammo types in the game:
Normal Ammo: Fires 3 regular shots at medium range. Has low recoil and quick reload speed.
Pierce Ammo: Fires a long range shot that pierces through a monster, dealing multiple instances of damage. Has low recoil and slow reload speed.
Spread Ammo: Fires multiple pellets at short range. Has high recoil and quick reload speed.
Slicing Ammo: Deals high damage and can sever monster tails. Has high recoil and slow reload speed.
Sticky Ammo: Deals high damage and can K.O. monsters when hit on the head. Has medium recoil and very slow reload speed.
Cluster Bomb: Fires a powerful cluster bomb in an arc trajectory, which explodes upon landing and deals AoE damage. Has medium recoil and very slow reload speed.
Wyvern Ammo: Charges a powerful explosive shot with very short range. Has very high recoil and medium reload speed.
- Status (
Poison Ammo /
Paralysis Ammo /
Sleep Ammo): Cause build-up of the respective status. They have medium range, low recoil and quick reload speed.
- Elemental (
Fire /
Water Ammo /
Thunder Ammo /
Dragon Ammo): Similar to Pierce ammo, they deal multiple damage instances when piercing through a monster. They have medium range, low recoil and quick reload speed. Dragon Ammo has a higher recoil and slower reload.
- Support (
Recover Ammo /
Armour Ammo /
Demon Ammo): These ammos leave a lingering cloud wherever they hit, granting the respective effect (HP recover/Defense Boost/Damage Boost) to Hunters that enter it. The buffs are not removed upon swapping weapons.
Exhaust Ammo: Causes monsters to enter their exhausted state.
Tranq Ammo: Has a tranquilizing effect that can capture monsters when they’re on a trap.
Recommended Skills
Depending on your Heavy Bowgun build, here are the sort of skills you'll often see HBG players using.
| Increases the range at which your shots deal maximum damage. |
| Increases reload speed and the damage of the first shot in a magazine by 7.5%. |
| Increases the respective ammo damage. |
| Increases Rapid Fire Mode damage by 5% |
| Increases Special Ammo damage by 10%/20% (Lv1/Lv2) |
| Increases affinity of bowgun ammo/coatings from the fourth shot and attack of the fourth and sixth shots. |
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